Cops: More Trinis call in with tales of lottery scam

ScamFraud Squad officers in San Fernando and Port of Spain yesterday, following the publication of the Express front page story, received a number of calls from people who said they had fallen victim to an international lotto scam. Police said that people from areas throughout the country had responded to the story about Trinidadians being fleeced in internet and postal lotto frauds.

In recent months several unsuspecting people have been conned into sending thousands of dollars overseas in order to collect bogus lotto winnings.
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2 thoughts on “Cops: More Trinis call in with tales of lottery scam”

  1. This has got to be one of the funniest things I have ever seen happen. The people who fall victim to these lottery scams in do so because of pure greed. I am sure they thought that the Lottery Company made an error and awarded them winnings and they were looking to cash in. If they didn’t enter the Lotto, why would they win? So Thief from thief does make God laugh!

    A fool and his money are soon parted.

  2. These scams are investigated actively by the Government of Nigeria. They are called 419 scams. When I used to get e-mails from princes who had ingherited money but needed help getting it ourt or some like that, the story changes, my standard response by e-mail was “Thank you for contacting me. You should know that I am co-operating with the Government of Nigeria in investigating 419 fraud. I will forward your e-mail to them to check the validity of your claim before I send money.”

    I WAS VERY QUICKLY DROPPED FROM EVERYONE’S LIST.I have not been solicited since I used that response.

    PEOPLE SELL LISTS OF E-MAILS OF PEOPLE, JUST LIKE SOME CHARITIES SELL LISTS. When I get a plethora of requests for donations to Tom, Dick, Harry, the pig and the pig’s children I know which charity I last gave to, and I drop them! People have to be wary, not greedy

    I agree with Riaz.
    In life, you hardly get anything you did not work for. .

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