T&T General Elections 2007 Unofficial Results

Patrick Manning, Basdeo Panday and Winston Dookeran
PNM Patrick Manning, UNC-A Basdeo Panday and COP Winston Dookeran

Trinidad and Tobago General Elections 2007:

Preliminary 2007 Election Results

Victorious Candidates and Constituencies

PNM romps home
With the lion’s share of the marginal seats in its back pocket, the People’s National Movement led by leader Patrick Manning handed the United National Congress Alliance (UNC A) and the Congress of the People (COP) a stinging defeat in yesterday’s general election, walking away with 26 out of a total of 41 seats.

PNM 26 UNC 15 COP 0
Trinidad and Tobago yesterday voted to “step up” with Prime Minister Patrick Manning and the People’s National Movement.

Manning to supporters: Put aside differences
Coffee Street was transformed into a Carnival-like atmosphere last night as the People’s National Movement won the two San Fernando seats and the general election…

PNM back in Govt
Heading to Government for another term, the People’s National Movement (PNM) completed yesterday’s general election race with preliminary results of 26 seats over the United National Congress’ (UNC-A) 15 seats…
The total registered electorate was 990,352.
EBC estimates put yesterday’s voter turn-out at around 53 per cent. This was at midnight, when boxes of ballots were still coming in.
The voter turnout in the 2002 election was approximately 69 per cent.

God’s victory, says Manning

Sea of red in Scarborough

Jack Warner wins on first try
FIFA vice-president and United National Congress (UNC) Alliance chairman Austin Jack Warner is the new Member of Parliament for Chaguanas West after he defeated his main opponent Manohar Ramsaran, the former Chaguanas MP, during yesterday’s General Election.

Sour faces at Rienzi Complex

COP paid to split votes says Panday

Panday blames plot between COP, PNM
Basdeo Panday greeted supporters at Rienzi Complex, Couva last night with a concession of defeat.

Panday: COP spoilt UNC A win
Supported by his wife Oma who clutched his arm, and dressed in a bright orange shirt, UNC Alliance (UNC A) co-leader Basdeo Panday last night conceded defeat in the General Election and said that “the people have spoken.”

EBC: 56 percent voter turnout
The Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC ) said last night that preliminary results indicate the voter turnout was lower than 2002’s General Election.

COP claims other parties using dirty tricks
Congress of the People (COP) candidates Anand Ramlogan and Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan are accusing the two opposing political parties of using propaganda and dirty tricks to woe the electorate…

Dookeran loses St Augustine seat
Congress of the People (COP) leader, Winston Dookeran lost his seat in the St Augustine constituency.

Dookeran: T&T not ready for change

Dookeran: We fought a good fight
Will Winston Dookeran remain leader of the Congress of the People (COP)?

NACTA ‘vindicated’ by election results

Ramesh wins Tabaquite
Former attorney general Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj has won the heavily-contested Tabaquite constituency by more than 1,000 votes…

Ramesh wins in Tabaquite

‘Net-savvy’ Trinis do their own thing

‘Bacon172000’ Predicts Correctly
PNM will win again, Panday will not step down because he wants power again, and COP won’t get any seats…

75 thoughts on “T&T General Elections 2007 Unofficial Results”

  1. Dark-skin Indians in Trinidad have been victims of racism from the time they entered Trinidad in the late 19th century. Dark-skin Indians coming to Trinidad were also victims of racism in their own country (India) where a vicious caste system existed and still exists today. Unfortunately, most Indians have adopted this same caste-like, Brahminical, racist attitudes against darker-skin ones including dark-skin Indians and Africans. Even dark-skin Indians have accepted racism against them and aspire to ‘whiteness’ by self-loathing tactics, including skin-bleaching and adopting the same nasty attitudes against other dark-skin Indians and Africans.

    The African community has been quite aware of the general dislike of them by a wide cross-section of Indians and their bold display of haughtiness and intolerance, particularly during the UNC regime. Also, the Indo-Muslim community does demonstrate racism and a tendency to separate themselves from the African community, even from other African Muslims, but there is no escaping the overt, racist attitudes of Hindus especially as their spokespeople are quite vocal about it. In fact, entrenched in Hindu teachings are inferiorizations about darker skin people. So Sat Maharaj’s and others’ racist ramblings are only because they closely follow the tenets of Hinduism. That is not to say that all Hindus or Indians are so blatant with their racism or agree with Sat Maharaj’s stance.

    Also, when have Indians come out publicly to speak out against racism in their communities? First of all, Indians who experience racism by other Indians quietly submit to the abuse and ridicule. They, supposedly because of religious loyalties, have not historically demonstrated rejection of racial abuse by other Indians in Trinidad and Tobago. In India, the Dalit in some instances have fought against Indian racism and continue to fight their oppression. Not so in Trinidad and Tobago. In terms of fighting against racism by Africans, they have never done so save some bogus ramblings about Indians being discriminated against in the public service, which is historically proven to be untrue. Stereotypes of one group against the other are very prevalent, even today, but oft times have gone overboard. Remember Hulsie Bhagan’s claim that Africans were raping Indian females; a claim that was not only malicious but proven false?

    If Indians feel that they are treated unfairly by Africans they should state their case. It would be hypocritical though if they do not address racism and colourism within their own communities. As it stands now, Africans have a right to remain distrustful of Indians. The conduct of many Indians when UNC held the reigns of power in this country gave sufficient reason to be distrustful of them in leadership positions.

  2. Posted by Peter Beharry – Rued Daniel: “Who the hell is Beharry trying to fool? It’s the sneaky hypocrites like him who are the worst. Beharry, you’re a racist just like all of your kind. What’s your agenda in pretending otherwise? At least Sat’s being honest. Wake up my people! The Indians who pretend to be non-racist are the worst kind of deceivers! Their agenda is to destroy by stealth, even by intermarriage! The only honest Indians are the ones who speak and live their vile racism in its plain and raw form!”

    Peter Beharry:”Why did I even try

    I suggest that you revist that post and verify its originator. Those are not my words. If you do not go back and position time and date as means of everyone verifying the origination of that quote you presented as mine, then I have to presume that you deliberately posted a lie in pursuit of an agenda, and that the person who posted those comments about you was on the mark. It is up to you Peter Beharry to prove that you are not being wickedly disingenuous.

    This is not the first time I have encountered people blatantly lying in pursuit of their agendas to silence those they resent addressing the sacred cow of issues in the Caribbean. My purpose is to leave no doubt in posterity about these machinations, and to lay a foundation for analyst in the future. So Beharry Identify where you found those words you are alleging to be mine, or eat crow. Since I know that they are not mine, and that you mischievously presented them to be thus, I have to agree that whomsoever posted them have the skinny on you, and told it like it is in his description of you.

  3. Dear Mr. Daniel

    Obviously I did NOT intend to attribute such a position to YOU personally.

    “Rude Daniel” is NOT your name.

    If I had used names like “Fat Maharaj” or “Deviant Maharaj”— it would not be to attribute fabricated statements to Mr. Satnarine Maharaj or Mr. Devant Maharaj, but to satirize people of the school of thought that they represent.
    Mr. Daniels, please note that “Rude Daniel” is intended as a hypothetical follower/disciple of your school of thought.
    If I had intended to quote you, I would have used your name and referenced the date of your post.
    Thank you
    Peter Beharry

  4. Furthermore, Mr. Daniels
    Would you like me to re-post this using another name such as “John Doe- Daniels” in order to clarify this as a satire on your school of ideas rather than a false “quote” from you?

  5. Dear L. Paul
    You claim that “entrenched in Hindu teachings are inferiorizations about darker skin people”. I am sure you can find some quotes from some old indian myth(s) consistent with this.
    But, please note:
    Lord Krishna (the hero of the Mahabharata and Gita, viewed as divine by many Hindus) is described as DARK or even BLACK skinned. In fact, the word Krishna means BLACK.
    Lord Rama, the hero of the Ramayana epic, is unequivocally and particularly described as dark skinned. He is not a brahmin. In the story, he fights and kills the evil king Ravana, who IS a brahmin, and is not singled out for description as dark. (This point is distorted by some racist indos, possibly influenced by British color prejudices).
    The goddess Kali, revered by many Hindus, is also described as dark/black in skin complexion.
    I stand by my claim that Indo-Trinis who try to speak against racism are subjected to the double attack of the Sats and Devants who they are up against in their own communities, and the Africans who label them as both racist and hypocritical. I have seen this myself.

  6. Dear Mr. Daniel
    My apologies.
    Corrections as follows:

    I agree with Mr. Ruel Daniels that racism perpetrated by certain indo-trinis needs to be eradicated (like any other kind of racism).
    However, his wholesale labelling of east indians in general and hindus in particular as racist brahmin plotters (dalit origins nonwithstanding, is a broad form of attack with much collateral damage.
    This actually makes it difficult for east indians to attack the racists in their own community, as they would likely draw additional fire by doing so.
    Perhaps, something like this:

    FatMaharaj: “I am opposed to the steel pan, I don’t like anything African”

    Bobolee Beharry: “Sat you’re talking crap. It’s an Afro-Trini invention but it’s the national instrument of all Trinbagonians. Swim back to India if you will”

    John Doe- Daniel: “Who the hell is Beharry trying to fool? It’s the sneaky hypocrites like him who are the worst. Beharry, you’re a racist just like all of your kind. What’s your agenda in pretending otherwise? At least Sat’s being honest. Wake up my people! The Indians who pretend to be non-racist are the worst kind of deceivers! Their agenda is to destroy by stealth, even by intermarriage! The only honest Indians are the ones who speak and live their vile racism in its plain and raw form!”

    Bobolee Beharry:”Why did I even try….”

  7. One more thing–
    L. Paul, thanks for saying “most indians have adopted this caste-like, brahminical attitude”…
    You used the word MOST, creating space for those who do not fit this mold.
    So many would have said “those indians” or “all the indians” or even “those ******* indians”, crushing those who wish to walk away from Sat&Co. (there are many)
    Please understand- attacking all indo-trinis or all hindus in response to the Sat-like, vocal racists, just forces them to turn inwards and seek the company of their own ethnic group– not from hatred of others, but fear and unease engendered by those who place a single label of “evil racist” on all those with the misfortune to be born of east indian ancestry.
    As an Indo-Trini I have to live with the fact that NO MATTER WHAT I think, say or do, I will be hated by many or most Africans as a presumed racist solely on the grounds of my phyiscal appearance.

  8. Dear Mr. Ruel Daniels and Ms. Linda Edwards

    Let’s try to be constructive.

    Let’s say that there is are Indo-Trinis who are not in support of the East Indian racism against others and wish to simply be regular Trinis, able to interact with others, free of the “brahmin/racist” taint and label.
    What do you suggest that this person should say or do?
    (Let’s leave out “migrate”, “commit suicide”, “go to st. ann’s, or “could never have been born in the first place”
    Peter Beharry

  9. Dear Mr. Daniel

    Obviously I did NOT intend to attribute such a position to YOU personally.

    “Rude Daniel” is NOT your name.

    If I had used names like “Fat Maharaj” or “Deviant Maharaj”— it would not be to attribute fabricated statements to Mr. Satnarine Maharaj or Mr. Devant Maharaj, but to satirize people of the school of thought that they represent.
    Mr. Daniels, please note that “Rude Daniel” is intended as a hypothetical follower/disciple of your school of thought.
    If I had intended to quote you, I would have used your name and referenced the date of your post.
    Thank you
    Peter Beharry

    This is a BB. When you include someone’s name before quoted remarks you are attributing those remarks to that person.

    No I do not accept your apology or explanation. The fact that you choose to use a portion of an African’s name to for your “satirical exercise” convinces me that you are devious as they come, and probably just as dangerous. What you have done is no different than the stereotypes constantly advanced as templates of African behaviour. I consider this to be racist, and a butressing of my position that there some Indians who will fabricate racist allegations in order to justify or obscure their own prejudice. And this Sir, is a classic example of such an exercise.

    I believe this act is crucially suggestive of how people like you Mr Beharry, vent your deviant prejudices. You do so by hiding behind silly explanations of satirical licences, on a BB where no reader can tell the difference between what is satire and what is a quote. You sir are racist, and deviantly so I believe.

  10. Mr. Beharry, good luck with Messers Daniel and Paul. You are wasting your time. They have acccepted all of the rigid stereotypes foisted upon them by colonial and neocolonial “education.” They are frozen intellectually: but this is by choice and desire. It is beneficial to them, perhaps materially, because they seem to have such a high stake in perpetuating anger and racism as the precursor to genocide.

    These are dangerous pseudo-intelluctuals who can embellish every rationale supplied by their masters, as to why people of different hues and ethnicities should never be equal or united.

    I am certain that your admirable mission is to stimulate genuine dialogue and open up communications and dispel myths as a foundation in a larger quest to build a more harmonious nation and world.

    Realism requires that we use our time judiciously and not be drawn into a debate with those who have no conceivable interest in change. They make a good living as radio personalities, African studies “teachers,” “consultants,” columnists, etc. peddling this rotten fish called racism.

  11. By the way, Mr. Beharry, I forgot to mention their key role as agents of provocation and dissention, just waiting to be recruited by the CIA.

  12. ANONYMITY IS THE LAST REFUGE FOR THE BOTTOM FEEDERS. In the old west ones character was determined by ones predisposition to confront ones adversaries face on. Back shooting was for scoundrels and cowards. I guess not much has changed over the past three hundred years in the make-up of the latter.

  13. Here comes Paul stating the false premise that since Indians may be disriminated against by fellow Indians, on the basis of the caste system, then they cannot assert a claim of discrimination against any other transgressor.

    This is a ludicrous statement which provides ample insight to the lack of intellctual prowess and moral status of this individual. An anology would be that that darker sskinned Africans cannot assert a claim of discrimination against the white man because they were being discriminated against by their lighter skinned compatriots.

    Daniels and Paul, if they are not the same person under different pseudonyms, then they are the first evidence of human cloning, fit the profile of those who assassinated Patrice Lumumba and Malcolm X.

  14. All the morons that left congrats for d government i laughing at you all , cause look at all of the suffering going on..as for the cop only sour grapes , you all are the sore losers..look you all could not win a seat. The reason for the COP losing is that Winston Dookeran is not charismatic..hence he was kicked out of the Unc.

  15. It was a great Victory! The people of Trinidad and Tobago have spoken and they were loud and clear. That said! It was interesting to see a Sea of Red in Scarborough and great to see the streets of SanFernando filled with PNM’ites. Those south PNM supporters are happy and they deserve it. Since the elections the sea of red is no longer a euphimism but a reality. The greeat floods that seem to be hammering south T&T on a once a month basis should be welcomed as a blessing for each of them. When the rain falls and they are up to their throat in water the need to remember the big Party they had for the same party who has abandoned them. The same party that won’t attack the broken and vile infrastructure that damages their homes, businesses, farm land and so on. They come running to the Express and Guardian and other local news media to tell their story and beg for help! They should return to the streets and celebrate that the same person they were so jubilant in the streets to show how much they love him has abandoned them.

    I feel a whole lot of empathy for them but no sympathy. Their ignorance and lack of judgement has brought their demise of themselves. But trini’s are forgiving people, come next election, they will do the same.

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