Inclusive Development and Growth Poles in the Budget

Finance Minister Winston DookeranTHE EDITOR: Finance Minister Winston Dookeran has woven, in his own inimitable and unique style, an underlying development and ideological philosophy/ substructure that permeates, underpins and sustains the visible superstructure/fabric of his 2010/11 fiscal and development package The concept of inclusive or balanced development that is a fundamental pillar of the economic strategy of the Partnership regime was initially conceived within the womb of the COP partner. It is pivotal to the COP Mission and Vision Statements.
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Nantambu’s “Old Time Days” List

Best Ever Musicians, Calypsonians, Bandleaders, Entertainers, etc

By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
With assistance from Dr. Hollis “Chalkdust” Liverpool
September 13, 2010
Updated: October 18, 2010

Mighty SparrowFor the purpose of this treatise, calypso is defined as (1) “expression of thought, deed and/or musical melodies wherein the calypsonian depicts/analyzes the multi-faceted problems of society in poetic form” and (2) the “people’s voice in song.”

Ergo, the following litany represents the best ever musicians, calypsonians, bandleaders, entertainers, etc, in T&T of all time.
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PM: Volney’s views reflect his personal opinion


Herbert Volney“That several members of her People’s Partnership administration have had a past history in politics and social activism as defenders and upholders of the rule of law and the independence and separations of all the time honoured Estates of a Democratic State as Trinidad and Tobago.
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PNM still attacking media

By Andre Bagoo
September 19, 2010 –

PNMTHE PNM is no longer in government, but its members are still attacking the media. In response to last week’s column, former Minister in the Ministry of Finance Mariano Browne, who was one of the key players behind the disgraced former Finance Minister Karen Nunez-Tesheira, sent me two e-mails to three different e-mail accounts. He did not agree with me, so he sought, as was his norm when in power, to attack my integrity. When a journalist simply does his job with the utmost dedication in the face of mounting oppression from an insidious Government, they don’t know what to make of it. Surely, there was something in it for me? Surely it was for a job in the PP Government?
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