BREAKING NEWS: Government Fires UDeCoTT Board
UFF: Public purse was at risk
The UDeCoTT board was guilty of a “dereliction of duty” and “knowingly exposed the public purse to a grave risk” by failing to question the award of a $368 million contract to CH Development/Sunway Construction (Caribbean) Limited for the Ministry of Legal Affairs Tower…
Send UDeCoTT board packing
The report submitted by Prof John Uff does not reflect well on the Government and is especially damning to the Prime Minister’s darling company, the Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago (UDeCoTT).
UFF: NUGFW land deal needs investigating
The sale of former State lands at the Real Spring, Valsayn, housing project by the National Union of Government and Federated Workers (NUGFW) at a profit to Udecott calls for investigation, chairman of the Commission of Inquiry into Udecott, Professor John Uff finds.
Uff: Rowley did not know of $10 million Cleaver Heights error
Diego Martin West MP Dr Keith Rowley is not to blame for the $10 million discrepancy in the contract for the Cleaver Heights housing project in Arima, chairman of the Commission of Inquiry into the construction sector Professor John Uff has found.
Hart within his right to disregard Keith Rowley
A report from the Commission of Enquiry into the Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago and the construction sector, which will be laid in the Senate today, has found that former UDeCOTT executive chairman Calder Hart was within his right not to take any instructions from Government Ministers.
Company goes from $3m in projects to $154m
The Prof John Uff report, which has recommended a police probe into former executive chairman of UDeCOTT Calder Hart and the UDeCOTT board, will be laid in the Senate today.
Either Khan or Hart committed perjury
Either former Udecott executive chairman Calder Hart or Carl Khan, the ex-husband of Hart’s Malaysian-born wife Sherrine, committed the criminal offence of perjury, chairman of the Commission of Inquiry into Udecott Professor John Uff QC finds in his final Report submitted last week.
Govt should not pick and choose
All the recommendations in the Uff report need to be adopted and enforced, chairman of the Trinidad and Tobago Transparency Institute (TTTI) Victor Hart has advised.
Uff: Udecott operated by its own tender rules
‘NAPA completed to a high standard’
Kamla wants Udecott board fired
Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad- Bissessar has called on Prime Minister Patrick Manning to immediately fire the Minister with responsibility for both Udecott and the Housing Development Corporation, Emily Gaynor Dick Forde.
Warner: PM should resign
In a statement yesterday, the Chaguanas West MP said if Manning was serious about developed nation status he should follow the example of leaders like former British Prime Minister Tony Blair who resigned from office after being confronted with his party’s sagging fortunes and public anger over Britain’s engagement in the War in Iraq.
…PM’s resignation would be blessing says Warner
Lalla: Manning appears desperate
One of Trinidad and Tobago’s constitutional experts, Senior Counsel Kenneth Lalla, says “the proliferation of issues” facing Prime Minister Patrick Manning is making “it threatening for a Prime Minister to want to sit there and continue to take the criticisms” facing him from the local population.
Kamla: T&T must move forward without Manning
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is appealing to the population to “move forward” and vote Patrick Manning’s People’s National Movement (PNM) out of office in Trinidad and Tobago’s next general election.