May 20th 2010 –
As he sat on the People’s National Movement (PNM) platform on Tuesday night, Diego Martin West MP Keith Rowley was clearly a man between a rock and a hard place.
‘We have to ensure that we separate the issues of the PNM as an institution and office-holders functioning for the PNM,’ Dr Rowley told the crowd of supporters. But, for non-partisan voters, such a contention would hardly seem persuasive, let alone workable. The present leader of the PNM, Patrick Manning, has re-made the party since the 1986 debacle which placed him at the party’s head. In the past two years in particular, Mr Manning has shaped the PNM into his own image and likeness, expelling or sidelining most of the experienced MPs and replacing them with political neophytes.
Full Article :
Kamla: Rowley plot to overthrow Manning
Dr Keith Rowley’s campaign talk is all part of his plan to unseat Prime Minister Patrick Manning as People’s National Movement (PNM) political leader United National Congress (UNC) political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar said yesterday.
May 19, 2010
Rowley has ‘serious issues’ with PNM leadership
“I represent the PNM. I am one of 41 PNM candidates. Our party is not a perfect party. No political party is perfect. A political party is not about who like who. It is not about individuals. I am sure you all are very clear on that fact. I have serious issues about my party’s leadership,” Rowley said alluding to the tensions between himself and Manning. The strained relationship between the two has been the topic of several advertisements by the opposition People’s Partnership.
Vote to protect your interest
Incumbent Diego Martin West MP Dr Keith Rowley last night called on the supporters of the ruling People’s National Movement (PNM) to ensure that they come out to vote in the May 24 general election or the party may lose the election.
Vote PNM, Not PM
Rowley concerned party might lose, coalition could win
As he expressed concerns about the possible results of the election, Diego Martin West MP Dr Keith Rowley last night at a PNM meeting in Diamond Vale hammered the point to supporters that the elections were not about whom they liked, but about the policies the PNM would pursue in their interest. ‘I am sure that you all are very clear on the fact that I have some serious difficulties with my party’s leadership,’ Rowley said, as Prime Minister Patrick Manning listened intently.
ROWLEY don’t have proble he just being honest and we need more of that.
i agree shorty. Mr Rowley is very honest and he speaks how he views it. He is a man and he acts like one.
Rowley’s speech is ironic and contradictory. He clearly under-estimates the intelligence of the Trinidad people. He says he has “serious issues about the party’s leadership”, but he encourages you (‘dumb blokes’, he presumes!) to vote for the very same leadership he has “serious issues” with. It makes you wonder, “is he thinking of the welfare of the nation”, or “is he thinking about his own political welfare?”
The old saying “a dead fish stinks from the head first”, is applicable here. The ‘dead’ PNM party “stinks from the head” and Trinidadians, in their wisdom, will soon vote to bury the ‘stinking fish’ and usher in a new era where worthy human values will govern a people who still cherish goodness, justice, honesty and self-sacrifice. A still beautiful country needs a government steeped in these beautiful noble values.
Prof Vijay Chatoorgoon,
Manitoba, Canada
Hello all,
First of all i would like to say that i am a PNM supporter and i always be……
I am not a political analyst, i’m just a average citizen of TnT and i reside there. i would like to say that this election was far form fair and just.
Nearly all of the public figures that have appeared on the print and electronic media have had biased views on the country’s affairs and also Mr. Manning.
These figures have labeled Mr. Manning as arrogant and this is as far as their can stretch. Mr. Manning has long claimed that the other political parties have been in collusion with the judiciary, this was proven to be correct as a judge namely Mr. Herbert Vonley had resigned from being a judge and joined the People’s Partnership and miraculously won his seat.
Anyone with a little common sense can realize that move was pre-plotted and biased and being so it proves that the judiciary or some members of the judiciary have in fact been biased in their judgments.
O…..and to make it clear that i am not blinded by party loyalty i also would like to say that i am against the following:-
1) The proposed Smelters
2) The various cost over runs in the construction center
3) The various holidays like Indian Arrival Day… they promote divisiveness of a people. This is a day for east indians and nobody else.
Trinidad and Tobago
I agree 100% Tom. It is Indian Arrival Day. Examine how the ehnicists are coming out of the woodwork to express their joy. You cannot change a Tiger by hiding his stripes.
A man with the balls to take the entire Integrity Commission to court, and win, have them compensate him for his legal fees etc, and have the whole bloddy, bigoted lot be forced to resign, has the balls to lead Trinidad and Tobago, and the PNM, bald head and all.
Mr. Manning had been so battered by the tides of criticism, that he was blinded into calling a disastrous election. He reminded me of Dr. Williams after the demonstrations of 1970. He was hurt to the core. The people he gave free education to( No other former colony had it at that time, most still don’t) had turned against him. They were ungrateful.In his scholarly way, he had not noticed that it is the job of the people to be ungrateful. He too had to prove that he was not biased, and so his first cabinet included people like Dennis Mahabir and Gerard Montano, and I believe a Chinese fella named Williams.
Mr. Manning, like Dr. Williams, ALWAYS had a multi-racial cabinet, but that too, was turned against him.
Now,The Rothweiler, educated, but as tenacious as a pitbull will pick up the reins. Those who are agitating for Ms. Beckles, are trying to run a red herring acros the trail.
He survived the liars of the “teacup incident” He survived the accusations of using Tobago Hospital money to build his wife’s subdivision, in his home region in Tobago,he survived the accounting error that had to do with the Cleaver Woods project, and was the one who buss the mark on the Calder Hart affair; and finally, he hung the Integrity Commission out to dry. I guess his opponents know now, that he is a man to be reckoned with.Thus the negative comments on other forums.
These are the public holidays in T&T, Mr. Daniels.
Other than Indian Arrival Day, which ones would you like to get rid of?
This is what makes T&T unique and truly representative of all religions and cultures,a goal of the new government: multiculturalism.
This is why T&T would never be another Guyana, Fiji or Uganda.
Let’s live and let live! Celebrate diversity.
Jan 1 New Year’s Day.
29 Mar Spiritual Baptist Shouters’ Liberation Day.
2 Apr Good Friday.
5 Apr Easter Monday.
30 May Indian Arrival Day.
3 Jun Corpus Christi.
19 Jun Labour Day.
1 Aug Emancipation Day.
31 Aug Independence Day.
11 Sep Eid ul Fitr.
24 Sep Republic Day.
5 Nov Divali.
25 Dec Christmas Day.
26 Dec Boxing Day
I have noticed in the media that Rowley keeps talking about systems and UDECOTT.
Kamla understands the urgency for the organization to run smoothly, and the six week plan would include policies and procedures to be put into place.
– The UFF Report came out in March 2010
– Board resigned March 2010
– Jerleane John appointed May 2010
– Board not reinstated to date
Processes and procedures can only be put into place with the relevant approvals by the Managers> CEO/COO> Board respectively. I am sure these organization has identified the issues and resolutions.
For and Implementation to take place a project plan with action items and timelines needs to be approved and executed.
How does Mr. Rowley expect UFF recommendations to be implemented in 3 months?
UDECOTT at some point will be performing a forensic audit. A rushed Implementation would only propose problems in the long run. As they say garbage in garbage out……