Time is up, Partnership

By Martin Daly
September 04, 2010

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-BissessarBefore my August break, I gave glimpses of my growing impatience with the new Government (and I am not referring to it as “new” after today). It is now more than three months since it took office. It is time to assume the demeanour of a Government. The time for settling in is up.
Continue reading Time is up, Partnership

Nightmare at Woodford Square

By Raffique Shah
September 04, 2010

HangingIT’S still dark, wee hours this Sunday morning, the steady drizzle having no impact on the growing crowd that is gathering at Woodford Square. I am dressed in a Rasta wig, fake-Shabaaz beard, jacket sans tie, looking more like a vagrant than the men at the ticket booths at the two entrances to the Square. It’s going to be a good day for hangings. People are queuing, some jostling, others scalping, but all more than willing to pay the $100 entry fee to witness the country’s first public executions since the days of slavery.
Continue reading Nightmare at Woodford Square