Labour: No Thanks Keith Rowley

Dr Keith RowleyTHE EDITOR: Some people really bold face in truth oui! Keith Rowley fits that description to a Tee. This PNM hustler is cited in the newspapers as saying to the labour movement “…hold the fort for I am coming, you have a friend in the People’s National Movement. You have tried the rest, now try the best.”
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Sasha Mohammed under fire

Sasha MohammedSasha under fire

Threatening e-mails traced to PM’s adviser

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan yesterday was the only Cabinet Minister to criticise the e-mails sent from the home computer of Sasha Mohammed, special adviser to the Prime Minister, attacking Express editor-in-chief Omatie Lyder and Express reporter Anna Ramdass.
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Accident paralyses country

By Raffique Shah
June 18, 2011

Raffique ShahI WAS seething with anger last week Tuesday—and I was not even among the tens of thousands of commuters trapped in horrendous traffic jams that paralysed around 25 per cent of Trinidad. One fuel tank wagon overturns close to the Gasparillo/ Petrotrin flyover on the Hochoy Highway and commuters from as far north as the CR Highway intersection, through all of central-south Trinidad, steam in their stalled or slow-moving vehicles for up to seven hours. And we lay claim to being on the brink of developed country status?
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