THE EDITOR: The essential issue re: the latest Volney-initiated kuchoor is not about all these pretentious concepts of independence of the judiciary; separation of powers; the judiciary being a “bulwark of democracy” etc.
Continue reading Volney/CJ Conflict: Separation of Powers?
Tag Archives: Justice Herbert Volney
PM: Volney’s views reflect his personal opinion
“That several members of her People’s Partnership administration have had a past history in politics and social activism as defenders and upholders of the rule of law and the independence and separations of all the time honoured Estates of a Democratic State as Trinidad and Tobago.
Continue reading PM: Volney’s views reflect his personal opinion
Taking Stock of Our Democracy
By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
September 16, 2010
Everyone remembers when Justice Herbert Volney bus’ it and became the victorious representative of the people of St. Joseph. One day he was a justice of the court the next day he was a UNC candidate. Although Sat Maharaj pointed out that other members of the judiciary had ties to politics and politicians the Volney bomb touched a delicate part of the nation. We made a lot of noise about Volney’s defection but everyone in Trinidad and Tobago – the country that God has especially blessed – knows everything is a one-day wonder. Folks made noise about his ethical nature of the defection but soon it was yesterday’s news.
Continue reading Taking Stock of Our Democracy
Ministry of Justice?
By Dana Seetahal
May 30, 2010 –
“…one of the matters that I have questions about is the Ministry of Justice. As I write this column, there has yet been no Minister of Justice appointed. My concern, though, is how such a ministry will function within the provisions of our constitution.
Continue reading Ministry of Justice?
Kamla must think carefully on Volney
Judges in the house?
We have no problem with former judges deciding to join political parties, and to run as candidates for these parties. The difference is that a former judge is a citizen like the rest of us. We cannot yet refer to Judge Volney as a “former judge” in this debate. He was still on the Bench when he made his decision, and he clearly must have been in some sort of consultation with the UNC even as he enjoyed the status of a High Court Judge.
Continue reading Kamla must think carefully on Volney
Justice Herbert Volney: A UNC Candidate
PM: Has the UNC interfered with the independence of the Judiciary?
A storm has erupted in the election campaign over the resignation of a judge and magistrate to run as candidates for the United National Congress (UNC).
Continue reading Justice Herbert Volney: A UNC Candidate