Category Archives: Schools


Stephen KangalStatement Made by Mr. Stephen Kangal at the Function held to Honour The Forty-One National Scholarship Winners of Hillview College on Wednesday 15 October 2014 at Hillview College, Tunapuna

Mr. Principal Mr Leslie Mahase Chaplain of the College, Rev. Adrian Seunarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Industries Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine, The Honourable Rudranath Indarsingh MP, Minister in the Ministry of Finance and the Economy, Mr. Ranjit Boodhoo, Chairman of the Administrative Committee of Hillview Colllege, Mr.Shivan Ramroop, Hillview PTA Rep., Mr Fareed Ali, Secretary of HOBA, Members of Straff of Hillview College, National Scholarship Awardees, Parents, Students, other guests, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Hurtling to self-destruction

By Raffique Shah
March 23, 2014

Raffique ShahIf we think that the top-to-bottom lawlessness and overpowering crime that besiege the country today are portents of hopelessness in tomorrow, think again. It will be much worse. Those who will live here for the next 50 or 80 years (I will be long gone, thankfully) should be afraid…very afraid.
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By Andre Bagoo
February 05, 2014 –

ARREST THOSE MENTHERE ARE an estimated 2,500 teenage pregnancies per year, including several cases at the primary school level, Minister of Education Dr Tim Gopeesingh said yesterday as he called for the enforcement of laws against statutory rape in order to address what he said was a “huge”, “frightening” and worsening problem.

The minister linked the problem to social conditions, saying half the population now live in single-parent homes.
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In support of History and Dr Samaroo

By Bukka Rennie
October 07, 2012 –

Bukka RennieWhy History? In recent times history as an academic subject has been given a bad name by students at elementary, secondary and tertiary levels. Students tell you that it is boring and from their perspective it seems utterly purposeless and have little bearing on their careers. What I have discovered is that the problem lies in how history is presented to students.
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Ridding Our Schools of Errant Teachers

By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
June 13, 2012

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeThere can be no doubt that a teacher’s job is fraught with great anxiety and the competing demands of their professional responsibilities and the rapidly changing social climate. However any observant reader must be alarmed by the concerns of Tim Gopeesingh, Minister of Education, when he says that errant teachers must be disciplined. If teaching is merely a job to them, then any other job would do since the ultimate purpose of a job is to take care of one’s basic needs (eating, drinking and surviving) whereas a vocation or a profession has to do with fulfilling of one’s life calling. I am aware that a young person today may change jobs as many as six or seven times in his lifetime. I have a feeling that things are a bit different in the professions.
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Crime in T&T – Afri-centric Analysis

By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
February 11, 2012

Dr. Kwame NantambuThe most intractable, vexing and perplexing problem in T&T is crime. And the raison d’etre successive governments have been unable and unsuccessful in dealing with this problem is primarily because they have all adopted a Euro-centric approach instead of an Afri-centric approach.
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Principal Charged with Cruelty to Children

By Nalinee Seelal
February 03, 2012 –

Arlene BlackmanPOLICE officers last night charged Arlene Blackman — Principal of Blackman’s Private School in Maraval — with two counts of Cruelty to Children, under the Children’s Act, Chap 46:01, Section III(I), for allegedly placing the head of two students in a toilet bowl at her school and flushing it.
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Boorish behaviour by schools’ boards

By Raffique Shah
January 14, 2012

Raffique ShahTELEVISION footage that showed a hapless young female teacher being bullied by hard-backed men and a “be-hijabed” woman was the pannier that broke this jackass’ back. I had stupidly stayed silent when Sat Maharaj and sundry Maha Sabha persons, again men and women, hounded school principal Sita Gajadharsingh-Nanga. I thought that more than enough had been said and written about that unsavoury stand off to convince Sat and his people that they should improve their pedigree.
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