Launch of PNM Election Campaign in pictures
Manning keeps poll date in back pocket
I’m most vilified PM
DESCRIBING himself as the most vilified Prime Minister this country has ever seen, Prime Minister Patrick Manning last night launched a religious war against his opponents as he put the PNM’s general election campaign into high gear.
Prime Minister Patrick Manning has offered a diplomatic posting to Pennelope Beckles, the nominee favoured by the Arima constituency executive to run for the Arima seat.
‘PNM displays highest respect for women’
The People’s National Movement yesterday took issue with statements made by Hazel Brown, co-ordinator of the Network of NGOs of Trinidad and Tobago for Advancement of Women, for her claim that Prime Minister Patrick Manning was “picking” on Arima Member of Parliament, Pennelope Beckles.
Rowley stands alone
Incumbent Diego Martin West MP, Dr Keith Rowley, is expected to be the only nominee to appear before the screening committee of the ruling People’s National Movement (PNM), when it meets at Balisier House this afternoon.
“Kamlamania” spread throughout Pointe-a-Pierre constituency last night as the United National Congress (UNC) launched its campaign at the Gopaul Lands car park, Marabella.
Panday Bows Out
The political career of one of the nation’s most charismatic and controversial politicians may have come to a bitter end yesterday when former UNC political leader, Basdeo Panday, failed to file nomination papers to be a candidate for the Couva North constituency yesterday.
Panday bows out as MP after 34 years
Jack Warner is Bas’ problem
After 44 years in the politics of Trinidad and Tobago, United National Congress (UNC) founder and former political leader, Basdeo Panday, is out of the 2010 general election.
Bas bows out
UNC founder Basdeo Panday has apparently bowed out of politics by failing to submit a nomination form for the Couva North seat he has held since 1976, as the party closed nominations at 4 pm.
Subhas: I didn’t snub Basdeo’s meeting
Accord deadline for UNC and COP
A three-man team from both sides of the United National Congress (UNC) and Congress of the People (COP) has been given a 72-hour deadline to develop a political accord for both parties to jointly contest the upcoming general election.
Obama men advise UNC
Two of the strategists who helped propel Barack Obama to become President of the United States in 2008, are in Trinidad and Tobago, assisting the United National Congress (UNC) with its general election campaign.
Ministry of the People
UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar last night pledged to set up a Ministry of the People to take care of the social problems of citizens, if she is elected prime minister.
Kamla: CEPEP and GATE to stay
Having defeated Basdeo Panday by a landslide to become Political Leader of the UNC, Kamla Persad-Bissessar last night appealed to voters to put a similar licking on Patrick Manning and make her Prime Minister.
Rush to file at Rienzi before deadline
Rienzi Complex, Couva, was a bee-hive of activity yesterday as droves of prospective candidates for the upcoming general elections converged on the United National Congress (UNC) headquarters to file nomination papers before the 4 pm deadline.
Maharaj, Ramlogan and Rattiram battle for UNC Tabaquite
There are three formidable contenders who want to be the United National Congress’ candidate for Tabaquite. The battle is among attorneys Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj and Anand Ramlogan and former UWI Guild president Ravi Rattiram.
PNM selects ‘Pink Panther’ for Toco/Grande
Challenges within the parties
In the last general election in 2007, though a majority of electors voted against the People’s National Movement, the party secured a handy parliamentary majority, winning 26 of the 41 seats contested.
Top cop nominee by May 31
A candidate for the post of Police Commissioner is expected to be selected by the end of May.
The words of PM Manning:
“I am the most vilified Prime Minister this country has ever had. But I want to warn them, yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, because my God is with me! My dear friends, let them put that in their pipe and smoke it!” Manning said at the HiLo car park in the UNC constituency of St Augustine.
My dear PM, you are vilified with justification.
How could someone who quotes the Bible instantaneously turn around and chastise his opponents by outrageously declaring that “they could put that in their pipe and smoke it”. How bold and un-christian! But preach on dear fellow, you need the practice for your future career.
Confident Rowley awaits word from PM
Rowley is our candidate!
“WE want Rowley! We want Rowley!” was the clear and resounding message which People’s National Movement (PNM) supporters from Diego Martin West sent to Prime Minister and PNM political leader Patrick Manning yesterday that Dr Keith Rowley is their only choice to be their candidate.
Diego Martin West MP Keith Rowley is in
Confounding all previous speculation and bringing immense joy and jubilation to the hearts and souls of People’s National Movement (PNM) supporters and sympathisers across the length and breadth of the country, Dr Keith Christopher Rowley was yesterday selected as the standard-bearer for the PNM in the constituency of Diego Martin West, reliable sources have revealed.
…Balisier House crowd erupts into cheers, chants
Penny turns down Manning
Former PNM Arima MP Pennelope Beckles yesterday rejected Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s offer of a diplomatic posting and refused to withdraw her candidacy for the seat, leaving it up to Manning and the screening committee he chairs to decide her fate.
Penny rejects Manning’s offer of diplomatic posting
Peek-a-boo with poll date
Kamla: Manning has T&T in limbo
There’s still a role for him
OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday said there is still a place in the UNC for the party’s founder and former leader Basdeo Panday. However, Panday has to come forward and declare his willingness to work.
…We still have role for Panday
Panday considers fighting Jack as independent candidate
Warner on Bas: It’s just hatred
Former United National Congress (UNC) political leader Basdeo Panday appears to have allowed hatred to consume his political career and bring it to an end, UNC chairman Jack Warner has said.
Kamla warns against voter-padding
Poll politics – Panday, UNC/COP
AS Basdeo Panday finally rides into the political sunset after dominant and influential roles in Trinidad and Tobago’s party politics for over four decades, two politicians he inducted into the competitive political arena, are about to launch a common front to replace the incumbent People’s National Movement at the coming snap general election.
Registrants satisfied with EBC operations
UNC names six candidates
Six persons were yesterday given the green light by the United National Congress to contest seats in the imminent general election.
Subhas up against three
Ramesh not giving up the fight
Disowned by his constituency executive and facing two challengers, Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj is refusing to give up the fight to be selected as the United National Congress’s candidate for Tabaquite.
COP to screen candidates
UNC promises clean campaign
As UNC supporters gave their warrior cry at Marabella on Monday, preparing for success at the snap general elections, political leader of the Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) Ashworth Jack issued a warning.
TOP leader claims victimisation for joining UNC
NAR to PM: Deal with current issues
“Elections of 2010 has nothing to do with the structural adjustments of the 1980s,” Charles said calling Manning’s comments on Monday night, “irrelevant”. “He should comment on the current political debate not structural adjustment.”
Crazy on stage, Radica in bar
Crowd too hot to handle–cops
If a disaster or sheer chaos had broken out in Marabella on Monday night, the police would not have been able to handle it.
‘I looking for money’
Although he performed the song “Patrick Manning Must Go” at the launch of the United National Congress election campaign at Gopaul Lands Shopping Complex in Marabella on Monday night, calypsonian Edwin “Crazy” Ayoung was yesterday quick to say that his performance was just business and nothing more.
Finishing touches on UNC/COP unity deal
THE technical team mandated to forge a unity pact between the Opposition United National Congress (UNC) and the Congress of the People (COP) was locked in a closed door meeting at Emerald Plaza, St Augustine late last night.
Brown mum on hike in senior citizens’ grant
Social Development Minister Dr Amery Brown last night declined to comment on reports that a proposal to increase senior citizens’ grant was before Cabinet.