Unity Accord signed
HISTORY was created at Charlie King Junction in Fyzabad when before a mammoth cheering crowd, the nation’s Opposition parties signed a historic ‘Declaration of Political Unity’, last night.
The partnership of the opposition parties and labour is promising accountability and no corruption should they be elected to government. They are also pledging that under a UNC government there would also be international observers to oversee every General Election whose report is promptly laid in Parliament.
Exactly 40 years after his Black Power revolution was crushed, a triumphant Makandal Daaga last night acclaimed victory.
Parties to present teams, manifestos next weekend
The ruling PNM and the united Opposition force (UNC/TOP/MSJ) are both projecting to launch their respective candidates and manifestos next weekend, according to officials of each side.
The road to capturing political power began in earnest symbolically at Charlie King Junction, Fyzabad last night for the people’s partnership.
Enter the trade unions
The ruling PNM administration has succeeded in doing what ideology and common cause have not: bring the fractured elements of the labour movement under one umbrella.
Prime Minister Patrick Manning last night opened files on members of the Opposition united team and warned the population that United National Congress leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar will reign if she becomes Prime Minister, but the men around her will be the ones running the country.
Taylor booed, jeered in Moruga
Moruga residents jeered, booed and chased Princes Town South/Tableland MP Peter Taylor out of their community yesterday as they accused him of poor representation.
PNM’s Taylor booed in Moruga
Member of Parliament for Princes Town South/Tableland Peter Taylor was booed and jeered when he arrived during a live radio broadcast in his constituency yesterday. And some villagers used the now popular ‘Villafana dance’ to express their disgust with Taylor’s representation. Villagers crossed their arms to form the letter X and shouted at Taylor to leave the grounds at Fifth Company, Moruga.
Govt will fix all roads
WHILE the paving and upgrading of roads have traditionally been associated with an imminent general election, Works and Transport Minister Colm Imbert yesterday made an unprecedented announcement that with effect from yesterday, Government is taking total responsibility to “fix and repair every single road in the country.”
UNC not good family like PNM says Imbert
‘United Opposition no match for PNM giant’
A consolidated Opposition cannot unseat the People’s National Movement (PNM), Kennedy Swaratsingh, Minister of Public Administration, has said.
Parties exploit the law
CHAIRMAN of the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) Dr Norbert Masson yesterday called for reform of the rules governing election advertising, lamenting that parties across the political divide appear to be exploiting gaps in the legislation, currently governing the issue.
Dumas: Thomas-Roberts has my full support
i love it one love T&T
Historic accord in Fyzabad
HISTORY was made at Charlie King Junction, Fyzabad on Wednesday night when the UNC, led by Kamla Persad-Bissessar, and several other political parties signed an accord paving the way for one unified opposition entity doing battle against the ruling PNM in the May 24 snap general election.
Roll up the tassa, Bissessar
It was just 29 months ago that Kamla Persad-Bissessar was fighting for her political life. Sidelined by the UNC boys club on the brink of the 2007 general election, Persad-Bissessar publicly protested with her No Woman, No Cry dirge.
Would PM and Diego Martin West MP patch up before election?
One of the biggest political puzzles of the day pertains to Dr Keith Rowley. Would Rowley campaign nationally or would he concentrate his efforts at Diego Martin West?
‘PNM till ah dead’
Die-hard support is a key characteristic of the ruling People’s National Movement (PNM), with many of the party’s followers proud to declare themselves “PNM till ah dead”.
PNM’s Arima, St Ann’s make peace
The PNM’s Arima constituency has made peace and MP Pennelope Beckles and her replacement, Laurel Lezama Lee Sing, will work together, according to constituency executive secretary Bobby Charles yesterday.
PNM councillors quit
COUNCILLORS Dansam Dhansook and Fitzroy Ottley have abandoned the PNM ship yesterday confirming their resignations and declaring they are now Independent Councillors in the UNC- controlled Mayaro/Rio Claro Regional Corporation (MRCRC).
Dookeran for Tunapuna; Ramadhar for St Augustine…
Deputy political leader of the Congress of the People (COP) Prakash Ramadhar has been approved by his party to contest the St Augustine seat, while the party’s leader Winston Dookeran will contest Tunapuna in the upcoming general election, COP officials confirmed yesterday.
Indarsingh on PM: Words of desperation
“The signs of a desperate man” was how second vice-president of the National Trade Union Centre Rudranath Indarsingh described Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s statement that unions have aligned themselves with the United National Congress to get their funds out of Clico.
Why is a woman leading these men?
Jamaat al Muslimeen leader Yasin Abu Bakr says his support for the PNM and the UNC has produced kings. He said: “What is a woman doing leading these men?”
Birthday pooja for Kamla
Political Leader of the United National Congress (UNC) Kamla Persad-Bissessar celebrated her 58th birthday with a Hindu pooja on the compound of her Siparia constituency office in Penal last night.
‘MPs must do their jobs or go’
Under a United National Congress (UNC) government, the right to recall will be effected so Parliamentarians who fail to look after their constituents will have to answer, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar said yesterday.
‘Look at people’
Charlie King Junction lives again…
UNC rival: Boos for Taylor proof of discontent
Suruj: Why wasn’t I charged?
Twentythree years after it was laid in Parliament, the controversial Scott Drug Report has surfaced on the 2010 election campaign.
Ramesh threatens to sue Manning
Tabaquite Member of Parliament, Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj, and the United National Congress Deputy Political Leader, Suruj Rambachan, have dismissed Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s campaign meeting claims that they were involved in criminal misconduct.
Abdulah slams PM for character attack on Dookeran
Prime Minister Patrick Manning must tell the country why he was not in the Parliament on July 27, 1990, before he could attack the character of Congress of the People (COP) leader Winston Dookeran, David Abdulah stated on Wednesday night.
Dookeran: I’m all for unity
THE coalition of Opposition parties would not only be able to win the May 24 snap General Election but would also provide a “sustainable and unbreakable platform” on which to rebuild the nation, Congress of the People (COP) political leader Winston Dookeran declared in his speech at a UNC meeting Wednesday night at Charlie King Junction, Fyzabad.
Jack: Who can sell Tobago for $15m?
TOP leader fights back in Fyzabad
Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) Political Leader Ashworth Jack says he has instructed his attorney to take legal action against the radio personality who has been saying that he (Jack) has been paid $15 million to join the alliance comprising the United National Congress (UNC), Congress of the People (COP), labour and the National Joint Action Committee (NJAC).
Orphans and bastard children
A FIERY Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) political leader Ashworth Jack, on Wednesday night slammed the ruling People’s National Movement (PNM) for its handling of the affairs of Tobago, describing that island’s relationship with Trinidad as that of an “orphan and bastard child”.
A look at The People’s Partnership
Tell us where labour leaders stand
The alliance of the opposition parties is on the road, even if it is not clear at this stage what exactly is being aimed at. It however seems to be a work in progress.
Percy: I am really eager to vote
San Juan pensioner Percy Martin Villafana, who has become an overnight legend after refusing Prime Minister Patrick Manning entry to his (Villafana’s) premises, is excited to vote.
Kamla surrounded by strong, dangerous men, says Manning
Beyond rum and roti politics
The election campaigns conducted so far by the People’s National Movement and the United National Congress have centred on one theme and one theme only: vote for us and we will give you many goodies.
10 UNC polls nominees still in limbo
With Nomination Day 11 days away, several UNC nominees are awaiting word after screening and some constituencies—including Couva North and South—are still to be screened.
Some election puzzlements
Well, the starting gate is up and the race is on. Actually, the horses were already on the move: fast trot, then quickening gallop. They’re not yet striding, however. And alarmingly, too many stumbles are even now in evidence.
Kurt Allen joins ‘election race’
Reigning National Calypso Monarch Kurt Allen has begun his political campaign and is looking to screen candidates to make up his slate to speak under the banner of his newly-formed the Bright People Party.
Terri Lyons voices PNM song
The younger sister of three-time Road March queen Fay Ann Lyons has penned and sung a response to Crazy’s “Manning Must Go” coming from the UNC camp.
The coalition accord
The following is the accord which the opposition parties signed as they mount a joint platform to contest the 2010 general election:
A Partnership for Sustainable Good Governance in Trinidad and Tobago
1. WHEREAS the People of Trinidad and Tobago in their Constitution:
(a) have affirmed that the Nation of Trinidad and Tobago is founded upon principles that acknowledge the supremacy of God, faith in fundamental human rights and freedoms, the position of the family in a society of free men and free institutions, the dignity of the human person and the equal and inalienable rights with which all members of the human family are endowed by their Creator;
(b) respect the principles of social justice and therefore believe that the operation of the economic system should result in the material resources of the community being so distributed as to subserve the common good, that there should be adequate means of livelihood for all, that labour should not be exploited or forced by economic necessity to operate in inhumane conditions but that there should be opportunity for advancement on the basis of recognition of merit, ability and integrity;
(c) have asserted their belief in a democratic society in which all persons may, to the extent of their capacity, play some part in the institutions of the national life and thus develop and maintain due respect for lawfully constituted authority;
(d) recognise that men and institutions remain free only when freedom is founded upon respect for moral and spiritual values and the rule of law;
2. AND WHEREAS the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago has been dissolved and the general election will be held on 24th May 2010.
This general election is a decisive and a historic turning-point and watershed in the development of our great twin-island Republic and the following political parties recognise and acknowledge that our nation needs men and women of selfless dedication, firm resolve, integrity and national commitment to take our beloved country forward.
3. AND WHEREAS the Partners herein, in the interest of the people of Trinidad and Tobago agree and subscribe to this historic Partnership and to pool their considerable talents and resources in the national interest at this critical juncture in the history of Trinidad and Tobago.
4. AND WHEREAS the Partners believe that the opportunity exists for the people of Trinidad and Tobago to vote for a people-oriented and participatory Government committed to social justice and implemented by an effective, results-oriented team whose national objective is to put into practice Collaborative Leadership to achieve good Governance.
5. In this PEOPLE’S PARTNERSHIP the partners are:
6. NOW THEREFORE the Partners agree and declare as follows:
The Partners agree that the Leader of the Partnership and Prime Ministerial Candidate is and shall be MRS KAMLA PERSAD-BISSESSAR.
b. The Partners agree to select candidates and only one candidate from the partnership shall contest the general election in each constituency in Trinidad and in Tobago and such candidate shall be the standard-bearer for the Partners in that constituency.
c. The Partners commit to adopt Principles and Codes of Conduct whereby the interest of our beloved country is and shall be put before party and individual self-interest and as a Government comprising the Partners they will implement a Public Policy Programme to improve the quality of life of the People of Trinidad and Tobago based on shared principles of National Development and national unity.
d. The Partners have established collaborative teams, a common platform for sharing a common public policy programme and have agreed to establish mechanisms for the achievement of consensus.
e. The Partners agree that they will abide with the Constitution and laws of Trinidad and Tobago and to propose legislative changes as are necessary to give effect to the will of the people.
With respect to Auntie Kamla as de Change Agent, and the question of opposition forces wisely together for common good, someone once said-and I am paraphrasing – that the hallmark of an intelligent thinker , is the ability to hold two diametrically opposing viewpoints in one’s head , and to argue them just as convincingly to equally skeptical audience.
Where that places me is anyone’s guess,as I never really subscribe to such characterizations , and prefer to leave such for the vain amongst us. I however fervently believe that there comes a time when one must, for want of more common and better cliché ,take a position , or rather ,‘draw a line in the sand,’ as it were , particularly when so much is at stake in our nation.
Let me therefore begin by saying that though a past skeptic of this hastily contrived anti PNM /Pro country political adversarial force ,I sincerely wish Opposition Leader Madame Kamla all the success in her political endeavors moving forward.
What more can one ask of the good lady , for she has proven herself more and more capable with each passing day, based on her quite astute operational maneuvers since putting a nail in the the political coffin of Basdeo Panday , the diabolical ,divisive , ‘use anyway as convenient ,then discard where appropriate any and everyone for personal aggrandizement , criminal , and lifetime hatemonger ?’
Let’s look at the lady’s record, shall we? In one swoop , she place politically ambitious Dookeran in the closet and forced him and most of his COP bandwagon to hold to her petticoat for dear life come post 24th election, at the same time she was able to muzzle the often loquacious money man Jack , and most importantly for me, resurrected the political career of uncle Makandal Dagga, and inveigled Mc Cloud of once powerful OWTU fame on board . Not bad auntie K, I like that show some love to the boys and gals across the cultural isle without breaking too much of a sweat in terms of useless campaigning in East West corridors of the Brazilianlike Favelas , and other poor , perennially neglected , abused , and misused enclaves of lifetime PNMites slave dwelling great grand children.
A word of caution Madame K , contrary to what some of the so call expert media pundits, and neo tribalist like to think, the folks from these voting blocks, are a smart bunch , are also disgusted by the underachieving country , and there would support a progressive movement when presented . However don’t be fooled , as many have been down this road before ,in from 1986 to 95 ,2000, and 2001, to disastrous ends.They would not however be hoodwinked , into acceptance of a 6 for a 9 my good lady , but would drop you just as quickly like a hot roast bake from a Caranege dirt oven , or -as my buddy Big C from Siparia like to remind me – a dangerous Sande Grande Mapippe snake that crawled up one’s leg in the during a curry duck river lime – if you catch my drift. Again , good luck , and God speed on your adventures , I am behind you 100% , but remember we the voice of reason , and emerging non members, of the complicit, Corporate 4th Estate , are watching – not only you , but the politically over ambitious , and laschievious handlers, with their many eyes fixated on social , and political spoils .
I wish you well, out PM in waiting.
Ha, Ha, everybory getting on like kamla is the best thing since slice bread. She sat in parliament for 15 years and all she did was oppose. She might oppose herself if (God forbid) she ever gets into parliament. I remember the $15 million school fiasco. The jumbie school in the bush in Biche. I also remember her colleagues paying $30 million for a ferry to Tobago that we never got. She never condemned the Piarco Airport bobol but now she is lineked to Indira Ghandi, that elite lady. Ha Ha. Trini is a set of jokers and not thinkers
You are correct on that score Clara , but unless we are prepared to kidnap someone from Jupiter to run the country , or do like what ‘dem suspect global hegemonic powers,’ have historically done in grabbing an out touch elitist expat-com puppet, that lived in the Global North since a baby, then one must work with what one’s got, and that of course includes the likes of Madame Kamla.
You’ve got to give the good lady some props for having the courage to take on the power brokers from within her party, and now guess what,she has self opinionated Uncle Manning and sleeping coward crew on the defensive.
Don’t you wish that someone could now take the coward Mason Hall Kid Dr. Rowley ,aka the Rottwilder, and place him in a ‘Tobago Crocous bag,’ then dump him out in the Bocas or somewhere off our Icarcas Sea , so that barracudas could have fun with him ,as they too decided if he is worth eating.
What’s the expression , fattening the cow for others to eat , or words to that effect?
Before this man came around with the Hart the crook evidence, and other cries of political expansionist overzealousness , and other cries to end blatant corruption , UNC as a party ,could not even spell the word , especially with Panday the divisive, criminal , hate-monger in charge, but that’s history now, and they smell blood- Good for them ,and hopefully our country in the long run.
Here’s my advice in a letter to the Rowley the babbling Shitzu – sorry I mean vicious barking Rottwilder , way back in June 2008. God how I find coward of all stripes despicable. One of the most intelligent minds in the country , simply prepared to run for some stupid seat as MP for what is it Diego Martin East , or West ? Who the hell cares, when so much is at stake , and disingenuous bandits are on the verge of possibly handing over powers to others of similar ilk.
Irrespective of the results come May 24th, one can be assured that Sweet T&T, aka Rainbow Country’s politics ,will never be the same.
Perhaps we the non voting , occasional Carnival freaks should wish them well.
Election is a week away and the residents of Carlsen Field have not seen the person who will be representing us in the elections. i personally dont know who he or she is. we would like to meet
thank you