US$494.6m in profits Posted: Saturday, May 11, 2024
HSF reports US$494.6m in profits The Heritage and Stabilisation Fund (HSF) reported a profit after tax of US$494.6 million for the financial year ending September 30, 2023, a complete turnaround from the corresponding period in 2022 when it reported a loss of more than US$900 million.
Imbert: Heritage and Stabilisation Act 'has to be looked at' Acting Prime Minister and Finance Minister Colm Imbert said the Heritage and Stabilisation Act should be reviewed as there appears to be some "ambiguity" regarding the submission of revenues within the Act's stated timeframes.
PM meets Ghana leader, talks gas deal
AG refuses to pay Auditor General's full legal costs "Since then, I've received correspondence from Mr Ramlogan's chambers requiring me to do more than that and I've made it very clear I have a duty to make sure the public purse is managed responsibly. I reiterated my commitment to pay legal fees for that which the Auditor General requested—an opinion on the true constructions of Sections 24-25 of the Exchequer and Audit Act – and beyond that I'm not prepared to commit the public purse to any more fees."
AG mum on Seetahal case, says electronic documents acceptable in court "Information or record in electronic form or a data message will not be deemed inadmissible as evidence (a) solely on the ground that it is in electronic form; or (b) on the ground that it is not in the original non-electronic form if it is the best evidence," the Act states.
Nutrimix cuts flour prices 5 to 17%
Nutrimix announces reduction in flour prices
Iwer's station in breach TATT rules on degrading statements against judge...
TATT: Radio talk show statements on judge 'divisive and inciteful' TATT chief executive officer Cynthia Reddock-Downes wrote to Justice Frank Seepersad on May 8 on the authority's findings to a complaint he made of the Juju Love programme broadcast on Trinibashment Ltd's 91.9 FM on January 30, 2024.
Reconstruction of Mayaro Road in final stages
Mom begs for a better life; can't afford to send children to school
Man kidnapped during robbery found Kidnap victim Junior O'Connor was warded at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex in Mt Hope last evening after he was found in Chaguanas yesterday.
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