Integrity Commission members resign

Dr. Keith RowleyIntegrity Commission members resign
In the aftermath of a demoralising court defeat to former government minister Dr Keith Rowley on Tuesday, the four members of the Integrity Commission submitted their resignations to President George Maxwell Richards yesterday morning.

Integrity chairman in Rowley case says Commission was wrong

Morally bent
In handing down her 45-page judgment against the Integrity Commission, Justice Maureen Rajnauth-Lee used a very precise term: the Commission, she wrote, was guilty of “misfeasance in public office”.

’48 hours too late’

We are sorry, Dr Rowley

Expose them, Dr Rowley
In submitting their resignations to President George Maxwell Richards, the four members of the Integrity Commission have acted with the rectitude necessary of those who made moral judgments about those in public life.

3 thoughts on “Integrity Commission members resign”

  1. We are sure now, that this time, they acted with integrity. Let us hope that this signals a new day of accountability, where people charged with such high moral stature would not respond to idle gossip. In an era of greed, it is easy for greedy malicious people to impugn the character of one who is noble. It happened in Othello, when he was induced to believe, by Iago, that Desdemona was unfaithful. He killed her. It was, we know, a lie, spurred on by jealousy. The human spirit has not changed since Shakespeare penned those lines. (Classical literature gives us a chance to study human character from a distance)

    All the accusers should be made to pay for the injury to this man’s character, for the lost nights’ sleep, for the sense of carrying an unnecessary weight on his shoulders. They too, including the ones who reported to the PM that he exhibited “wajang behaviour” should be made to resign, as well as apologise publicly.

    This kind of malicious gossip, called “leasing” in the Bible, is a weight on the spirit.It is a sin, and leads others to sin.
    I await an apology from the Prime Minister to Dr. Rowley. From the teacup affair to this, there has been a continuous conspiracy of lies. Why should good people go into politics at this rate? Why not leave it to a collection of scoundrels, willing to rape the public purse? The answer is integrity. This word tripped up an entire commission. President Max must exercise caution about who is appointed next. I know he cannot gauge the pettiness of the human soul, but he must try. An entire nation, and how it defines public life, is at stake here.

  2. we the people is very ashamed.i am from george street sangre grande. my father name is county counclor cuthbert p. charles. polition years ago never gave this kind of trouble.the war is on MONEY TO BURN.

  3. I am a young citizen of this country who is very cocerned about the next generation of our country.I believe that the decision these ministers makes are are not very wrong but at the same time the citizens of our country are being exploited and hurted because we are not seeing the worth or purpose of swandering the taxspayers money.I may not be mentioning about THE COMMISSION OF INTEGRITY, but all i will say and can say is that the decisions you make will stay side and side with you and we(citizens and the government) will have to pay for our cosequences!!! For example; we(citizens) are paying for OUR decision we are making now(not standing for what is right).

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