Full statement of PM on covid19

Dr Keith Rowley
March 13, 2020 – newsday.co.tt

Full statement of PM on covid19Madam Speaker, I have been authorised by the Cabinet of Trinidad and Tobago to make the following statement.

Colleagues, fellow citizens, it is in times like these that we define who we are as a people. We are currently facing two global phenomena that affect us directly and are both largely outside of our realm of control. The first is the widespread presence and deleterious effects of COVID 19, commonly known as the Coronavirus. The second is the serious global disruption in the prices of oil, gas and energy-based products that the international market places are facing and responding to in ways that are, in many instances, unprecedented.
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What Is Covid-19 Trying to Teach Us?

By H. Bruce Franklin
March 13, 2020 – counterpunch.org

What Is Covid-19 Trying to Teach Us?Some people see the world as an infinite number of prize fights, each with one winner and one loser. For them life is an unending series of these zero-sum games. Unfortunately, one of these people is the President of the United States.

One example of something that is not a zero-sum game is a global pandemic. Someone else’s sickness is for me not again but a threat. No nation gains from the toll in another nation. To fight against the contagion, the main weapon is cooperation, on all levels, from interpersonal to international. On the international level, sharing resources and information is essential, because any vulnerability of any nation threatens the people of all other nations.
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