Letting goodness shine for Divali

By Angali Hosein
November 04, 2021 – newsday.co.tt

HindusSitaram and Shubh Divali to the Hindu community and to my beloved country, Trinidad and Tobago. Divali or Deepavali translates to a row of lights or festival of lights and bears a great significance in Hindu culture as it emphasises light over darkness as well as good over evil. Thus, the auspiciousness of this day brings me feelings of joy, happiness and love, which I try my best to share with those around me.

To Hindus, darkness represents ignorance, and light a metaphor for knowledge. Therefore, lighting a lamp symbolises the destruction, through knowledge, of all negative forces – wickedness, violence, lust, anger, envy, greed, fear, injustice, oppression and suffering. At my home on Divali day and sometimes the day after, we light deyas in every corner of our premises to make our surroundings filled with light and to make it cheerful and beautiful.

On a more personal level, Divali is a time where I turn inward and light the lamp of knowledge and truth in my heart and mind so that I can dispel the forces of darkness and ignorance within myself and allow my innate brilliance and goodness to shine forth. It is a time when I reflect on and evaluate my thoughts, words and actions over the past year so that I begin the process of transforming myself.
Full Article : newsday.co.tt

2 thoughts on “Letting goodness shine for Divali”

  1. With the unwillingness of the Hindu community to acknowledge and address racism and colorism within its fold, the celebration of light over darkness continues the glorification of light-skinned over dark-skinned people. Racism remains normalised and Black people, especially Black Africans, are considered unsuitable for leadership on the basis of race and colour.

  2. “Once again, to my Hindu brothers and sisters in TT and across the globe, may the blessings of Lakshmi Maa be with you and your loved ones today and always.

    Shubh Deepavali”

    Since this text was addressed to hindus, I am not sure whether the feelings expressed about ‘light over darkness’ was extended to non-hinds. While my knowledge of hinduism is peripheral at best, I want to use this medium to wish my hindu nationals Happy Divali. It is my hope however, that in actuality that those who celebrate will understand that God also created darkness. It is not always the work of the devil operate in darkness. Darkness does also create an opportunity to meditate and reflect on our deeds. Some of our best thoughts are created in the dark of night and I hope again that those who only see ‘light’ to understand and be lenient with those who are looked upon with dark thoughts and deeds.

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