Media Tour of the Prime Minister's ResidenceOn Thursday July 01st 2010, the media toured the Prime Minister’s Residence and Diplomatic Centre at La Fantasie Road, St Ann’s. The tour was led by Government’s press secretary Garvin Nicholas and head of the Prime Minister’s household Armando D’Souza. Prime Minister’s Residence and Diplomatic Centre in pictures
FIRST it was estimated to cost $40 million. Later, that rose to $148 million. Last September, the figure was revised to $175.3 million. But Udecott documents obtained by Newsday reveal that the cost of the Prime Minister’s Residence and Diplomatic Centre as at December last year was an estimated $244 million. According to a dossier on the project which was submitted by Udecott lawyers to the Uff Commission of Inquiry, the cost estimate for the project, as at December 31, 2008, was $243,961,819. Continue reading PM’s mansion climbs to $244M→