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Colonialism,White power is Still Alive and Well In

Colonialism,White power is Still Alive and Well In Trinidad, Tobago and The Caribbean
By Jomo

Neo-Colonial Rule is White power in Black Face
A nation that has oil and gas mineral wealth but no industrial program to become self sufficient is evidence that the government in power is only concerned with its own bank account as opposed to the real political and economic independence of the nation and its
people. This type of political leadership will eventually leave office as millionaires living a life of luxury and exuberance while every one and everything around them is old, decaying and impoverish.
Every five years at election time you will be treated to a good time with money, paved streets, alcohol and doubles. But soon after a government is elected to power their true partners in crime get all their attention, oil, gas, money and jobs. It becomes clear after some time that the national government is aligned with international imperialism. Imperialism is defined as the domination of the economy of one nation by a foreign power where-by all the raw materials, labor and brain power is used for the advancement of a foreign nation. The G5 nations that sit on the Security Council at the United Nations are the imperialist nations; namely USA, Britain, France, Russia and China. In the Caribbean our imperialist nations are the US and Britain with the other three vying for what’s left over.

Our Mineral Wealth is Stolen from our Land While we Look to the Heavens
The US is the major market for our Nations’ natural gas but our Nationals do not benefit from the wealth that is produced. Foreign companies, the Government and some local contractors benefits but the masses of the people are relegated to observers in our economic activity. However our poverty is a direct result of the greed of the bourgeoisie which is defined as the ruling class of all nations. Our Nations’ wealth is supposed to be shared by all but instead a small minority of people take all the wealth for themselves. They then use our own money to pay the police to lock up us up; they use our money to bring drugs into our country to intoxicate us because a drunk and high population is not concern with government business which is the peoples’ business.
The ruling class also allows the Nation to be flooded with religious institutions which overwhelm radio and TV programs with their ideological obscurantism. This is defined as indoctrination that directs a population toward heaven and the afterlife while leaving this life in the hands of government because the bible portrays them to be instruments of the devil. The ruling class in this country is aligned with the ruling class in the G5 nations to make money for themselves while the working class just gets a measly pay check. It is just enough to keep us coming to work every day to continue to produce wealth for the bourgeoisie.

The Biracial Vote that elects Racial Parties into Government produces both Pride and Anguish

The two major political parties the PNM and the UNC are racial parties, every one knows that the few Indians in the PNM and the few Africans in the UNC are simply window dressing to attract the other races to their fold. Beyond the window dressing these tokens and the racial voters that they must bring to their respective parties have no power to influence anything. However we continue to exhibit political emotionalism as opposed to political practicalism [my word]. Africans or Indians feel joyful or proud when their racial party wins elections but when out of power we feel disgraced

The parties are fortunate that need the biracial vote to win the elections because this need gives them the opportunity to appeal the other races and appear to be a party for all. However in the final analyses it doess not matter wwhether Indians, Africans, Muslims, Hindus , Orisha , Christians or a combination of all of them vote either party into power . The spoils of government will only go to the party, its imperialist masters and it financial backers. However we continue to exhibit political emotionalism as opposed to political practicalism[my word]. Africans or Indians feel joyful and proud when their racial party is elected to government. The feeling turns to anguish and disgrace when our racial parties lose power but the knowledge that our race is in power translates into nothing. No improvement in income, nor healthcare, nor education, nor housing-absolutely nothing!!!

Electing the PNM/UNC to Government will not Improve the People’s Life

These parasitic politricktions [my word] continuously play on our emotions because we are not schooled in the science of politics, class distinctions nor parasitic capitalism. Unfortunately for them our days of ignorance are finished, we are about to embark upon a new era of political theory and practice to end the political domination and economic slavery of the PNM/UNC governments. Politics in the Caribbean is a non-violent contest to determine which sector of the petit-bourgeoisie will control the treasury for a five year period. It is evident that the average African and Indian family fortunes remain the same after every election. Consequently voting for the PNM/UNC will not improve life for working families and the poor.

Until such time as workers can organize them selves into their own political party there are some things we can do to put gradual partial power in the hands of the people.
People who unite with the theme of this paper must identify all the players in their local government structure. Organize your friends and families to mobilize their friends and families to formulate community demands and attend your local government meetings. Plan your meeting and select your best spokes person before attending the local government meeting so that you are prepared to speak with one voice. In some cases you will be denied input into the council. That will signal the next phase of your campaign which is independent political action. You can begin by actual mounting a campaign to unseat the incumbent local government body and replace them with a body that’s controlled by the community.

Each Constituency Must Put Forward Their Chosen Candidate Not the Party’s Choice

The PNM/UNC must not be allowed to continue to select persons to represent the constituencies unless that person lives in that constituency and has the support of the majority of locals. The people’s candidate must get his/her political platform from the people not from the Manning or Panday. We want local representatives to fight for local not national issues. Local representatives of the party must be able to criticize them selves, their colleagues, their political leaders and the Opposition in order to bring home results. MPs who forget their electorate will not be returned to parliament the next time. That's the type of politics that define an independent people any thing less is undemocratic, dictatorial and a farce. The PNM/ UNC claim to represent the people, so then the people must tell the government how they want to be represented. How else are they going to know? An election to parliament does not imply that the minister makes decisions for his/her constituency.

The Political Struggle is to Secure Equitable Material Benefit for all

The leadership of the working class knows only to well that the white power in black face ruling elite cannot satisfy the requirement of workers, farmers, shopkeepers or the poor. They will be exposed sooner or later as being unable and unwilling to redistribute the wealth of the nation among its citizens. Let’s be fundamentally clear, the political struggle is to secure material benefit for all. Personal greed, service to foreign masters and contempt for workers will perpetuate all wealth with political power in the exclusive possession of this tiny tape-worm group- the ruling elite. Our response is clear; the rule of the neo-colonialist parasitic class must end. The workers, small business and the poor, the true producers of all goods and services must assume leadership over the nation and its economy.

We shall begin to understand how to free our selves from the political paternalism and economic bondage of the PNM/UNC governments. This invitation is open to all to share equally in the theory and practice in the struggle for genuine democracy and independence- stay tuned.

Defeat Sell-outism Now!
Stop the War Against the Working and Poor!
Build the Party of the Working Class!!

Trinidad and Tobago News

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