Category Archives: General T&T

Building Bridges to Unite African People

Emancipation Celebrations

This year, for the first time, there will be a major Emancipation festival in South Trinidad. The Southern Emancipation Committee, a newly formed organisation will be hosting the festival which runs from Friday 28th July until Tuesday 1st August 2006 on the Harris Promenade, south Trinidad. The theme of this inaugural event is Building Bridges to Unite African People.
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Courting another revolution

By Raffique Shah

Looking around at the many idiot concerts being staged at the highest levels in this society, with some of the most senior office holders as principal actors, one wonders if these people have nothing better to do, if they fail to see the trees from the wood. How and why two matters concerning the Chief Justice can grab headlines for close to two years, and remain mired in the courts and even more so in the political arena, defies imagination and rationality.
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Race and Politics in TnT

By Dr. Kwame Nantambu

For some time now, certain groups and individuals have bandied about the notion, albeit accusation, that they have been the victims/targets of racial discrimination and racial victimization by the PNM government.

However, while there may or may not be any evidence to build a prima facie case of discrimination and/or victimization, any racial connotation in either scenario is a colossal non sequitur.
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A New Type of Criminal Is Emerging

By Linda E. Edwards

The Laventille Hills east Port of Spain area earned a reputation, deservedly or not, for high crime against persons, drug involvement, gangs, knife fights and shootings and so on, and for years, army and police units have focused on east Port of Spain in an attempt to stamp out “crime”. People are still dying there at a high rate, higher than the norm for the country. Central however, is emerging as the SEX crime capital of the country, for crimes against children.
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Making Paleau with Politics

By Michael De Gale

Historically, coalition Governments are not known for their longevity. This is mostly due to competing ideologies and hugely inflated egos that inevitably collide. However, I believe that men and women of conscience, good intentions and integrity could make any coalition work. The recently created Democratic National Alliance (DNA), forged from the leftovers of otherwise insignificant parties has the potential to form an effective coalition if it contains the right ingredients. In culinary terms, it must be a political paleau or a callaloo if you prefer. As Trinbigonians, we all enjoy paleau and callaloo if prepared with love and all the essential ingredients are present – hot pepper and all.
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Congratulations Soca Warriors!

Soca Warriors Celebration in Pictures
Soca Warriors Celebration in Pictures Staff Article

The Hasely Crawford Stadium was filled with thousands of supporters from all over the country to officially congratulate the Trinidad and Tobago football team, the Soca Warriors, on their World Cup efforts. Trinidad and Tobago was unable to make it to the second round of the World Cup football competition after being defeated by Paraguay, but they were successful in entering the annals of history as the smallest country to ever qualify for this competition. It was for this reason that the entire nation was proud: win, lose or draw.
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