Tag Archives: Anil Roberts

The cries of our people

By Dr Selwyn R. Cudjoe
August 29, 2022

“The horner man crying; Somebody horn de horner man…”
—Anil Roberts on Keith Rowley

“I could take a horn if I get one. I ain’t sending nobody to kill nobody.”
—Dr Keith Rowley’s response to Roberts

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeThese are the sentiments of two of our leaders on the eve of the Diamond jubilee of our Independence. Serious people treated Roberts’ characterisation of Sharon Clark-Rowley, the prime minister’s wife, with the disdain that it deserved. There was no reason to drag her into the gutter, as there was no need to elevate such spurious nonsense to the level of serious national discourse. As we say—if you play with the dog, you get bitten by the fleas.
Continue reading The cries of our people

Imbert seeks clarity on LifeSport

By Clint Chan Tack
October 27 2016 – newsday.co.tt

Colm ImbertFINANCE Minister Colm Imbert said on Tuesday that he will not comment at this time about the quashing of the 2014 audit report into the controversial LifeSport programme. In a ruling on Monday, Justice Mira Dean-Armorer quashed the report of the Ministry of Finance’s central audit committee into Life Sport. Imbert said he will not commenton this matter until he receives the written judgement or, “until I get clarity on excactly what the judge ordered.”
Continue reading Imbert seeks clarity on LifeSport


Griffith to take up Sports Ministry

Anil RobertsMinister of Sport and Youth Affairs Anil Roberts has resigned.

Speaking at the post Cabinet media conference at 4.45 p.m., Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar announced that she has accepted Roberts’ resignation, in the wake of several allegations of corruption arising from the Life Sport programme.
Continue reading ANIL RESIGNS

Lifesport, Scholarships and Meeting of Community Leaders

By Stephen Kangal
July 29, 2014

Stephen KangalIt would appear that the PP’s infamous and corruption-riddled Lifesport, the PNM’s $55 Secret Scholarship Programme and Manning’s dining, wining and meeting with the criminal fringe dubbed as community leaders all have a connecting thread of secrecy, favouritism, gaining electoral spin-offs and rewarding the criminal element to a lesser extent.
Continue reading Lifesport, Scholarships and Meeting of Community Leaders

Dumas: Anil must take responsibility

Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Anil Roberts
Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Anil Roberts

By Corey Connelly
July 27, 2014 – newsday.co.tt

Retired head of the public service Reginald Dumas says Sports Minister Anil Roberts should have resigned forthwith following the tabling of the controversial report on the Life Sport programme in the Parliament on Friday.
Continue reading Dumas: Anil must take responsibility

PM: No Action Against Anil Roberts

Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Anil Roberts
Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Anil Roberts

Official statement from: Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP
Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago

June 12th 2014

PM: No action against Minister Anil Roberts at this time

There has been a clamour in some quarters for me to have taken immediate action in relation to allegations made against Minister of Sport, Anil Roberts.
Continue reading PM: No Action Against Anil Roberts

Preserving the Tacarigua Savannah – Part 2

By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
September 20, 2013

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeI don’t know what area of Trinidad Anil Roberts comes from and on what basis he makes the claim that a Regional Sporting Complex “is forty years overdue” or why he feels that a sporting complex “equipped with facilities for all citizens to use for sports such as cricket, football, swimming, squash, tennis and table tennis” (Newsday, September 16) is the best use we can make of the remaining ten acres of the natural savannah of Tacarigua.
Continue reading Preserving the Tacarigua Savannah – Part 2

Anil: Verna’s attack on PM, vile and dishonest

Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Anil Roberts
Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Anil Roberts

December 07, 2012

Verna St. Rose-GreavesMinister of Sport, Anil Roberts, said former colleague Verna St Rose-Greaves’ recent utterances about Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar was because she could not “railroad” the Cabinet into accepting the Gender Policy, without widespread consultation.
Continue reading Anil: Verna’s attack on PM, vile and dishonest

Roget Makes the First Move

By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
March 07, 2012

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeRoodlal Moonilal and the UNC-led coalition were quick to use Louis Lee Sing’s letter to demean Kieth Rowley. As it turned out, this was much to Louis’ misfortune and a mis-calculation on his part. But God is a good God. Sometimes out of evil commeth good and out of malevolence commeth comity; that is, the recognition among members of a social community that they possess values of decency and fair play that transcend the meanness and commess of a vagabond entity. Ultimately, that is what Anil Roberts’ amendment of the No Confidence motion was all about.
Continue reading Roget Makes the First Move