There needs to be a revolution in Trinidad and Tobago. I'm not talking about overthrowing the government, but rather overthrowing the personel who operate with the intent to rob from the people of T-N-T.It just doesn't make sense how or why the people of Trinidad and Tobago don't resemble those (economically and in standard of life) those of Japan. There are too many Mobutu Sese Seko's in government, and too many Trinis, trying to live like the downtrodden in the U.S. rather than becomming viable leaders in the local social scene to not only inspire a nationalist movement, but a economic movement to improve their own lives from within instead of looking abroad toward perhaps for most immigrants false dreams. Excuse my run on. My point is, if the residents and inhabitants of Trinidad and Tobago won;t take pride in themselves their, country, and it's/ their role and place in the international community to be a leader/ perhaps hemispherical power, than how can anyone of you complain about such blatant political moves to pacify the people only to regain office or perhaps satisfy some economic self-serving intrest on the side?