Marcus Garvey gets US presidential pardon Posted: Monday, January 20, 2025
Marcus Garvey gets US presidential pardon Garvey, who was conferred with the Order of the National Hero in Jamaica in 1969, influenced Malcolm X and other civil rights leaders.
Ravi Ragbir, TT-born immigration activist, granted clemency As for Ragbir, the White House Statement said, "Ragbir was previously convicted of a non-violent offense in 2001. He was sentenced to two years and six months in prison. Since his release, Mr. Ragbir has advocated for vulnerable immigrant communities and families in New York and New Jersey. Previously, he served as the Executive Director of the New Sanctuary Coalition, an interfaith network of congregations, organizations, and individuals that support immigrant communities.
Busy first day for Trump ...will end 'four long years of American decline'
Daly Bread: Gov't policy incoherence continues to stymie steelpan industry The defeatist statement of Prime Minister Rowley, reportedly made in Parliament on Monday last, that the murders will not end as a result of the recent declaration of the state of emergency, contained several blame game allegations—but not one significant word about reasonable policy aspirations to reform the distorted socio-economic structure, including the education system, which pre-disposes many youth to accept the lure of criminal activity.
'Proud moment' as new-look coat of arms unveiled In a newspaper advertisement yesterday, the Office of the Prime Minister – Communications displayed the new coat of arms design.
It recalled that the National Emblems of Trinidad and Tobago (Regulation) (Amendment) Bill, 2025, which allows for the replacement of illustrations representing ships led by explorer Christopher Columbus, with the national instrument of T&T, the steelpan, was unanimously passed in the House of Representatives on January 13.
The ad also recalled Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley's contribution in Parliament.
Pan Trinbago backs coat of arms with steelpan, social-media users knock design
'Rent, landlords killing the culture' - No home for Kaiso Showkase "We are just going to the Bowl for the opening night. We cannot afford that rent. It is somewhere between $7,000 to $9,000 per night for the amphitheatre. Inside the auditorium is about $12,000. Calypsonians should be given a more acceptable rate.
Another nominee in PNM race for Diego Martin West The Diego Martin West candidacy is developing into a contest between media personality Han des Vignes and the constituency's lady vice chairman Yokymma Bethelmy who has acted on several occasions as a temporary PNM senator.
'Economic perceptions not in sync with data'
Tancoo: T&T's economy is in a State of Emergency
Trincity, Maloney residents: Crime, water more important than name change However, the proposed name change of the Arouca/Maloney constituency to Trincity/Maloney has largely gone unnoticed by residents, who expressed little concern, focusing instead on more pressing community issues.
Tobago band reigns with Rainorama at pan semis The unofficial results were announced on January 18, shortly after the event. The Tobago band T&TEC New East Side Dimension, the defending champions, once again topped the semifinal round, playing the late Kitchener's 1973 Road March, Rainorama. On its Facebook page, the band thanked everyone for their support.
Chutney soca blamed for demise of East Indian culture "I have followed the CSM from the beginning; there is a deterioration in the quality of the performance; they have butchered the lyrics and it's all about one special type of song," he said.
Beating alcoholism Here's how to find and get help
'Too many cops involved in crime' Sturge, the United National Congress (UNC) prospective candidate for the constituency of Toco/ Sangre Grande, said while these individuals were in the minority, their involvement continued to affect the violent runaway crime situation.
Brothers slain, 2 double murders within hours Two men were ambushed, shot and killed in Belmont on Saturday night, while on Sunday, two brothers were shot dead in Matelot.
Debe man sentenced to 18 years for killing father in 2008 However, he will only serve two years as the court deducted the time (16 years and 14 days) already spent in custody.
Bissoo's case ended on January 16, 2025, after the State and Defence attorneys entered plea discussions.
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