Category Archives: Politics

Sharma’s road to London

By Francis Joseph,
Sunday, October 1 2006

AFTER Chief Justice Clinton Bernard retired in 1995, Appeal Court Justice Sat Sharma was next in line for the coveted post of head of TT’s judiciary. But he did not get the job. The position went instead to an eminent attorney, Michael de la Bastide SC. So Sharma waited. His turn eventually came in July 2002 and he was appointed Chief Justice by then President Arthur NR Robinson.
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Manning ‘bombed’ by Bombardier

By Raffique Shah
September 24, 2006

Politicians, especially those who are in power, must know they are under intense public scrutiny, whatever they say or do. Once they have offered themselves for office and are elected by the people, they become public property. It’s a reality that many may be uncomfortable with. But if you commit yourself to politics, expect the masses to offer you no quarter. Opposition politicians can get away with murder or slightly lesser crimes when they reduce themselves to comic status, when they provide entertainment, not serious challenge for office.
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A Party For And Of The People

By Michael De Gale

Congress Of the People's Rally in picturesWhether we choose to acknowledge it or not, we live in a society where race, unfortunately, is an increasingly divisive issue. Whether we inherited this from our colonial past or we are just too damn stupid to appreciate its negative impact on the society as a whole, the fact remains that race is a cause for much concern in T&T. It is because of this that the recently created Congress of the People must do everything in its power not to be perceived as an “Indian Party” if it hopes to wrestles the reigns of power from the current administration.
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Courting another revolution

By Raffique Shah

Looking around at the many idiot concerts being staged at the highest levels in this society, with some of the most senior office holders as principal actors, one wonders if these people have nothing better to do, if they fail to see the trees from the wood. How and why two matters concerning the Chief Justice can grab headlines for close to two years, and remain mired in the courts and even more so in the political arena, defies imagination and rationality.
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The Nature and Nurture of Ethnic-Based Politics

By Stephen Kangal

Any analysis of T&T politics that has evolved in the last 50 years must begin with an appreciation of a core ethnic base that supports each of the two major parties. The Indo- T&T core has traditionally supported firstly, the PDP followed by the DLP, SDLP, the ULF, the NAR and now the UNC. The core rural support group is the same- only the names and labels of the political vehicles have changed. Indian leaders have in fact been political hawkers using the expanding ethnic base to sell their political goods and reap in huge personal benefit returns without commensurate rewards being realised by the governed.
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Tragedy in TnT failed politicians

By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
May 28, 2006

The recent triple conviction of former Prime Minister Basdeo Panday for “failing to disclose a London bank account to the Integrity Commission” has not only caused a mighty dark cloud to descend across the horizon of TnT politics but has also spoken revealing volumes as to the real nature of ministerial performance on both sides of the political spectrum.
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Cops move on CJ’s Chambers

FRAUD Squad detectives yesterday obtained a warrant to search the Chambers of Chief Justice Satnarine Sharma at the Hall of Justice.

This move has come as the investigation into allegations that Shar-ma attempted to influence Chief Magistrate Sher-man McNicolls in the recently concluded trial of former prime minister Basdeo Panday draws to a close.

The action has also occurred while Sharma is attending an overseas conference in the Czech Republic and while lead investigator, Assistant Commissioner of Police Wellington Virgil, remains at a private health institution recovering from minor surgery to his left foot.
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