“Prime Minister Patrick Manning last night conceded that State enterprise Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago (UDeCOTT) may have ‘cut corners’ in order to deliver on its mandate. Manning also stated that the governance model with UDeCOTT and other special purpose and state enterprises ‘require improvements.’ He said such companies ‘cut corners all the time,’ but that this was done in order to get around bureaucracy and to meet the demands placed on them.”
Continue reading Cutting Corners Mister Project Manager?
Tag Archives: Calder Hart
Kamla: PM Linked to Church
…Calder Hart too
By Anna Ramdass
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday produced documents purporting to show a direct connection between Prime Minister Patrick Manning and former UDeCOTT executive chairman Calder Hart in the design and construction of the Lighthouse of the Lord Jesus Christ Church at the Heights of Guanapo, Arima.
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Really, Mr Manning?
Friday, May 14 2010
MANY must surely question how closely PNM leader Prime Minister Patrick Manning is actually following the wonderful list of ideals for handling his Cabinet Ministers, that he espoused to a PNM rally at Fyzabad on Wednesday night.
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PM made mistake to trust Calder Hart
Tuesday, May 11 2010
PNM DIEGO MARTIN West candidate Dr Keith Rowley last night broke his silence on the Udecott issue, calling on the Government to assure the nation before May 24, that all 91 recommendations of the Uff Commission of Inquiry into Udecott, will be implemented.
He conceded that the issue was “a big one” in this year’s election campaign and told his constituents that Prime Minister Patrick Manning had “made a mistake in trusting” the State company’s former executive chairman Calder Hart.
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Manning must explain
Tuesday, May 4 2010
PRIME Minister Patrick Manning’s remarks about letting the Udecott “chips fall where they may” strikes us as platitudinous at best and as a cynical cop-out at worst.
Yes, it is true that the Government held the Uff Commission of Inquiry into Udecott and then laid the full, uncut report, in Parliament, as said by Manning, but his remarks at the PNM rally on Sunday at Woodford Square really sidestepped several matters. Quite simply, Manning failed to explain his relationship with former Udecott head, Calder Hart.
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Collapse of Cohesive PNM Mismanagement
By Stephen Kangal
April 13, 2010
It is patently clear that the cohesive, disciplined but inept and groping-in-the-dark Manning Administration had all but collapsed under the increasing weight of his arrogant and errant ways, the secretive, non-transparent vandalisation of the public purse, astronomical exorbitantly priced politicization of the Public Service, its collision course with Trinbagonians and a concatenation of unfavourable events.
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Hart back in T&T
Former UDeCOTT executive chairman Calder Hart was asked to return to Trinidad and Tobago by the State to answer questions related to his testimony during the Uff Commission of Enquiry.
Hart plays ‘peekaboo’ in Cascade with media
Former Urban Development Corporation of T&T (Udecott) executive chairman, Calder Hart, peeped out at members of the media through the sliding glass doors of his front porch at his Cascade home around 1 pm yesterday.
Calder Hart is ‘hanging tough’
FORMER executive chairman of the Urban Development Corporation (Udecott) Calder Hart has been described by Udecott’s former deputy chairman Dr Krishna Bahadoorsingh as “hanging tough” in the face of adversity.
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Manning’s election gambit
By Raffique Shah
April 11, 2010
FIRST, let’s cut the bull over Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s reasons for calling a mid-term general election. The United National Congress (UNC) motion of no-confidence in the PM, which he cited as one reason, was doomed to fail-unless he feared his own members voting against him. There was no cause for concern or unpleasant surprises.
Continue reading Manning’s election gambit
AG exposes deep Govt bias
If, according to AG John Jeremie, Prime Minister Patrick Manning stands vindicated by the Uff Report for his pursuit of the $10 million discrepancy on the Cleaver Heights housing project, by the same logic the Prime Minister and his entire Cabinet must be criminally negligent in failing to prevent the pillage of hundreds of millions of dollars on several construction projects undertaken by Udecott. Sadly, the Attorney General’s statement in the Parliament on Tuesday in laying the Uff Report only illustrated the deep bias held by the Government in the matters probed in the Uff enquiry.
Continue reading AG exposes deep Govt bias
Manning should step down
By George Alleyne
April 07, 2010 – newsday.co.tt
Two things are clear. Political Leader of the ruling People’s National Movement (PNM), Prime Minister Patrick Manning, must step down and the Opposition United National Congress (UNC) and the Congress of the People (COP) are still light years away from any meaningful approach to political unity.
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