Minister orders independent probe Posted: Sunday, November 5, 2023
Minister orders independent probe into TSTT cyberattack As per TSTT, while the data released contains identifying information, only 6GB was accessed and represents less than one per cent of the petabytes of data the company produces and stores.
Gonzales, who, in the Parliament last Wednesday said that customers' data wasn't compromised, on Sunday expressed concern about the digital security invasion.
Kitchener and Sparrow not good enough for top ten? Ah wanna fall! Is greatness, like beauty, in the eye of the beholder? The question is broached in a not-very-good Calypso History Month piece penned by Debbie Jacob in a recent Newsday article under the headline: 'My top ten calypsoes'. Alas, she offers no answer.
Daly Bread: Government gaps in call out on crime My close friends are worried for the safety of commentators on violent crime. In my case, they firmly believe that I have done enough in analysing the untouched core of criminal activity.
At that core, regardless of which political party is in government, is the troubling intersection of party politics, the underground economy and distrusted elements in law enforcement.
Noble: The Israel-Hamas War and the Bible—silence in the face of evil
Grave national security matter: MP slams convict's escape Anthony Michael Smith, who wasconvicted of five counts of trafficking a child on Thursday, was fitted with an electronic monitoring bracelet but managed to abscond custody.
Venezuelan national missing from IDC The individual, who was held at the Immigration Detention Center in Arima, was there while investigations into his arriving into this country illegally were ongoing.
Woman succumbs to injuries from self-inflicted burns According to reports, around 1am on October 14, Ramdeo and her common law husband were at their home along Naparima Mayaro Road in Tableland when they got into an argument.
She allegedly threw white rum on herself, got a lighter and set herself on fire.
Her common law husband reportedly put out the fire quickly, but not before she sustained 35 per cent body burns inclusive of the face, neck, chest, lower limbs, and arms.
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