Indians offered a cash bonus to marry beneath their caste

by Jeremy Page

The Government hopes that its offer of £580 will help to break an unjust hierarchy

THE Indian Government is offering 50,000 rupees (£580) to higher-caste people who marry spouses from the lowest castes in its latest controversial effort to dismantle the ancient Hindu social hierarchy.

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment made the proposal yesterday amid a growing controversy over plans to expand quotas for lower-caste students at schools and universities.

The scheme is already under attack, with conservatives saying it will trigger social chaos and liberals arguing that few will accept the offer — and fewer will receive the funds.

The proposed bonus is a small fortune in a country where average annual income per capita is £280, and where official corruption is rampant.
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A Party For And Of The People

By Michael De Gale

Congress Of the People's Rally in picturesWhether we choose to acknowledge it or not, we live in a society where race, unfortunately, is an increasingly divisive issue. Whether we inherited this from our colonial past or we are just too damn stupid to appreciate its negative impact on the society as a whole, the fact remains that race is a cause for much concern in T&T. It is because of this that the recently created Congress of the People must do everything in its power not to be perceived as an “Indian Party” if it hopes to wrestles the reigns of power from the current administration.
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