Race and Identity in T&T

By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
July 24, 2009


TrinbagoniansDr. Tim Gopeesingh’s recent public baseless and ridiculous accusation of “ethnic cleansing” of Indian-Trinbagonian doctors at the Port-of-Spain General Hospital speaks volumes as to the total misunderstanding of issues concerning race and identity in T&T.

The fact of the matter is that official government census statistics reveal that 42 percent of T&T’s population consists of Indians, Africans comprise 38 percent, Europeans (Whites) are 2 percent, etc.

These figures, therefore, prove that the majority population of T&T consists of Black, non-White, non-European, people of colour.

The stark truism is that people of African descent are not White; they are not European. They are Black, period.

The current Black populations in T&T represents people, human beings, whose ancestors were brought involuntarily, violently and inhumanely from Africa to be enslaved on plantations. These people were neither brought from Afro-Land nor Negro-Land. They all came from Africa; ergo, their descendants in T&T in 2009 are African-Trinbagonians. That’s their correct, historical, ancestral heritage/identity. They are neither Afro-Trinbagonians nor Negro-Trinbagonians.

In fact, the term “Afro” has been expunged from the societal lexicon of the United States since 1984. In 2009, therefore, the descendants of those people, human beings, who were brought from Africa to be enslaved in the United States in 1619 are now called African-Americans. That’s their correct historical ancestral heritage/identity.

They are no longer called Afro-Americans. Barack Obama is America’s first African-American President. He is not America’s first Afro-American President.

The reality is that if one wants to insult, disrespect or denigrate an African-American, then and only then, he is called an Afro-American. In other words, to refer to someone as an Afro-American is to use “fighting words.” This is a totally unacceptable, derogatory term in the United States today.

Now is the time for Trinbagonians “to get with the program” and accept/use their correct, historical ancestral heritage/identity as African-Trinbagonians.

Similarly, the people, human beings, who were involved in Indentureship 1845-1917 came from India. They did not come from “Indo” to work on plantations in the Caribbean.

As such, the descendants of these people are Indian-Trinbagionians in 2009. That’s their correct, historical, ancestral heritage/identity. They are not Indo-Trinbagonians. There has never been a country named “Indo” in world history.

Let’s get with the program.

The fact of the matter is that India as well as Pakistan are in Asia. They are not in Europe and never were. Ergo, according to the international community, Asians are neither White people nor Europeans. They are people of colour– regardless of the lightness of their hue.

The stark reality is that Indian entrepreneurs from India inaugurated and financed the Indian Premier League (IPL). When the IPL was played in South Africa it was still called the Indian Premier League. Now, are Trinbagonians saying that if this cricket league were to be played in T&T, it will be known as the Indo Premier League? Excuse me!

The salient question thus becomes: How can someone and/or something be Indian in India but Indo in T&T?

Now is the time for all Trinbagonians to be proud and respectful of each other’s historical, ancestral heritage/identity. Now is the time for all of us to refer to each other as African-Trinbagonians, Indian-Trinbagonians, Chinese-Trinbagonians, Syrian-Trinbagonians, Lebanese -Trinibagonians, etc.

In the apocalyptic admonition of slain African-American Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Now the judgement of God is upon us and we must either learn to live together as brothers or we are all going to perish together as fools.”

In the final analysis, Trinbagonians are no fools. As long as together we all aspire to the goal of oneness, then, together we may all achieve national unity in T&T. One Aim, One Destiny!

Trinidad and Tobago News Blog – URL for this article:

46 thoughts on “Race and Identity in T&T”

  1. Roger, blue eyes are a recessive gene that occurs in people of all races including African -Americans and African-Trinbagonians. Blue eyes signify nothing except to people trying to show that they are not African originated, but that is a false premise.The Pathans of Afghnistan are blue eyed and hawk-nosed. There is a famous picture of a refugee girl from Afghanistan that is a world-wide poster. She has blue eyes.All Albinos of African ancestry have identical blue eyes to Albinos of European ancestry.I have never seen an Indian albino,so I cannot comment on that.

    I hope the Indian originated people of Trinidad and Tobago do not have to migrate to North America to discver that they are considered “Black”.

    Transfusions of blood and donations of organs can occur across all ethnic groups.Think about that. The man who made blood transfuions posible was an African American doctor. He died because he could not get one at a white hospital near where he had a road accident. Thank God, that period has passed.

  2. Let us not forget that Both India and Trinidad and Tobago were both British colonies where at times it was acceptable for the Englishmen to ,”go native” for sexual satisfaction.
    As far as referring to Trinidadians as Indian, African, Chinese, etc…., I think that it is time for all trini’s to refer to each other as Trinidadians. Perhaps some sort of assimilation is in order? I personally have never in my lifetime have heard of an Indian being referred to as “black”.

  3. Blacks in modern India

    Panya Woman in South India

    Kanikar tribal man in South India

    A Smiling Siddi Girl

  4. Duing an election campiagn in Virginia, USA, there was an Indian originated young man following the Republican candidate, and videoing his every move. The candidte, annoyed, referred to the photo-journalist,as a macaque- for Macaque monkeys, a derogatory term used to refer to African Americans. This was covered in both Newsweek and Time, and the idiot lost his seat to the Democratic contender.

    People of European origins tend to see non-white people as Black, to them, there are only two ethnic groups.It explains the disrimination practiced throughout Europe, towards gypsies, the Roma people, who migrated from Rajastan more than a thousand years ago. They are still forced to live on the fringes of European society, in their tents and caravans.Hitler wiped out thousands of them, but the world’s attention dos not gie them a holocaust memorial.

    While a number of Indians have migrated out into the world from India, wherever African people are discriminated against by White people, that discrimination is also extended to Indian people. The “Indians” of the Andaman Islands, the MAldives and South India are as dark-skinned as Africans fron south and east Africa. There is no difference in the record of how colonial masters dealt with Indians as against Africans, they considered them all black people of lower intelligence.

    It was up to the people of each of these groups to prove on their own, how wrong the colonial masters were.
    Also I wonder if the child whose picture is above, was asked if it wa OK to put her picture in the paper? Were her parents asked?We generally do not ask, but assume they want their picture taken. Such is the behavior of others towards”black” people.

  5. In my lifetime there has always been a distinction between Blacks and Indians in the U.S.. The real U.S.. I would like to see proof of Blacks being referred to as Macaque Monkeys. Also, just because someone flashes a few photos of people all of whom have darker skin does nothing to make me believe that dark Indians are Black. Then again, if a child born of a White mother in the U.S. can go on and become the first African American President, then why can’t anyone and everyone rejected from other ethnic groups be Black?

  6. “why can’t anyone and everyone rejected from other ethnic groups be Black?” Madame L. Please do the right thing and make this clueless soul Curtis happy by concluding that all Indians are white.
    What a incorrigible degenerate this character truly is ! I am now convinced that one of the biggest crimes against humanity is to allow an individual to progress into adulthood devoid of some semblance of education.
    I am making a promise to myself once and for all. This would be the final time I’ll ever try to even read , much less comment, on something he wrote on a blog from henceforth.

  7. Curtis, maybe science can clear up this whole issue. Genetically the Jarawa are more linked to what we like to call, “East Indians”.

    “They look very out of place in the Indian ocean, physically they look a lot like pygmies, with jet black black skin peppercorn hair and ocassionally steatopygous buttocks on the women. But as far as DNA goes they are definitely Asian.”


  8. One cannot help but feel the pain of not only Curtis and similar characters who seem to think that because a few European savages raped their great , great grandmothers to produce a minority elite caste with blue eyes like the Gandhi s , such would make them Caucasians.
    It is always instructive to see the racist reactions of not only these disillusion wannabes , but that of Southern, Central and Eastern Europeans who like to stake the same claims , fully aware that 75 % of their DNA make up was enhanced with African blood.Need we say 500 years of African Moors in Spain , Portugal and Neighboring Italy.
    I too would also like to see any of these stand next to one of Hitler’s pure breed Scandinavian Aryan creations ,and claim to be Caucasian .

  9. I too would also like to see any of these stand next to one of Hitler’s pure breed Scandinavian Aryan creations ,and claim to be Caucasian

    I met South African Indians who claim that the country was better under Apartheid since they were being ruled by whites, than under democracy, since the President is black. In other words they perceive living under the rulership of a black leader as a diminishment in status, regardless of the fact that they enjoy more rights under the latter than they did under the former.

    There are many in Trinidad and Tobago whose antipathy to PNM rule is similarily ideologued. They mask it with a bunch of rubbish about wanting democracy, but their slips are clearly visible.

    Africans were the first migrants to Indian Sub-Continent, before Aryan hordes flooded in and conquered the place. You can never change the mindsets of the Curtis’ because life has no meaning unless they can nurse to their breast the notion that they are superior to blacks. They would tug their hair out and froth at the mouth, but for that ego enhancing crutch.

  10. 250,000 years ago, we all had one common ancestor who lived in the area of the modern Congo Republic. There is irrefutable DNA evedence to show that we are all connected to her, regardless of current skin color or hair or eye type.

    I have been an educator all my life, and I feel so sorry for all the ignorant racist people I would not be able to reach in the rest of my lifetime. I was working in Antigua when that data about “EVE” became public, in 1988. Some white people were so upset, they were alleged to have fainted.The tests were done and redone, the result were the same.

    The small minded people in some ethnic groups in Trinidad, perhaps have only that belief that they are superior to someone else, to hold them together.God only created one couple, we believe. So the EVE theory of DNA has religious implications also.
    The creation myths of all groups in the world, go back to one man and one woman.
    There is no place in the world where one can run away to, to live only with like minded people, even if one had a pea sized mind.

    May I, in this final post on this issue for me, recommend further reading, further seeking knowledge, and spending some time each day, quietly contemplating the miracle that is humankind.

  11. Roger understands that just because it looks like a duck doesn’t necessarily make it a duck. Another example would be the Australian Aborigines.
    Neal if we are talking about everyone coming from Africa and Africans being the blueprint for all mankind, then yes Indians are Black just like every other person.
    A person of color isn’t necessarily a person of African Heritage or “Black”.
    Many of the African Moors that were in Europe for over a thousand years (if you include Grenada Spain) were in fact Arabs. Considering by the time Columbus made his voyage, most of Northern Africa was Arab one could conclude that the African gene was not commonly present in southern Europe. That being said, it (the African Diaspora and it’s effects on the genetic code) had little to do with Northern Europe which spawned many island colonies and in it’s tradition still manipulates the world today.
    My mission is not to state that is more or less anything than what they are. Let’s call a spade a spade (no pun intended). Just because there are some Indians that do not look like the majority of Indians does not make the minority group of Indians anymore or less Indian rather than African or European. I would appreciate if some people would stop making up stories or exaggerating to further their agenda.

  12. Buddhist Nun Adrienne Howley in the Naked Buddha said the following:- “A mind free of cling and craving is a mind free of worry. A mind free of worry is able to concentrate fully on the task at hand. A mind free of worry is able to expand beyond petty and imaginary problems. Such a mind knows it isn’t what happens to us that is of prime importance, but how we react to what happens to us. If our minds is busy clinging and craving and worrying about what we call security, our reactions won’t be skillful and the outcome of our actions won’t be what we hoped for.”
    Does this sound familiar Curtis in direct reference to the original article of Dr. Kwame Nantambu to rebut the despicable and irresponsible commentaries by Dr. Gopeesingh -someone that is alleged to be a Professional, a citizen, and perhaps a patriot?
    The Buddha expanded in his teachings on harmful effects of greed, hatred and ignorance, or the pain of passion, aggression and ignorance. He claims that we all suffer as a result of these poisons- especially ignorance.
    Greed in this context is not simply desire, but “that particular childish grasping kind of want and need with which we are born with and need for survival. This is quite find for infants that grasp at everything and place them in their mouths, but as for adult? Temper tantrums and possessiveness are inappropriate, Dr. Gopeesingh. It is said that “ We suffer unless we understand the truth of impermanence , change and constant flux.” Cling is part of greed. It says What is mine is mine, and what is yours is mine. I am not going to give it back, and I want more of it. “The more we cling to our ideas, opinions, material possessions, mistaken memories and emotional relationships, the greater our distress when change becomes apparent.”
    Time Curtis and others to curb that greedy grasping attachment mindset. First recognize that it is caused by hatred against others that appear to be different, and ignorance contributes to this behavior. I have faith in us as a people.

  13. I wonder how my statement,” I think that it is time for all trini’s to refer to each other as Trinidadians” become divisive? In my opinion to state ones ethnic background detracts from their present. It does not matter if you come from African Ancestry, Indian, Chinese, or European Ancestry. What matters is that you are a Trinibagonian and that you contribute to the positive growth of society.
    Please stop trying to add on to the words stated. They have their own meanings Neal. Someone says assimilation and everyone demonstrates the extremes of their xenophobia. Assimilation is supposed to unite not separate. Assimilation in Trinidad and Tobago would mean that everyone unites as one for what’s best for Trinidad and Tobago. To not do so is to continue the phobia that puts one group against another.
    As far as Dr. Gopeesingh is concerned, he should able to express how he feels regardless of what others think. That is his opinion and it would be our decision as to whether or not we will support him moving forward.

  14. Greed is someone whom thinks that they post the only logical responses in this forum and refuse to submit when they are wrong. As a matter of fact they usually have an opinion about everything. Empty vessels make the most noise.

  15. You are correct Curtis, I can see where in my enthusiasm and passions I came across as a bit, arrogant, obnoxious , and even opinionated- the result of which could lead to a turn off for more respectable bloggers. If that’s the case I am going to man up , and say that every one that’s so offended deserves my fullest apologies . Whether that translates to empty vessel simply because I do not share your notion as to what constitutes reality on the ground in sweet T&T ,and the fact that I choose to look with derision at your attempts at suggestions for moving us forward as a nation, is a different issue. However as you might agree, does it really matter ? You ain’t trading lovely Toronto anytime soon for this hellhole we still have here in Trinidad, even if you were promised the lofty position of head of the Port of Spain General Hospital ,over a more qualified African doctor / Administrator, or 400 acres of choice real estate in Lavantille or Never Dirty Morvant by the thoughtful PM Am I correct?
    Looks like I am certainly in a partial good mood today and would agree with you again that Dr. ‘Gmoneysing’ is free to express an opinion ,since he is fortunate to live in the land of the free , and not the world’s largest pseudo democracy India, or it‘s Muslim Bomb State neighbor Pakistan. There are however consequences for stupidity and irresponsible behavior son . How about if one of your common low life Canadian ‘Methamphetamine head’ idiot patrons goes to Cineplex Odeon Ajax on 248 Kingston Rd Ontario ,where you and your wife or girlfriend is watching a movie ,and he stand near one of the exit , screams fire to the top of his lungs , which probably resulted in a mad dash by other unsuspecting yet scared patrons, that led to serious injuries to a few including your wife, only to hear eventually that this bum was pulling a prank , or in our local Doctor’s specific case , was lying, or fudging the facts for narrow political gains. What do you believe would be the consequential actions by the Canadian authorities cousin Curtis? Now tell me , do you expect a certain level of decorum by a professional doctor , and respected politician in a civilize democratic state?
    I’ll give you a better scenario . Let’s assume that a disgruntled African Trini MP stands on our House floor and claims that he got this scoop from a reliable source that the reasons why the Aids virus rates is so high in Trinidad and Tobago-particularly in the South- is because our predominantly large East Indian /Trinidadian doctors that dominated our Health Service have been secretly and deliberately injecting certain interracial / ethnic groups with the dangerous Aids virus between the period of November 1995 and 2001 ,in order to eradicate and or curb the fast growing ,competing demographic group that the UNC suspects is working against them at the ballot, come each election? I hope you that your simplistic mind now caught a glimpse as you how foolish this doctors behavior is , and why our people’s images is now tarnished due to unsubstantiated comments about ‘inter ethnic genocide’ (note my emphasis , since according to my well informed and learned minds – “all ah we ah one family.” Now that you getter a clearer picture, please finally prove that you still deserve to be called a Trini in any fashion ,and demand a public apology from Dr. Guising – that is if you or him still have a moral backbone, or ounce of integrity still remaining.
    Your move , as I have just indicated that I could perhaps be wrong.

  16. I wonder how you came to the conclusion that I’m Canadian. I never stated that there should or shouldn’t be repercussions for the Dr.’s comments. In fact, I left it up to the people to decide how we should move forward from his remarks. His remarks have no merit until his audience gives those remarks merit. Do we move forward in the direction that the Doc would like to see us go or do we prove his attempt to divide our nation futile? That is more than you or I can decide for the collective. I need no apology from the Doc. What I need is reassurance that he won’t have such a significant forum to express irrational thought and bigotry.
    Have we been neighbors in Canada? LOL!

  17. Yes Curtis let’s leave it to his socially unconscious people to decide his fate, when few have the decency to denounce his despicable actions as many stupidly believes that mean spirited attitudes , venom, selfishness, disgust and hatred of fellow nationals that looks different to them physically, can result in some personal positive returns.
    No, compromise, or surrender on this one however .The only direction we are prepared to pursue for the Doc and his type is to bound them all hands and feet, place them on a leaking rudderless Ship in our shark/ barracuda infested Bocas waters, and set them adrift with only salt water and a Tin of Bermudez Crix to eat, along with 20 Boa vicious Constrictors as company. We’ll then finally find some good use for our expensive overhead blimp by monitoring their progress from high above the sky, and then have the operators give us the relieved nation a report when such a ship has settled to the bottom of the ocean.
    For heavens sake, let’s continue to keep it light Curtis.
    Speaking of Canada, you never know about us been neighbors in this global village. I might just be that blond hair blue eyed guy, you say hello to each you water your lawn, or a reincarnated family member you ill treated in a previous existence. It is why we should always strive to do good deeds, and hold only wonderful thoughts of others.
    Even after all I have said , I too share your view that the good doctor is an insignificant fool , whose two seconds of fame has ran it’s course, as such he needs no more attention via discussions , and therefore this will be my last.
    Keep it light cousin Curtis, as we stay engage on pressing social, economic and political affairs of the day. In addition, encourage fellow human beings to reconstruct their consciousness, in the hope of achieving more noble ends- namely a more just and peaceful coexistence, less divisions, conflicts, and hate.

    I wish you well. Neal.

  18. Pan-Africanism: A new beginning for South Asia


    The early stages of human civilization in South Asia marked a glorious era in which African people practiced sustainable development, lived in peaceful, close-knit kinship societies virtually without conflict. As the barbaric Indo-European rose from the depths of his shallow burrows, he knew only those actions that were innate to his cold environment in the Caucasus, namely murder, war, rape, torture, genocide, conflict and destruction, the proceedings having been documented in the celebrated Hindu text, the Rig Veda. However, history has taught us that this is not a unique circumstance of South Asia, wherever the Aryan has encountered African human beings; the end result has been tragedy beyond the comprehension of the human mind.

    India has maintained the stability of its social order through race-based fascism. Literally meaning skin color, the “Varna” system of racial apartheid was imposed upon the native Africoid inhabitants with the utmost brutality centuries ago in Northwestern India. Most characteristic of Modern Hinduism is the sheer hatred and contempt for black African people. As clearly stated in widely read Hindu scriptures such as the Rig-Veda section II.12.4, “Black Skin is Impious and Lowly”. Citing section I.130.8, “Indra protected in battle the Aryan worshipper, he subdued the lawless for Manu, and he conquered the black skin.” In section IX.73.5 ” The black skin, the hated of Indra, were swept out of heaven.” Moreover, along with the disdain for blacks Indo-Aryan white supremacy is endorsed, as section I.100.18 states, ” The thunderer bestowed on his white friends the fields, bestowed the sun, and bestowed the waters.”

    The invading Aryans enforced the caste system on the Black population with a merciless and bigoted spiritual philosophy, having whites occupy the top echelons of society, mixed races in the middle and the mass of the conquered Blacks at the bottom, today known as Dalits and Dravidians. The physical differences between the black-skinned Dravidian races of southern and eastern India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka and the Caucasoid Aryan races mainly comprising of upper caste Hindus and Sikhs is not the mere design of European colonialist historians, but a fact of human existence in the apartheid state of India. The indigenous people of the Indian Sub-Continent are the descendents of the Dravidian tribes that founded the celebrated Indus Valley civilization. Recent genetic evidence has confirmed what anthropologists have known all along, that the Dravidians, tribals, and lower caste Hindus belong to the greater African Diaspora. As affirmed in the pioneering mitochondria DNA studies published in Human Biology vol. 68 (1996) p.1, “The caste populations of Andhra Pradesh cluster more often with Africans than with Asians and Europeans”. Additionally, another study performed by the Department of Medical Genetics in Umea University, Sweden discovered that “significant ethnic differences in single polymorphisms were found between all groups except for African Blacks-Dravidian Indians, who differed only in their MspI7-16-bp duplication haplotype distribution”.

    The early stages of Pan-Africanism in the western hemisphere focused on the principles and rhetoric of the great Jamaican born leader, Marcus Garvey. In recent times, global Negroland movements have sprouted all over the Indian Sub-Continent and are undergoing exponential growth in support. These movements comprise of all constituents of the Asiatic black race(Sudroids), from the Santhal insurgents of Bangladesh, to the tribal Gond militants of Madhya Pradesh and the Dalit Panthers of Bombay, Chennai, and Kerala. Furthermore, it must be made abundantly clear that these populations are by no means marginal, it totals over 350 million people, exceeding the combined populations of several western European countries.

    Horen Tudu is a Bangladeshi-Santhal born and raised in the United States. He is a staunch Pan-Africanist and research specialist. His work emphasizes on the Dalit and tribal historical/political situation of Bangladesh and India. He may be contacted at horentudu@yahoo.com

  19. Blah- Blah- Blah! The significance of this is what? If an Ibo from Nigeria moved to India, that Ibo would not become Indian. That Ibo would be who he/ she is in India. Same with the children, grandchildren and so on if both sides were Ibo.
    Centuries of African existence in India and or South Asia does not make that African Asian. Just because an Indian is Dark doesn’t make he or she Black/ African.
    Do we really have to explain this?
    I would like to add, that just because we have found “Eve” doesn’t mean that the remains of another “ancestor” don’t exist on another continent. We just haven’t found them. Not to mention, if remains are not found it doesn’t mean that they did not ever exist.
    Does it really matter?
    What was Trinidad and Tobago like under British rule? What was the kidnap, murder, theft and any other crime rate like under British rule compared to now. What about any other former European colony?
    Some people act inferior and that’s why they always feel the need to be a victim. Please no sob stories are needed here.

  20. Curtis, you are immature. They are trying to talk to you but it is like trying to explain the structure of sentences to a child who has not yet learnt the alphabet.

    The human genome has already been mapped. It has conclusively proven that all people came from Black Africans. The original people India were Black Africans. The White Aryans murdered then conquered Blacks in India.

    Black is not a race, it is a color label that is applied to dark skin people. The Dalits say they are Black, as indeed they are. Some Indians are white, some brown skin and some black.

    Some Africans are brown skin and some Black.

    What in this is so complicated?

  21. I don’t accept you classification. Is that so complicated? “Lucy were skeletal remains found in what is now known as Africa. There was no skin in the remains hence the word skeletal. At the time “Lucy” lived; the continents were much closer if not connected. We really don’t know what color “Lucy” was. All that we know is that the remains were found in what is now the continent of Africa. Did she migrate there? We don’t know? Was she born there? We don’t know? We know that Africans as a racial group are darker people than the other racial groups. That doesn’t mean that when “Lucy” lived that all people of what is now considered Africa were dark/ Black/ Negro/ colored/ or what ever description that you choose to use. All that we can do is speculate from our bias and preferences which has clearly been the situation.


    AAHH needs to do more research. What year did this “White Aryans” conquer Blacks in India?
    Surely you’re not speaking of when India was a colony of England? The English at that time were from various groups of people in Europe such as Celtics, Anglos, and Saxons, etc…
    To answer your question AAHH, the part about you not knowing ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignorance) is what I find so complicated.

  22. Someone please establish a factual timeline to back these opinions. Some minds of the Diaspora have lost their way and are now conjuring up pathways. It’s kind of like Hansel and Gretel trying to find their way home.

  23. Curtis, you’ve got to be kidding.

    I spoke of the human genome being mapped and all you can come up with is Lucy. You could research the evolution of skin color and the genetic mutations that caused the evolution of different races from the Black African stock.

    I mentioned the Aryans conquered Blacks in India and you are asking if that was when India was a colony of England. This is so pathetically funny. You do not have a clue about India’s history. You are so uninformed yet so arrogant.

    Go and catch up on the research on your own if you care to expand what is rattling in your head for a brain. Anyhow, for my part, you can remain with your dimwitted views.

  24. Curtis you are one feisty one , that seems impossible to convince even if India’s Father of the Nation Nehru ,or Mahatma Gandhi were to miraculously reappear in the form of a Grande Forest Tatoo, or Tobago Iguana and tell you that your fellow bloggers are correct on the subject of Indians whereever they exist on the face of the earth, being the beneficiary of having at least 75% African Mandingo blood in them .I told you guys that this Karma thing you seems so obsessed with , could come back to haunt you.
    Speaking about those two local delicious creatures, they would have surrendered already , if they were cornered in similar fashion like you are presently by our obviously more learned friends.
    You occasionally chided me in the past for attempting to be all knowing on every subject ,and even arrogant in my commentaries. However as I have always told you and others , I know my limitations , and would never try to argue with the better informed on subjects I know little about. That is unless , I am trying to be a bet provocative, and most would know it.
    Most importantly, some things are worth fighting about , but this is not one of them . Simply accept the facts that African people are not mere stupid savages that made little or no meaningful contributions to global civilization . When you start to accord to others the love and respect they deserve , and you expect for yourself, they in turn would reciprocate in like manner .
    In addition , occasionally try to do some tribal introspection and poke a few holes in your heroes images . Accept that we all have some flaws irrespective of which shade we belong. With that in mind ,you might then come around to the understanding that responsibilities for our domestic problems lies on all our shoulders. By extension ,wider global issues and problems that relates to human security on matters like the global economy, health threats , environmental degradation , wars , nuclear proliferations , Human Rights , and justice can only be solved by us all working together in harmony. Love your brother like yourself , my friend – as we are all simply that – brothers and sisters on this fragile planet. Let go of twisted ideological dogma , and be receptive to new progressive thinking .
    Much love.

  25. Quite surprised that with all these discussions, little is mentioned of Hucheshwar Mudgal. Maybe we can get some more info about him from a more informed poster.

    “Burrows eventually became the UNIA Commissioner for District 5 of the Foreign Fields which included Trinidad, Grenada, St Vincent which included Trinidad, Grenada, St Vincent, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. Surprisingly, one Hucheshwar Mudgal, who was born in India and grew up in Trinidad before moving to the US, became editor of the Negro World and was foreign affairs columnist for Garvey’s Daily Negro Times. affairs columnist for Garvey’s Daily Negro Times.”


  26. “Nor was Garvey’s idea of racial pride a matter of envy towards other races. Rather, he advocated self-discipline as the basis of pride, and was severely critical of complainers: “We are too envious, malicious and superficial, and because of this we keep back ourselves.”
    Excellent article Roger. Thank you.
    Often some critics misinterpret what the conscious amongst us are attempting to do when we try to inform , educate , awake/enlighten our sleeping masses – particularly the young. It is something that others have done for centuries to their overall benefit. It is to develop a sense of self love and pride , as this is the first step towards appreciating and loving others as well. We must never waver in our efforts to build up the images of our national and global heroes that often others- with the aid of the complicit media agents- feel the need to maligned for all sorts of reason. In turn ,we should never hesitate to poke a few holes into the stellar images of their own heroes where necessary , as that too can serve a useful end.
    Another important figure that was never given his full due , even by African Americans, Africans from the continent , and his own Trinidad and Tobago nationals after his sterling contribution for elevating global African interest, was Stokley Carmichael the Belmont giant. Can anyone remember Black Power SNCC movement? Without Stokley there would be no Nobel winner Martin Luther King , Activist Malcolm X ,or even new age political post racial figure in Barrack Obama today. In one of Stokely’s first and only lectures given in Trinidad after he too was banned by his politically threatened former Howard Professor -Dr. Williams – for several decades , I was present, and to this day 20 or more years later ,remember his fine admonitions. It was to “Get organize !”
    He started and ended with his favorite catch phrase – “Be ready for the revolution!”
    That revolution today is not the one that’s advanced with sticks , stones, guns ,and nuclear technology as history would show how pointless though useful ,such is. It is one that however capitalizes on technology yes , but also strengthening the minds of the young, and building hope via education, creating sustainable jobs, pushing environmentally sound economic policies ,utilizing our vast natural resources’ prudently ,and building mutually acceptable networking mechanisms that will contribute to making our fragile planet a much better one.

    During the course of this week I am about to register a new Organization entitled- ‘Operation Peace Outreach Reconciliation and Uplift Initiative Foundation.” The name speaks for itself . As a Buddhist myself I hope to used the good and positive principles as advocated in all various religions as a spearhead to push for the development of all African people , as I am convinced that this is a necessary step for the enhancement of all people across this global village of ours ,in the long run.
    I have always advocated the following principle and hopefully soon can put it into full practice: Before one can eliminate a political system that one is convinced has ran it’s course , then one must first lay the foundation by convincing the grassroots that a new paradigm is necessary that can enhance their interest collectively . This takes patience and time. We are on the right part however , and should not be daunted by the negative skeptics unfamiliar with end game politics.
    That’s correct , Curtis, T-Man , Dr. Gopiesingh and others of similar ilk. ‘Post racial politics’ is now the new world order. Get on board , or remain behind in the ‘zandolee cave’ created by our conniving Eurocentric Colonial masters . It is such divide and rule garbage they were able to use to keep the stupid and enthralled masses of color subjected ,while developing , Australia, New Zealand, North America , Old Europe, Caucasian Israel, and Apartheid South Africa moving along.
    Let us stop allowing a few useless political crumbs such as civil service positions , a contract here or there, and any short term paltry gains put forth by neo colonial fools, and nepotistic old schooled political dinosaurs ,that still masquerades as political leaders, and so have us going for each other jugulars. It is a challenge , but we have to convince also the silent influential national minorities merely contended with making millions, in West moorings, Federation , and Lange Park , Valsayne ,Maraval and St Anns Hills that they must get on this train , as business as usual cannot continue. Let’s see where the future goes as we remain engaged. Just hang in there my friends , and be relentless in your search for progressives where ever they can be found.
    Warm Regards.

  27. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dravidian_peoples

    The genetic views on race differ in their classification of Dravidians. According to population geneticist L.L. Cavalli-Sforza of Stanford, based on work done in the 1980s, Indians are genetically Caucasian, but Lewontin rejects the label Caucasian. Cavalli-Sforza found that Indians are about three times closer to West Europeans than to East Asians.[7] Dr. Eduardas Valaitis, in 2006, found that India is genetically closest to East and Southeast Asians with about 15% more genetic similarity than to Europeans; he also found that India could be considered very distinct from other regions.[8] Genetic anthropologist Stanley Marion Garn considered in the 1960s that the entirety of the Indian Subcontinent to be a “race” genetically distinct from other populations.[7][9] Others, such as Lynn B. Jorde and Stephen P. Wooding, claim South Indians are genetic intermediaries between Europeans and East Asians.
    Some Indians believe that the British Raj exaggerated differences between northern and southern Indians beyond linguistic differences to help sustain their control of India[citation needed]. The British Raj ended in 1947, yet all discussion of Aryan or Dravidian “races” remains highly controversial in India. It is now widely believed that the British used this only as their “Divide and rule” blueprint for taking over the region.[

  28. Neal, I appreciate your concern, but it is obvious that you have missed my point. I never implied that, “African people are not mere stupid savages that made little or no meaningful contributions to global civilization “.
    Let us examine the statement that I made that ignited this firestorm. I stated,” I personally have never in my lifetime have heard of an Indian being referred to as “black”. Up until that point I stood by that with my experiences living abroad. Federal forms of classification being one example such as diversity forms when applying for employment.
    One thing that I have learned is that our perception of race is influenced by where we are from, social status, and time period amongst other things. Based on that, for me to say any of you are wrong would be incorrect. Based on that, it would be wrong for any of you to state that I’m misled or uninformed. I looked to Wikipedia for some time consuming clarification on the subject. I suggest that you all do the same. I’ll help you.
    I still believe that Indians are not Africans or Black. Here may be some reason why. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_American

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