on the Clyde River in Glasgow, Scotland
September 30, 2010 – newsday.co.tt
PRIME MINISTER Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday confirmed Government has cancelled a deal with a Scotland-based shipbuilding company BAE Systems for the acquisition of three off-shore patrol vessels, ordered by the then PNM government at a cost of TT$1.5 billion.
The Prime Minister made the announcement shortly after her arrival at the Piarco International Airport following her trip to New York. Government is cancelling by reason of BAE’s default. Because of delays, damages of over $61 million are already now overdue and payable by BAE to Government, and when the cancellation notice takes effect next month, Government will become entitled, among other things, to a full refund of moneys paid to BAE for the undelivered vessels.
An official response later faxed by the Office of the Prime Minister on the OPV cancellation revealed “The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago wishes to confirm the announcement made by BAE Systems to the London Stock Exchange on September 21, that it has served notice on BAE Systems to cancel the Contract entered into by the parties in April, 2007 for the supply of three Offshore Patrol Vessels.”
The notice of cancellation was served on September 17, 2010 and there is a 30-day notice period before cancellation becomes effective. The release stated that since serving the cancellation notice the Government has been complying with its contractual confidentiality, and non-disclosure obligations. It also noted that because of BAE’s serious and persistent delays and technical deficiencies that the Government concluded it was in its best interest to exercise its contractual rights of cancellation.The release further revealed that the decision to cancel was made after detailed consideration over many months.
Full Article : newsday.co.tt
…Kamla: $1.5b refund from boat contracts
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar says Government will receive a refund of $1.5 billion after British shipbuilders BAE Systems Surface Ships’ failure to deliver three offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) on time.
…Kamla: Govt doesn’t owe one cent for OPVs
Fact is (used to work for BVT, joint venture between BAE and VT) the 3 ships for the Oman government were prioritised over the T&T project, the massive lack of disorganisation during the build while I was there was not a blueprint for building ships, McDonald’s probably were more organised at producing burgers. At least they know whats in them.
The crux of the matter is, the T&T ships were and always were going to be 2nd place, the build plans were slower and they/we would only cut steel specifically for contract milestones and not to build them, like we effectively conned the T&T government. I have more up my sleeve, but will wait for a reply 🙂
How are we going to secure our borders now?
The drug transshipment trade is the cause of most of our crime woes (far and away).
Rightly said, good question. I believe the vessels would have an impact in increasing security to our mainly unprotected coastline. A visible presence is needed at sea in order to deter drug trafficers. The patrol vessels in collaboration with the radar system would have done this.
Prevention is better than cure. Stop the drugs shipment before it reaches land and pollutes society. Or, is it to late?
Several years ago, the US invasion closed the drug transhipment route out of Colombia via Panama to North America. Quickly, determined Columbian drug trafficers were able to establish alternative routes. The drug trafficers focused their attention on Caribbean islands which they saw as easy targets since they lack the technology to hinder their operations. Trinidad situated 7 miles away from South America became the ideal transhipment port. Over the years we have seen our once peaceful country deteriorate due to escalating drug related crimes.
I predict that lawyers will ensure UK does not give back the money during this government’s term, if at all – as it seems mainly to be cancelled because we have changed our minds about the need for these boats!
No boats and no money – what a crazy waste. We can’t give back the training so will have to pay for that in any case.
If legal process eventually forces UK to repay, old Government will be back and can uncancel the contract. Wish I was a lawyer!
Well what do you know , ‘de Square Peg in a Round Hole Syndrome,’ theory is in full flow, as played out quite vividly by this illustrious regime, yes? These jokers can expect refunds from the conniving Brits for breach of contract , to the same degree, as I can expect or close to 2 billion global Africans , and Red North American native Indians ,can expect Queen Elizabeth de second ,to file for bankruptcy, after demanding that her country finally compensate them for all the atrocities , and exploitations,they Europeans ,had induced on them all during colonialism , slavery , and deliberate neo -genocidal expansionisms.
As for these rulers of the roost ,how ironic, but they love their British , London Lord Laws Privy Council, as much as Trini Cascadoo Fish with dumplings,and are prepared to hold on to it until Prince williams heir to the anachronistic throne , turns 95 , if need be.
They not so subtly show that they despise any form of Caribbean integration ,as it might lead to total subjugation of the tribe,by the other, and hence their distaste for the Caribbean Court of Appeal.
They pretend to care about the previous Micky Mouse government’s wastage ,via ‘Manning the nepotistic clown’s’ outlandish actions, yet are still prepared to pay perhaps 50 million per year for the upkeep of the CCJ in our country, even if we are not represented as a full member- go figure.
They wish to convince gullible Trinis today, that they are all about equal rights ,and justice for all citizens , as touted before subjective media frauds , during recent political campaigns, yet once in power, are only hell bent on selective prosecutions against seeming , one time enemies, and or competitors.
So therefore it’s off with the heads of any one of all the Kinky headed power mongrels , or even local European business tribe-folks from Clico ,to the much maligned Police Service, Judiciary, and other sectors of the Public Service where they dominate.
However, as the COP pitbull , and hard working neo Christian/ pro Hindu AG, Rammy ,do the backflips across England ,while on his obvious Xmas shopping sprees, we should continue to say no to former PM ,Uncle Panday’s possible jail time , as well as his close, global criminal pals , and UNC financiers ,Ishwar Galbaransingh and Steve Fergusonand , as they are our kinds of crooks ,and bandits, and deserves all the cuddling they deserves , since the final end of the Afrocentric genocides, that we the delicate , culturally superiors experience since 1962 , when adoring European masters abandoned us for a more savage people to rule unabated since 40 out of the 48 years since independence .
Who cares about whether Hindu Credit Union’s boss, Harry Harnarine, ever spend some time in a jail cell for his blatant misdeeds , as long as the new government, can subsidize $300 million ,in a well concocted ploy by Dookie our financial Guru , as it would finally put a smile into the faces of hard working Caroni workers ,and pensioners , that were duped by Sat Maharaj our local closet Klansman,serving as head honcho of his religious fiefdom?
Talk about a tragedy, Andy Johnson , we miss you my brother, but understand your real motives-, since your kids got to eat as well. 30 pieces of silver huh, where are the objective journalist to report on this now , now that Andy is gone?
Even Judas did not have so much fun when he betrayed our African Kinky headed brother ,Jesus in North , North West Sudan , agreed?
Let’s continue to love this blessed land,and remain vigilant in efforts to keep the barbarians from overrunning the socio- economic -com -political gates, as it’s all we got, agreed?
What follies of of the Trini , childish ,competing Tribes!
Why is the Prime Minister Giving away the money of Tax payers of Trinidad and Tobago to people who made the decission to invest in a public company… Can some one sue her to stop this from happening.. Do anyone know what the law say in reference to this item.
UK seeks Govt’s change of mind on three OPVs
British officials met with Attorney General Anand Ramlogan and National Security Minister Brigadier John Sandy to discuss Government’s decision to cancel the contract to a British firm to construct three offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) for T&T.
…Please buy our OPVs
Rowley: PM has given BAE ‘fuel’
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has now handed BAE (the British contractor for the offshore patrol vessels) a watertight defence for any litigation it might want to bring against the Government of Trinidad and Tobago for the cancellation of the $1.5 billion contract, Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley said yesterday.