Manning Resigns as Leader of PNM

Former Prime Minister Patrick Manning and PNM Party Chairman Conrad Enill
Ex-PM Patrick Manning & PNM Party Chairman Conrad Enill
7: 20 PM – May 27, 2010

It has been confirmed that Patrick Manning has resigned as the political leader of the PNM.

PNM’s Party Chairman Conrad Enill said that Mr. Manning has stepped down. He said that Patrick Manning offered to stay on until a new political leader was found. However, insiders said that the General Council asked Mr. Manning to resign with immediate effect. Mr. Manning then resigned and promptly left Balisier House.
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Mr. Manning Must Go, Now

Former Prime Minister Patrick Manning
Former Prime Minister Patrick Manning
By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
May 27, 2010

One would have thought that after Mr. Manning made his gallant pronouncement about “taking responsibilities” for the defeat of the People’s National Movement he would have had the good sense and astute political judgment to remove himself from the leadership of the PNM immediately. Moreover, one would have thought that after he said he would be guided by what is best for the PNM that he would have fired his executive, retreat to his residence at San Fernando, allow the PNM to access its problems so that it could plan for its immediate recuperation.
Continue reading Mr. Manning Must Go, Now

Proud to Be Trinbagonian

By Stephen Kangal
May 27, 2010

Patrick ManningThe peaceful and civilized conduct and determination of the 2010 elections without incidents in which there was so much at stake for the incumbent regime makes me feel proud to be trini. The tenour of this election signals that T&T has achieved a note-worthy and qualitative leap in several aspects in the evolution of our political culture. This is the people’s achievement acting collectively to get the politics and its operating environment right.
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