Tag Archives: African

Africa’s Decade

World Cup Excitement in South Africa
World Cup Excitement in South Africa
By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
July 01, 2010

I don’t know who you are supporting for the World Cup but I have picked Brazil although Joel Villafana and some of the Wakka Wakka boys on Channel 6 are rooting for Argentina. When Trinidad and Tobago participated in the last World Cup my second pick was Brazil. Now that we are not there I have no qualms about supporting the samba magicians. As I marvel at the grandeur of the game and its international reach, I also rejoice at the marvelous job South Africans are doing to pull off this world event.
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Re-Brand the PNM!

People's National Movement (PNM)
People's National Movement (PNM)
By Bukka Rennie – April 2010
Posted: June 14, 2010 – trinicenter.com


This piece was first written in August, 1996 in an attempt to place on an objective basis the debate within the PNM. The aim was to have the country debate the issues, the POLITICS, before the PNM leadership election in October 1996. To facilitate this, the article was e-mailed to Lennox Grant, then Express newspaper Editor, and to Sunity Maharaj, then Editor of the Independent, but neither carried the article.
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The Indo-Afro Political Dynamic

Jack Warner and Kamla Persad-Bissessar at the People's Partnership New Day, New Way Forward Rally - May 22, 2010
Jack Warner and Kamla Persad-Bissessar at the People's Partnership New Day, New Way Forward Rally - May 22, 2010
THE EDITOR: Many Africans, especially those who have traditionally supported the PNM, are concerned about a possible racist, Indian backlash from this People’s Partnership government. In examining these concerns we also have to understand the difference in the dynamics of racial politics today. We have to examine the significance of Jack Warner as chairman of the UNC (an Indian-based political party) and Cabinet minister in the People’s Partnership government. We also have to look at the shortcomings of the PNM as it pertains to race relations.
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Williams, Daaga and Black Power

Dr Eric Williams and Makandal Daaga
Dr Eric Williams and Makandal Daaga
How 1970 uprising changed Government policy…

By Ken Ali
May 11, 2010 – guardian.co.tt

Dr Eric Williams, Trinidad and Tobago’s first Prime Minister and acclaimed “Father of the Nation”, was an apostle of the ideals of Black Power.
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Voting ‘Indian’?

UNC-COP Supporters
UNC-COP Supporters
By Peter O’Connor
May 09, 2010 – newsday.co.tt

Today we need to address an issue which cannot be glossed over by euphemisms and pretences. And this has less to do with some of our increasingly silly politicians, and more to do with a large segment of disillusioned voters.
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RC priest: No problem with NJAC

Candidate for Laventille West (N.J.A.C) Makandal Daaga
Candidate for Laventille West (N.J.A.C) Makandal Daaga
RCs scoff at PM’s demand for Daaga apology
Members of the Roman Catholic Church are distancing themselves from comments made by Prime Minister Patrick Manning that Makandal Daaga should apologise for his role in the 1970 desecration of the Cathedral in Port-of-Spain.
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Report says 225,000 Haiti children work as slaves

By Evens Sanon and Jonathan M. Katz
Associated Press writer © 2009 The Associated Press

HaitiPORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Poverty has forced at least 225,000 children in Haiti’s cities into slavery as unpaid household servants, far more than previously thought, a report said Tuesday.

The Pan American Development Foundation’s report also said some of those children — mostly young girls — suffer sexual, psychological and physical abuse while toiling in extreme hardship.

Full Article : chron.com

Lancaster House revisited

By Phyllis Johnson
December 21, 2009

ZimbabweTHIS is the first in a series of eight articles on the events of late 1979 and early 1980.

Thirty years ago, on December 21 1979, an agreement was signed in London that set in motion a series of events that put Zimbabwe on the course to where it is today.

The signatures appended reluctantly to that agreement beneath the chandeliers and subterfuge of Lancaster House ended the war in a place that some called Rhodesia and signalled a different route to independence for a country that the majority called Zimbabwe.
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