The People's PartnershipNewsday Editorial
March 13, 2012 –
IT was in our view an amazing sight last Sunday to see ultimatums being issued to the People’s Partnership (PP) Government by one of the PP’s five member groups, the Movement for Social Justice (MSJ). Continue reading Will MSJ walk?→
Roodlal Moonilal and the UNC-led coalition were quick to use Louis Lee Sing’s letter to demean Kieth Rowley. As it turned out, this was much to Louis’ misfortune and a mis-calculation on his part. But God is a good God. Sometimes out of evil commeth good and out of malevolence commeth comity; that is, the recognition among members of a social community that they possess values of decency and fair play that transcend the meanness and commess of a vagabond entity. Ultimately, that is what Anil Roberts’ amendment of the No Confidence motion was all about. Continue reading Roget Makes the First Move→
The People's PartnershipBy George Alleyne
May 26, 2010 –
Monday’s General Election which, according to preliminary results, has seen the People’s Partnership win 29 of the 41 seats of the House of Representatives and in the process wrest power from the People’s National Movement has paved the way for changes to be made to the country’s Constitution. Continue reading The old order changeth→
Opposition Parties Sign Unity Pact at Fyzabad MeetingBy Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
April 27, 2010
All the symbols were there: they met at Fyzabad near the spot on which Charlie King was killed in the name of the people and they raised their hands in unity as they proclaimed a new partnership. Makandal Dagga, Errol McLeod and Ashworth Jack were necessarily somber. Winston Dookeran sought to infuse a philosophical dimension into the proceedings even though he attributed President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s words from his Inaugural Address (“The only thing you have to fear is fear itself”) to Martin Luther King even as Kamla Persad Bissessar aimed to invest a solemnity to the occasion by delivering her speech in tightly clinched phrases. It was almost as though being herself and using her normally mellifluous cadences would have betrayed a peasant sensibility that they may have thought was inappropriate for the occasion. Continue reading A People’s Partnership→
LEFT: David Abdullah of the Movement for Social Justice, Congress of the People (COP) political leader Winston Dookeran, Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) leader Ashworth Jack, United National Congress (UNC) leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, National Joint Action Committee (NJAC) leader Makandal Daaga, and chairman of the Movement for Social Justice Errol McLeod.Opposition Unity Accord in Fyzabad Photo Album