Indian (Hindu) Time Ah Come

People's Partnership Supporters
People's Partnership Supporters
By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
June 10, 2010

The victory of the People’s Partnership (PP) with the assistance of African people, has changed the face of Trinidad and Tobago’s politics. In spite of its rhetoric, 2010 may prove to be a pivotal year in the relationship between Africans and East Indians. In years to come it may be seen as the year in which Indian ascendancy consolidated itself and the decline of Africans commenced. One only has to look at Sat Maharaj’s new prominence to understand where much of PP’s power lies and why his function, in many ways, may be analogous to that of the Priestess in the last administration.
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Unsatisfactory Digicel Service

Blackberry ServiceTHE EDITOR: I wish to advise you of the poor and unsatisfactory service that I have been experiencing with Digicel Limited. I am a post-paid customer with the Blackberry unlimited internet service. Since Wednesday 2nd June, I have not been able to access the internet service on my mobile device.
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NAPA auditorium to be named after Lord Kitchener

National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA)
National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA)
Thursday, June 10 2010

The auditorium of the National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA) will be named the Lord Kitchener’s Calypso Auditorium.

This was announced yesterday by Minister of Arts and Multiculturism, Winston Peters as he conducted a tour of NAPA.
Continue reading NAPA auditorium to be named after Lord Kitchener