Divali Celebrations in Patna Village, Diego Martin

TriniView.com Reporters
Event Date: November 10, 2007
Posted: November 12, 2007

The Divali celebrations ended in spectacular fashion across the country as lighted deyas lit up many communities across Trinidad and Tobago. This Hindu festival which honors the Hindu Goddess Mother Lashkmi (Goddess of wealth and prosperity) has become a major attraction for many people. There are several stories within Hindu scriptures that relate to this festival. One involves the return home of Lord Rama to Ayodha after fourteen years in exile. Upon his arrival, the overjoyed people of the village lit rows of lights as they greeted him in joy and happiness.
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Manning Eliminating the Rowley Threat

Patrick ManningRumour has it that Prime Minister Patrick Manning has eliminated from his Cabinet all members who had once supported Dr. Keith Rowley for leadership of the PNM.

Rumour has it that Manning was in favor of the corruption charges against Rowley sticking, thereby allowing a convincing reason to get rid of him, while ensuring that he is no leadership threat in the future. Although the charges did not stick, Manning would be looking for other ways to achieve his goal. Meanwhile, Manning is eliminating Rowley’s former and current supporters.
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