Category Archives: USA

5th Summit of the Americas News: April 19, 2009

Bolivian President Evo Morales at the 5th Summit of the Americas in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

The Fifth Summit of the Americas in pictures

Drummit 2 Summit at the St James Amphitheater in pictures
Photos were taken after the rally was allowed to continue

Obama must denounce plot
BOLIVIA’S PRESIDENT Evo Morales yesterday charged that Americans were behind a plot to assassinate him.

Tensions run high at St James protest
Officers of the Guard and Emergency Branch (GEB) squared off with a coalition group over a drum protest at the St James Ampitheatre.
Continue reading 5th Summit of the Americas News: April 19, 2009

5th Summit of the Americas News: April 18, 2009

The Fifth Summit of the Americas in pictures

The Fifth Summit of the Americas in pictures

Chavez flies in over the Gulf
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez thought he had escaped the glare of the media when he quietly flew in on his military jet over the Gulf of Paria from Sucre, Cumana, to Trinidad and landed at the helipad in Chaguaramas shortly after 4 pm yesterday.

Smiling Obama lands on T&T soil

The Fifth Summit of the Americas in pictures

Media mob Chavez

Chavez steals the spotlight
“Hail, Presidente!” The cry emitted from the lips of the Venezuelan contingent of media personnel who had gathered at the entrance to the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.

Chavez tells Obama during historic handshake:
Continue reading 5th Summit of the Americas News: April 18, 2009

5th Summit of the Americas News: April 16, 2009

The Fifth Summit of the Americas in pictures

The Fifth Summit of the Americas in pictures

» Castro and the Summit of the Americas
Cuba, and in particular its former President, Fidel Castro, is already a player at the fifth Summit of the Americas which takes place Friday and Saturday, April 17 and 18, in Port of Spain, Trinidad. That much is evident from information coming out of Havana, Moscow, Santiago de Chile and La Paz in recent days.
Continue reading 5th Summit of the Americas News: April 16, 2009

5th Summit of the Americas News: April 15, 2009

The Fifth Summit of the Americas in pictures

The Fifth Summit of the Americas in pictures

Manning opens ‘People’s Summit’
PRIME Minister Patrick Manning yesterday declared open the Fifth Summit of the Americas which he dubbed, “the People’s Summit”, as he launched the Civil Society Forum onboard the cruise ship, Caribbean Victory, which is docked in Port-of-Spain.

Panday still waiting for Summit invitation

UN Secretary General comes to PoS
A SURPRISE high-profile celebrity has been added to Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s guest list for the Summit of the Americas. He is United Nations (UN) Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.
Continue reading 5th Summit of the Americas News: April 15, 2009

Food pact from Summit

By Raffique Shah
Sunday, March 22nd 2009

Fifth Summit of the AmericasI understand and can excuse the average citizen’s call for Government to cancel hosting the Fifth Summit of the Americas (SOA), and later this year, the Commonwealth Heads’ (CHOGM) meeting. After all, most ordinary people will have noted these conferences mere months ago, when Government alluded to them, to their costs, and what the country hoped to gain by hosting half of the world’s heads of governments (when both meetings are combined). The man-in-the-street would think Prime Minister Patrick Manning awoke one morning last year, and while still in a daze, took the billion-dollar decision up St Ann’s way.
Continue reading Food pact from Summit

The journey to Obama’s ascendancy

By Raffique Shah
January 25, 2009

Barack ObamaIT was an emotional moment, watching Barack Hussein Obama take the oath of office as the 44th President of the United States of America. While hundreds of millions around the world must have experienced joy on seeing the first non-white take that historic leap for “Black man”, for people of my generation and those older than us, the emotions were different. Joy, yes. But that was a miniscule part of the memories that filled our minds as we watched the swearing-in, barely able to hold back the tears welling up in our eyes.
Continue reading The journey to Obama’s ascendancy

President Barack Obama: Change…What Change?

By Leslie
January 20, 2009

Barack ObamaToday, Tuesday 20th January, 2009, Barack Obama officially becomes the President of the United States of America. While there is much elation about this occasion, especially as the Bush era was marked by atrocities and war crimes, Obama has not mapped out a clear path for the change that he constantly spoke about on the campaign trail. However, Obama did express some views on several key issues recently and we can gauge those to see if he is really about meaningful change.
Continue reading President Barack Obama: Change…What Change?

Geo-political aspects of Obama’s presidency

By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
January 20, 2009
Updated: January 21, 2009

Barack ObamaFor the past five hundred years, the world has been under the sway of what Dr. Ivan Van Sertima has called the “five hundred year curtain.”

This European foreign policy curtain has manifested itself in the 1655 Britain’s global master-plan/code-word under the rubric of the “Great Western Design” as enunciated by Oliver Cromwell.
Continue reading Geo-political aspects of Obama’s presidency