By Azard Ali
March 23 2011 – newsday.co.tt
WHEN doctors performed a second operation on Chrystal Ramsoomair to prevent bleeding in her womb, two arteries cut during the surgery were not stitched back and the young Carapichaima mother bled to death.
Gynaecologist Dr Jehan Ali who was Ramsoomair’s private doctor before she was admitted to San Fernando General Hospital (SFGH), told Newsday yesterday that he witnessed the post- mortem on the morning of March 5, hours after the woman’s death the night before.
Pathologist Dr Hubert Daisley performed the autopsy.
“Two blood vessels in the womb were ligated. That means, they were not tied off and presumably she died from bleeding,” Ali said, as he gave an account of the hours before the death of Ramsoomair, 29, at the intensive care unit of the hospital. Ramsoomair had delivered her third child, a daughter, named Danielle by Caesarean-section (C-section) but died after undergoing an emergency hysterectomy.
When he last saw her on the maternity ward at about 5 pm on March 4, after Danielle’s delivery, Ali said Chrystal was “as white as a sheet”.
He said he alerted a doctor on call at the ward to Chrystal’s condition, and a hour later she was wheeled back into an operating theatre.
“I was there in the hospital until the patient died,” Ali said in an interview at his office at Southern Medical Clinic, San Fernando yesterday.
Ali explained Ramsoomair had been his patient at Southern Medical Clinic and five weeks before she was due to give birth he referred her to the San Fernando hospital.
“I gave her a letter to attend the ante-natal clinic at the hospital for a C-section at 38 weeks pregnancy. It was her third Caesarian, but not uncomplicated one,” said Ali. When he learned she had undergone the C-section, Ali went to the hospital to visit Ramsoomair.
“When I went upstairs on the ward, she was white like a sheet. I asked the doctor if he had summoned his senior doctor. He told me he was writing his notes (on another patient) and then he will call. I called the registrar and she responded expeditiously.”
Ali believed Ramsoomair was bleeding internally due to complications from the C-section.
By 6 pm that evening, she was taken back into the operating theatre where a registrar and consultant re-opened her to perform a hysterectomy to stop the bleeding, said Ali, who was once head of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of the San Fernando hospital.
Ali decided to offer his help to the hospital’s medical director Dr Anand Chatoorgoon.
“At that point I called Dr Chatoorgoon who was in his office and I told him about the patient’s condition. I told him to ask the consultant who was performing the operation to allow me to assist in stopping the bleeding. I told Chatoorgoon again to speak to the consultant, but I got no response from him.”
Ali went on to say that he waited outside the theatre with Ramsoomair’s relatives and when he could not get a response from the doctors about what was happening to her, he spoke to a ward attendant.
“The ward attendant, who was in an out the theatre, said to me that he told the doctors that ‘Jehan was outside and said that he was willing to help’. I still did not get a response.”
Ali said he remained in the waiting room and about two hours later, Ramsoomair was wheeled out of the theatre, but was taken to the Intensive Care Unit and not the maternity ward.
Ali said he went to see her and “she looked okay to me”.
However, he remained on the ward with family members when Ramsoomair’s condition worsened. Ramsoomai, Ali said, had cardiovascular collapse in which her blood pressure dropped. “Obviously, she was still bleeding even after the hysterectomy, so much, that there was not enough blood for the heart to pump.”
Ali said he then spoke with the anaesthetist who had put Ramsoomair to sleep for the hysterectomy. “The anaesthetist told me that he had informed the doctors during the operation that I was outside.”
Meanwhile, efforts were being made to resuscitate Ramsoomair.
Ali said it was at that point, a consultant doctor asked him to provide assistance.
“I told him ‘why you asking me now?’ All the time I was willing to help but nobody take me on….now when the patient almost dead?”
Ali said he told the anaesthetist to try and get Ramsoomair’s pulse back on track and to get two pints of blood for him to operate to try to stop the bleeding. “I was prepared to go in the theatre without their permission. The nurses may not have allowed me, but I didn’t care. They would had to call the guards for me, but I would have tried to save her life. She never recovered.”
Ali said he left the hospital close to midnight and on following morning, he went to the hospital’s mortuary to witness the post mortem performed by Daisley.
Ali said he was shown the two blood vessels that were left exposed in Ramsoomair’s womb.
Daisley had determined Ramsoomair died from hypovolemic shock as a result of complications of a hysterectomy which took place after a C-section.
Ali stressed he was prepared to assist with the emergency surgery and was prepared to stand the liability since he pays $250,000 per year to the Medical Protection Society, which is an international body for medical insurance for specialist doctors.
Chatoorgoon yesterday acknowledged that it was Ali who first saw Ramsoomair in distress on the hospital’s maternity ward. “Being the good obstetrician that he is, it was Dr Jehan who saw her looking pale in the hospital,” Chatoorgoon told Newsday.
Ali said he is willing to tell a panel appointed by the Ministry of Health to probe Ramsoomair’s death what had happened on March 4. Five doctors and four nurses have been suspended for two weeks with pay pending the investigation.
Ali was ready to gave a statement to the three-member panel on Monday, but he was informed the first round of meetings had been cancelled.
The suspended doctors and nurses did not appear before the panel. The doctors reportedly submitted written statements to the panel.
Newsday understands the doctors are seeking further legal advice on initiating action to stop the probe, claiming political interference by the Health Minister in the suspensions and investigation.
PSA president Watson Duke yesterday said the nurses would have submitted statements in writing to the South West Regional Authority during a preliminary review of the procedures in Ramsoomair’s death. The nurses are seeking further legal advice, Duke said.
Is this more civilian casualties? Was this woman was taken from her family due to oversite? Now they are protesting. Let them. There may be more lives saved as they won’t be available to perform errors on innocent civilians
Neglegence, neglegence and more neglegence…. This is sickening to read.
Chaos at SFGH
CHAOS and suffering were the order of the day yesterday at the San Fernando General Hospital, (SFGH) with the southern hospital experiencing a major overcrowding of patients awaiting beds and also to see doctors.
Overcrowding, understaffing worsen at Sando hospital
The quality of medical care at the San Fernando General Hospital continued to deteriorate yesterday, with reports of overcrowding and understaffing — a fallout from the suspensions, pending investigation of five doctors and five nurses.
More pain in health sector
A crisis in the health sector is worsening as doctors at Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt Hope, have thrown their full support behind their southern colleagues.
‘I’ll Never Remarry’
“I placed my hand on her forehead and kissed her. I just stood there. I couldn’t move. I remember my sisters holding my hands and moving me away.”
Dad: Never told third C-section was high risk
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As a retired educator, I support teachers in reasonable discipline measures. Recently a video surfaced, filmed by children in an american school, where the teacher as seen cuffing and kicking a student who was cowering in a corner screaming. There is no way in God’s world I could support that teacher.
I support parents need for adequate day-care for their children since mothers have to work. In Houston, a month ago, a woman left seven children in her care at home(oldest was 3) with a pot of oil heating on the stove, and went shopping. She came back to the house in flames. Four children died. One had been in her second day at the day-care. No way I could support that woman. She is now on multiple charges.
I support my local police officers, and recognize how difficult their job is. A few years ago, when a Houston police officer was recorded cussing out an Ethiopian immigrant taxi driver, telling him to stay out of the policeman’s area of responsibility, and spelling his four letter last name twice, to be sure the guy remembered it, and suggesting that he go back to his own county, and learn English, I called on the mayor to fire that officer’s butt.The taxi driver hd used his cell phone to call his home phone, and left the phone running on his seat. In a press conference he spoke perfect English.
There are times when action taken by people charged with a responsibiity are so unconscionable, so bizzare, so outside the norms of accepted pocedure, that sensible people will withdraw their support for such actions.
Now, tell me in the name of God, why are doctors protesting in support of those whose ction AND inaction resulted in the death of Crystal Ramsoomair?
Are we to learn from this, that they believed all the doctors and nurses acted in good faith, with their best professional training, following state guidelines, and gave this patient the best care they were capable of?
This is the sort of action that makes it seem that these doctors belong on another planet from real humans.They disgust me.Some of my relatives and close friends ar doctors. I hope they re not out there making fools of themseles, so as to be a law unto themselves, it seems.
‘Chrystal is not lost’
THE CASE of Chrystal Ramsoomair, a mother who died after an emergency hysterectomy following a Caesarean section three weeks ago, has not been forgotten and lies at the heart of the State’s efforts to probe the systems of the San Fernando General Hospital, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said last night as she announced a breakthrough over the health sector impasse triggered by Ramsoomair’s death.
Health impasse ends
Doctors will return to work today as the controversial impasse at the South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) was put to an end yesterday with the intervention of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar.
Doctors’ protest ends
SWRHA moves to ease overcrowding
Patients sleeping on floor, chairs
‘Unqualified’ docs acting as registrars
The Ministry of Health was yesterday accused of breaching its own policy and appointing doctors without postgraduate degrees to act as registrars.
Chatoorgoon: No surprise SWRHA advertising my post
Cuban doctors, nurses to stay put
PRIME MINISTER Kamla Persad-Bissessar says Government will not be terminating the contracts of Cuban doctors and nurses who were recruited under the previous PNM administration to fill vacancies in the health sector until those positions could be filled by qualified nationals.
Family ‘in the dark’
TODAY was scheduled to be the day the family of Nekeisha Caine met with members of the North West Regional Health Authority (NWRHA) to iron out the issue of compensation for her death. However, Caine’s mother, Rosemin Holder, said yesterday the family has not been contacted by the NWRHA.
Chrystal’s death on world news
THE death of Chrystal Ramsoomair has sparked international attention with reports on CNN and Fox News channels that painted a bleak picture to the outside world about the country’s health system and the suspension of five doctors and five nurses.
Baby dies after mom suffers 16 hours at Mt hope Hospital
A young mother-to-be spent an agonising 16 hours sitting on a hospital chair waiting for attention which came too late – her baby was delivered dead.
To those who believe these incidents merely happen in Public Institutions I present the above links. I can also speak from personal experience, as a friend of mine almost suffered the same fate as Abbie Dorn at the hands of the same Institution referenced in all three links. It is not the institutions, its the society that produces the institution; and who, all bear the responsibility for upholding the integrity of the institutions; and when a society allows the love of money or greed to supersede all else within the spectrum of human endeavor and occupation, we cannot be outraged by the apparent escalation of human callousness.
You are not alone.
9 dead after infection outbreak in Ala. hospitals
When the bottom line becomes our number one priority; we’re all bottom feeders.
Two-thirds of alcohol wipes contaminated with bacteria