Tag Archives: Kwame Nantambu

Political maturity in opposition in T&T

October 22, 2009
Trinidad and Tobago News Blog

UNCThe recent dropping of charges against UNC’s “dissident MPs” and the meeting between UNC and COP representatives speak volumes as to the road to political maturity on the part of opposition parties in T&T.

In this era of democratically-elected dictatorship in T&T, both the UNC and COP must clearly realize and understand that their only enemy is the PNM. They must cease and desist from creating enemies within their own ranks if they are to remove the PNM government from office.
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Race and Identity in T&T

By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
July 24, 2009


TrinbagoniansDr. Tim Gopeesingh’s recent public baseless and ridiculous accusation of “ethnic cleansing” of Indian-Trinbagonian doctors at the Port-of-Spain General Hospital speaks volumes as to the total misunderstanding of issues concerning race and identity in T&T.

The fact of the matter is that official government census statistics reveal that 42 percent of T&T’s population consists of Indians, Africans comprise 38 percent, Europeans (Whites) are 2 percent, etc.
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‘Ethnic cleansing’ of Whom in T&T?

By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
July 19, 2009


DoctorsThe recent accusation by UNC’s Dr. Tim Gopeesingh of “ethnic cleansing” of Indian-Trinbagonian, not Indo-Trinbagonian, doctors at the Port-of-Spain General Hospital at the supposed hands of the PNM-Manning administration, smacks of an innocuous similarity of “reverse discrimination” by Euro-White Americans whenever African-Americans seem to make some modicum of socioeconomic progress.
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Presidential dictatorship/pappyshow in T&T

By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
May 16, 2009

President Professor George Maxwell RichardsThe recent domino-like collapse of the membership of the Integrity Commission brings to the fore the stark reality of the co-existence of dictatorship politics in the Office of the Prime Minister and the Office of the President of T&T.

The fact of the matter is that the decision by President Professor George Maxwell Richards to appoint Jeffery Mac Farlane as a member and co-chairman of the Integrity Commission suggests two things: either the President is totally incompetent in the highest decision-making process in the country or he has overtly exhibited the utmost “arrogance of power” in this regard or both.
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Post-mortem on Fifth Summit of the Americas

Dr. Kwame Nantambu
April 23, 2009

Fifth Summit of the AmericasThe Fifth Summit of the Americas 17-19 April 2009 in Trinidad and Tobago has come and gone; its final Declaration of Port-of-Spain was not ‘signed, sealed and delivered’ by all thirty-four participating heads of government but most importantly, hemispheric leaders totally misunderstood, misread and miscalculated the formulation of US foreign policy toward the region.
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Soca lyrics & moral decadence revisited

Dr. Kwame Nantambu
Posted: March 04, 2009

Ras Shorty IThis article seeks to clear the air as to my obdurate professional assertion that there is a direct correlation between soca lyrics and moral decadence, public pornography cum simulation of sexual intercourse and sexual promiscuity in T&T.

The stark reality is that when Lord Shortie introduced Soca music via his 1974 LP titled “Endless Vibrations”, his lyrics were conceived/conceptualized within the context of love; hence, the “Love Circle.” Sadly, some of today’s Soca lyrics have completely transformed the original “Love Circle” into today’s Soca public pornographic Sex Circle as patrons “get ready to juk, juk, juk”.
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Moral Decadence in TnT

By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
May 05, 2007


Trini PeopleNow that the Danah Alleyne/Akon episode has been the “conversation piece” in TnT, it is vital for all concerned Trinbagonians to engage in retrospection rather than self-indulging pontification.

The fact of the matter is that the Club Zen fiasco only reflects/mirrors the sad tragedy/reality of the all-encompassing cloud of moral decadence that now hovers over TnT’s society.
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Freemasonry: Ancient Afrikan/Kemetic/Egyptian communal way of life and being

By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
March 09, 2007

Trinidad and Tobago News Blog

AfricansThe purpose of this article is to examine the evolution of Freemasonry, its purpose, education process and communal way of life.

At the outset, one cannot talk about the origin of Freemasonry; the discussion must focus on the evolution of this system and the unique, original ancient Afrikan/ Kemetic/ Egyptian way of life.

The word “free” means “without hinderance”; the word “mason” refers to “one who builds, a bricklayer.” As such, Freemasonry is that system, craft or art of building, not a physical building but building spiritual, an edifice within the human being. The ancient Kemites/Afrikans/Egyptians refer to this spiritual concept as the “Temple in Man.”
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