Category Archives: Education

Always Remember

By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
October 09, 2016

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeIn academic and political lectures, when I refer to the negative psychological and economic impact slavery has had on black people, my questioners usually retort: “You have to bring up slavery again?”

The same people who object to my bringing up slavery’s impact upon black people have no objections when Jews urge their people: “Never forget!”
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Intellectual Honesty

By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
August 29, 2016

Dr. Selwyn R. CudjoeIn the latter part of the 19th century when thinkers were reducing Karl Marx’s notion of man’s economic dimensions (an analysis he began in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844) to saying man is an economic animal exclusively, Frederick Engels wrote to Joseph Bloch on September 21, 1890: “According to the materialist conception of history, the ultimately determining element in history is the production and reproduction of real life. Other than this neither Marx nor I ever asserted. Hence if somebody twists this into saying that the economic element is the only determining one, he transforms that proposition into a meaningless, abstract, senseless phrase.”
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Why are our educators so superstitious?

Charlie Charlie challenge reaches T&T schools

By Camille Hunte
May 28, 2015 –

Charlie CharliePresident of the National Parent/Teacher Association Zena Ramatali is warning against the “Charlie Charlie” game which has been trending globally over the last few days and is now being played by children in local schools.

The game is said to be a simplified version of the “Ouija Board” and summons a Mexican “demon” by the name of Charlie. The “Charlie Charlie Challenge” as it is being called entails placing two pencils on a piece of paper in the shape of the cross with the words “yes” and “no’ written in each quadrant.
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Hillview College Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

By Stephen Kangal
April 09, 2015

Hillview College

Hillview College, founded as Naparima College, Tunapuna Branch on 17 January 1955 inaugurated the celebration of its Diamond Jubilee with a Thanksgiving and Plaque Dedication Service held at the Aramalaya Church on 17 January earlier this year. Delivering an inspiring and fitting message was the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church, the Rt. Rev’d Brenda Bullock, graduate of Iere High School shown below.
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What About Dat Sex Ed Ting Jred?

By Corey Gilkes
September 04, 2014

Sex EducationI come to pelt jep nest again. In a few days school will be reopened and in light of all the various bacchanal going on, in and out of Parliament, it isn’t surprising that many may have forgotten that the Ministry of Education is supposed to be embarking on a revamped programme dealing with sexuality, relationships and sexual health aimed at schoolchildren.
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Emancipate Yourself from … Yourself

By Corey Gilkes
August 06, 2014

EmancipationYears ago, the late economist and social thinker Lloyd Best pondered over the question of how does one save a culture from itself. This is a question we have not collectively dealt with as we continue to entangle ourselves more and more in the destructive aspects of this culture that we’re partly responsible for creating. Somewhere along the line, Emancipation, understood as “freedom” – and I’ll come back to that later – was hijacked to become something that was tolerant of mediocrity, the spurning of ambition, industriousness and intellectual pursuits. Small wonder some people say “dey should bring back de white man” because we’ve made a mess of our Independence (and our Emancipation). I don’t necessarily subscribe to such a self-loathing sentiment but much of what we’re doing to ourselves and our space certainly gives credence to it.
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CARICOM Reparations Presentation to UK House of Commons

Professor Sir Hilary Beckles


to the

JULY 16, 2014
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Embrace ideals and principles of Mandela

By Richardson Dhalai
July 16, 2014 –

Nelson MandelaPublic Administration Minister, Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan, has advised the nation to embrace the ideals and principles of former South African president, Nelson Mandela, saying “his life principle of ‘Ubuntu’ or ‘I am because you are’ can greatly benefit our nation as it deals with the inequities in our society.”
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