Kidnapped Chinese restaurant owner Xue Hua Shan
Cops step up search for kidnapped woman
Police probing the kidnapping of Chinese restaurant owner Xue Hua Shan said her relatives told them that the woman’s mother, in China, received a text message saying her daughter was released. The text message, police said, was sent in a Chinese dialect to Shan’s mother who lives in China. Investigators said they had not contacted Shan’s mother and did not know if the message was true or a hoax. But detectives said yesterday that they were still looking for Shan and had no concrete evidence she had been released by her kidnappers. The lawmen said they have stepped up their search for Shan after also receiving a message from someone who called the Piarco Police Station around 6.30 am yesterday, claiming she had been dropped off near a bridge in St Helena.
Cops step up search for abducted woman
A high-profile meeting was called yesterday at the Old Police Headquarters, Port of Spain, to discuss the way forward in solving the murder of restaurant owner Anthony Chen and the kidnapping of another restaurateur, Xue Hua Shan.
April 27, 2011
Slain China Palace owner ‘behind kidnapping’
MURDERED businessman Anthony Chen was identified by police as the mastermind behind the kidnapping of Chinese businesswoman Xue Hua Shan. Up to late yesterday, there was no word on the whereabouts of the kidnapped woman. Investigators probing Shan’s abduction intended to arrest Chen and question him in connection with the incident after they received vital information linking Chen as the person behind the kidnapping.
Probe in businessman’s murder at ‘delicate’ stage
Cops continue probe into Maraval murder
Senator: Where’s the money coming from?
Independent senator Rolph Balgobin says there should be a police probe several questionable new businesses being established in T&T. He made the statement during his contribution to the debate on the Financial Intelligence (Amendment) Bill 2011 in the Senate yesterday. Balgobin did not say whether he had been referring to Chinese immigrants. But there has been an obvious influx of Chinese immigrants in T&T. The bill was presented for debate by Attorney General Anand Ramlogan.
April 26, 2011
Slain businessman linked to kidnapping
As police continued their inquiries into Sunday’s execution-style killing of Anthony Chin outside his China Palace Restaurant in Maraval, investigators said the slain businessman was questioned in connection with the kidnapping of Chinese restaurant owner Xue Hua Shan. Chin, 61, of Hillsborough, Maraval, was murdered on Sunday morning just outside the door of his restaurant, which is located in Ellerslie Plaza. Eyewitness said two men walked up to Chin while he was on his cellphone and shot him in the chest and head.
April 25, 2011
China Palace owner killed at Ellerslie
Police have described yesterday’s midday shooting of 61-year-old businessman Anthony Chin as a hit.Businessman gunned down
A restaurant owner was gunned down in front his Ellerslie Plaza, Maraval, business yesterday, in what the police are describing as a hit. Anthony Chin, 61, owned the China Palace Restaurant at the shopping centre and lived with his wife at Hillsborough, Maraval.
He is a member of high society in T&T. The members of HS in T&T are those who can commit crimes with impunity. Those who the radar of indignation never touch when those to whom it is appended open their upper asses to vent about crime.
High society in T&T is not simply about breeding and class, it is about awee and caste.
Did not want to jump into this time waster , but let me see if I can figure this one out. ‘Afrikan, kinky head , low life , illiterate , life time criminal savages , with governmental support,and corrupt , chiefly complicit Afrikan Police officers,’ were engaging in blatant forms of genocides , as depicted by were rapes , kidnap and robbery ,against their much more delicate ,and law abiding South Asian , Indo Trini brothers and sisters, yes? Fast forward to 2011, and a more progressive, caring, new PP Indo Trini dominant government, is in charge-with sophisticated foreigners ,and a more savvy leadership re our entire law enforcement/ security apparatus -and what do we see here,but Chinese getting kidnapped , and murdered, left, right, and center?
By the way , anyone care to hazard a guess as to who would get the blame for this new development folk?
Kidnapped woman still missing
HEAD of the Homicide Investigations Bureau, acting Snr Supt Wayne Dick and head of the Anti-Kidnapping Unit (AKU) acting Snr Supt Wayne Boyd, met yesterday afternoon for several hours with a team of investigators probing the kidnapping businesswoman Xue Hua Shan.
The family of Shan and CRIMSTOPPERS have a $100,000 reward for her release. This crime is too tragic and the Chinese Community may be soon to ask PP where is the crime plan ! The police is giving ‘underground’ information but no solutions or no real evidence.
Xue still missing
CRIME Stoppers is offering a reward of $100,000 to anyone who brings forward information to the police which leads to the recovery of businesswoman Xue Ahua Shan. In an advertisement placed in yesterday’s Newsday edition, Crime Stoppers stated that: “A reward of up to $100,000 is being offered for any information leading to the safe release of Xue Ahua Shan.”
Cops link Chinese to organised crime
Police say the murder of Maraval businessman Anthony Chen and the kidnapping of restaurant owner Xue Hua Shan, who is still missing, are linked, but the cases may never be solved. Suspects were extensively questioned and released, but investigators have been unable to make any breakthroughs leading to arrests.
It is quite strange that the Police have all this information but no real evidence to solve anything. There are so many theories or ‘ole talk’ but no solution. The Police need to stop this and really get down to the forensic and intelligence work. We have a history of unsolved cases and people have lost confidence. People want results and the COP of T&T must hire people who can produce results and fire or replace those who just pretend to work.
If there is a Chinese Mafia where is the Trinidad Police or InterPol intelligence ? If a high ranking immigration officer is involved why is there no arrest ? Where is the investigation ? There is a statement from the China Embassy in Trinidad & Tobago (Mr.Yang Youming) and also a statement from the T&T Government (Subas Panday) and the people entrusted with the work to implement (the police) seem to be lost !! Why is this allowed to happen when $$ millions if not $$ billions are spent on this department ? The new vehicles, the Special Units,special training, increased salaries, new buildings, etc. etc. In Trinidad and Tobago the citizens want and need results.
Police still looking for Shan
Detectives probing the kidnapping of Chinese national Xue Hua Shan said they are still working on all leads. Shan, 31, was reported abducted outside her home on Seventh Street, Barataria, on April 14.
Chinese Triad expands in T&T
For the past decade, intelligence units have been gathering information on the expansion of the Chinese Triad, a highly organised criminal unit which has spread its tentacles throughout the Caribbean. Sources say the Caribbean’s Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS) has been working with local security intelligence agencies, tracking the activities of Chinese criminal cartels in the region since 2006.
The chinese migrant worker is being attacked unfairly and due to their positive role model should be given an amnesty with regard to their immigration status. This amnesty has worked in the USA and Europe with much success.
The Chinese Government has invested in Trinidad and the contribution of the chinese migrant worker and their community is an asset to T&T so why cast negative agendas on these hard working people ? It is progressive to work as an employee then get involved in your own business and then be an employer of people and hence services. The chinese migrant ‘worker’ has advanced to this stage and contribute to business development in Trinidad and Tobago. Again why are we so harsh and negative on this positive development ? Dr. Balgobin is wrong that the business model employed by the chinese community does not make business sense. So Dr. Bagobin why are these businesses a success ? If there is no demand for the chinese groceries, the food establishments and the like then they will not exist. These firms employ services since they purchase good and services right here in T&T from locals. As an example the vegetables, chicken, beef, pork, shrimp are supplied by locals and purchased by the chinese community.
The investment made as follows, should be or could well be investments attained by Trinidad & Tobago :
Chinese Government makes a commitment in 2011 to build a $600 million deep sea harbour, highway and port in Suriname to improve linkages with Brazil. ( Why not a similar investment with our Ports ? )
China invests $462 million in a stalled beach front resort Punta Perla on Dominican Republic’s east Coast. ( Whys not a similar investment in Tobago at the Tobago Hilton ? )
Hong Kong based conglomerate, Hutchison Whampoa Limited, commits to $1 billion container port in Bahamas. ( Why not a similar investment in Point Lisas or Port-of-Spain ? )
Chinese Government spends $17 million on cricket stadium and $122 million in economic assistance to Dominica. ( Why not a similar investment with the Brian Lara Stadium ? )
Chinese mining company Bosai Minerals Group gains majority stake from Guyanese Government, after making a $100 million purchase in Omai Bauxite Mining. ( Why not a similar investment with our pitch lake in La Brea ? )
China’s Shanghai Construction builds official Prime Minister’s residence and National Academy of Performing Arts in Trinidad ( Well done !! … )