highest national award, the Order of the Republic of T&T

September 2, 2010
Fireworks light up QP Savannah
FIREWORKS lit up the Port-of-Spain sky above the Queen’s Park Savannah on the night of Independence Day when Firepower Fireworks in collaboration with Newsday, IETV Channel 1 and Stega Engineering presented a spectacle entitled “A gift to the nation”.
Independence Day peace walk in Belmont
September 1, 2010
Crowds welcome parade back to Savannah
Sat Maharaj slams award for Kamal
MOMENTS after receiving the nation’s second highest award, Secretary General of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha, Sat Maharaj, strongly criticised the People’s National Movement (PNM), claiming the former government had suppressed Indian culture in this country.
…Ex-MP puzzled
Former Cabinet Minister Kamaluddin Mohammed says he has no clue as to why Secretary General of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha, Sat Maharaj, has objected to him receiving the nation’s highest award— the Order of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
August 31, 2010
Pantins happy with award for Dennis
Journalist Raoul Pantin, brother of late economist Dennis Pantin, says the family is happy he will be recognised for his contribution to economic development.
Kamal deserves Order of T&T
Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley says former government minister Kamalludin Mohammed deserves to be presented with this country’s highest national award, the Order of the Republic of T&T.
Why Kamal and Wahid Ali?
Secretary General of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha Sat Maharaj is upset over the award of this country’s highest national award, the Order of the Republic of T&T to former government minister Kamaluddin Mohammed and former senate president Dr Wahid Ali.
Humming bird in flight,
Lend your delight,
Amidst the scarlet —,
Birds and the bees,
Flock to the trees,
Sounds of a nation dawning…
Happy Birthday T&T.
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