Category Archives: Religion

Chinese workers quit Guanapo church

Lighthouse of Our Lord Jesus Christ Church
Lighthouse of Our Lord Jesus Christ Church
Chinese workers quit Guanapo church site

By Nalinee Seelal
June 02, 2010 –

Since May 23 — the day before the May 24 General Election — work has stopped on the controversial Lighthouse of Our Lord Jesus Christ Church in the heights of Guanapo.

Chinese workmen hired by Shanghai Construction group to build the church packed their belongings and left the job site.
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Swaratsingh Still a Priest

Kennedy Swaratsingh
Kennedy Swaratsingh
By Andre Bagoo
Friday, May 21 2010 –

ROMAN CATHOLIC Archbishop Edward Gilbert yesterday said Kennedy Swaratsingh, the PNM candidate for St Joseph in Monday’s General Election, is still a priest of the RC Church. It was widely thought that Swaratsingh was an ex-priest since he entered public life three years ago.

In an interview with Newsday, the head of the local Catholic Church further revealed that Swaratsingh was suspended under Church law after he got married in a civil ceremony.
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Kamla Endorsed by Religious Organisations

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar
Blessings for Kamla

By Richardson Dhalai
May 19 2010 –

UNITED National Congress (UNC) leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday received the endorsement of two religious organisations, the Central Ministries Fellowship and the Muslims of Trinidad and Tobago, at two separate functions.
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Ryan Dumps PNM and Endorses the People’s Partnership

Crazy the calypsonian, 'Manning must go, must go...'

Time for change: no renewal of mandate deserved

By Selwyn Ryan
Sunday, May 16th 2010

This column has been witness to at least ten general elections over the past four decades. In almost all of them, the exceptions being those in 1976 and 1986, it has supported the PNM, whether implicitly or explicitly. We are now in 2010 and face many new and daunting political and economic challenges. After having thought carefully about all that has happened to us as people since the 2007 elections, and indeed before, and having also considered the issues and the options that are available to us in terms of leadership, I find that I cannot possibly support the PNM and have no alternative but to endorse the People’s Partnership coalition as the formation which best suits the political and economic circumstances in which we find ourselves at this juncture. It is time for a change. We need to open up the political system and consider other governance options. We also need to lay to rest the ghost of the NAR. And the fear of coalitions with which it left us.
Continue reading Ryan Dumps PNM and Endorses the People’s Partnership

Is a Letter of Comfort needed from Daaga?

Candidate for Laventille West (N.J.A.C) Makandal Daaga
Candidate for Laventille West (N.J.A.C) Makandal Daaga
By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
May 12, 2010

Dear Mr. Manning:

I was disappointed when you called upon Makandal Dagga to apologize to Christians for his having desecrated [your words] the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception during the Black Power Revolt of 1970. I was even more disturbed when you castigated him for wearing a dashiki in these post-Black Power Days although you wear African clothes on Emancipation Day, one of the few concessions that you make towards your African-ness.
Continue reading Is a Letter of Comfort needed from Daaga?

Governance by God…no less

By Raffique Shah
March 07, 2010

Prime Minister Patrick ManningIf Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s brimstone-and-fire like sermon in Parliament two Fridays ago was reflective of the normal behaviour of Born-Again-Whatever, then I thank the Lord (if She exists) for saving me from the darkness that envelops such tortured souls, for allowing me to see the light of rational thinking at a very early age in my life.
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PM does not get it

Newsday Editorial
February 28, 2010 –

PM Patrick ManningWe wonder what impression the Caribbean Parliamentary visitors must have had on Friday of Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s display of religious fervour — some would even say religious rage at what he perceives as persecution of himself and of the Full Gospel churches in Trinidad and Tobago?
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Manning charges religious persecution

PM Patrick Manning yesterday in parliament
PM Patrick Manning yesterday in parliament
Religious Persecution
PRIME Minister Patrick Manning yesterday said a church being built at the Heights of Guanapo is above board, as he accused his detractors of “religious persecution” of him and the Full Gospel faith.

Manning charges religious persecution
Prime Minister Patrick Manning says born-again Christians must stop accepting the denigration of their faith by people who know none of their beliefs.
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Mystery Church

Newsday Editorial
February 24, 2010 –

PM Patrick ManningWE were most disappointed at Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s silence over the controversial church that Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner alleged is being built by the Shanghai Construction Group (SCG) in the Heights of Guanapo.

Last Friday in the House of Representatives, Warner made his startling claim which raises crucial questions over the alleged use of public resources for a private venture. He held up a photograph of the construction site, which is reportedly manned by Chinese labourers.
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