Category Archives: Features

Summit for neglected majority

By Raffique Shah
Sunday, March 29th 2009

Fifth Summit of the AmericasLet us forget for a moment the “spring cleaning” exercise the Government has undertaken in preparation for the Fifth Summit of the Americas. True, we all tend to put our best faces forward when we invite visitors to our homes. But one cannot live in an unholy dump year-round and clean up only for Christmas or for visitors-it’s stupid. Trinidadians, more so than Tobagonians, have descended into a kind of nastiness that is difficult to understand.
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A new start for Zimbabwe?

Ian Scoones, Challenges the myths about Zimbabwean agriculture and land reform

15 September 2008
(Livelihoods after land reform)

Zimbabwe WatchThe long-awaited political agreement in Zimbabwe is to be welcomed. After years of political impasse and economic instability, there is a potential for a new start. But an informed debate on the future is needed and a focus on land and the agricultural sector must be central to these discussions. The new government will be offered advice from all quarters – consultants from around the world will arrive by the plane load, and the donor community and foreign think-tanks of all persuasions will forward their preferred plans and programmes.
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Adventure partially to hell and back through the Cumaca Forest

By Charlene De Gale
September 07, 2008

HikingEver hiked in drenching rain, knee high mud, with impending landslides looming overhead and crossing swelling rivers to the Cumaca Caves, literally hidden in the Cumaca Forest in Valencia, Trinidad? Not too long ago, maybe just last year, I went through it all and when I thought I’d never go back in that neck of the woods, on August 15th 2008, I was back! This time not to the caves but to do several compulsory visits to farmers whose estates go far beyond the distance of the caves!
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