No reason to celebrate Posted: Wednesday, August 16, 2023
No reason to celebrate Sagewan laments low turnout:
PEP's Phillip Alexander: Everyone lost local government elections "The party is smaller because of the accommodations they made for the NTA. And the UNC's numbers were less than what they got last election without the help of the NTA. Gary Griffith brought nothing to the table, and Jack Warner was worse. Warner brought nothing but some nonsense grandstanding. They have gone backward.
UNC got the popular vote
Griffith willing to work with other parties
14 LGE recounts ordered; EBC reveals 34.34% turnout, popular vote to UNC The Opposition UNC got 173,961 votes, the highest number in Monday's Local Government election - but there was a lower voter turnout of 30. 34 per cent than there was in the 2019 LG election.
Analyst: Augustine showing signs of hubris syndrome
Will we restore Pan in Schools? A course in the making of the steelpan was incorporated into the ministry's curriculum through the Caribbean Vocational Qualifications. The process of establishing steel orchestras in schools was, nevertheless, pedantic and very slow.
The Pan in the Classroom project received a fatal blow in 2011when the project was discontinued and the process of putting steel orchestras in the schools continued to limp along. During that decade Europe, Asia, Africa, America and the rest of the world embraced steelpan and schools – even universities – and began teaching children to play the pan.
Tobago finds itself, the Italian connection De Gaetano became part of "Team Museum", a group of like-minded enthusiasts interested in historical field research, including Louis Vilain and Jerome Keens Dumas (Tobago Trust), Gabrielle Fernandes (Tobago Library Services), Liselle Isaac (archives manager), Arlene Blade (Amerindian archaeology), Annamaria and Rikhi Ganase, Camille Fitz-Worme, Lyndon Skeete, architect Cosimo Di Maggio, Richard Dunn (restoration), Vaughan Wastling (osteologist), Dr Jesma McFarlane (research), Daynee Job (African history), Crystal Sheppard (African history), Aisha Guy (Tobago Museum) and Joshelle Dann (student).
Chaguanas driver charged with raping, robbing, stabbing Venezuelan teen A 58-year-old man was granted $400,000 bail when he appeared before a Chaguanas Magistrate yesterday, charged with kidnapping and raping a Venezuelan minor.
Denninston Spence, of Chaguanas, was charged with two counts of Sexual Penetration of a Child, Kidnapping, False Imprisonment, Indecent Assault, Malicious Wounding, Larceny and Possession of an Offensive Weapon, when he appeared before the Chaguanas Second Magistrates' Court.
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