OWTU writes Finance Minister Posted: Tuesday, July 25, 2023
OWTU writes Finance Minister: 'Increase minimum wage, lower fuel prices' Speaking to the media after delivering the letter, he said, this letter is to help voice the concerns of the general public as it contains pleas to increase the minimum wage to $30 from $17.50, decrease the fuel prices, removing the National Insurance Board (NIB) penalty for those retiring at age 60 and delay the implementation of property tax all of which he described as "bread and butter issues."
Unions consider 'possibility' of joining with UNC
Jack, Kamla, Gary join forces against 'common enemy' PNM United National Congress (UNC) leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says the party's lawyers will support Tobago House of Assembly chief secretary Farley Augustine and Tobagonians in the courts and will also support them in Parliament and on platforms.
While Jack Warner has promised to work to earn his place in the UNC and then disband his Independent Liberal Party (ILP) to reintegrate it into UNC.
Jack on reuniting with Kamla, Gary: We can save Trinidad and Tobago from abyss
Warner labels Kamla the 'Mandela of local politics'; vows to disband ILP
NGC, WASA team up, a good move Rather surprisingly, WASA chairman Ravindra Nanga explained that when NGC approached an earlier WASA administration their offer to assist was turned down. This time, NGC's overture was immediately followed by the breach of a 48-inch pipeline at the Caroni Water Treatment Plant that cut off water supply to 250,000 customers.
T&TEC to test wind energy "Testing will be done at two sites at a time, the wind speed data collected over the 12-month period will be used to determine whether sufficient wind resources exist at these locations and estimate the performance and economic viability of wind turbine generation," said Gonzales.
August 11 declared by UN as World Steelband Day
Parliament to remember 1990 attempted coup on Thursday
Storytime with the President Doors open to primary school pupils...
'GOODBYE DADDY'– Massy worker laid to rest after 37 days
Tears, dancing as mourners say farewell to man killed in NiQuan accident
PSC: No discussion about police vetted units Dickson said units to vet officers already existed within the police. He identified them as the Professional Standards Bureau (PSB) and the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB).
Father of 3 appeals for help for urgent liver transplant surgery With a liver donor already waiting in the wings, it is a lack of finances which has grounded Resal's hopes of recovery.
"Only one private hospital in Trinidad doing the liver transplant surgery, other than that I'd have to go to India or USA (United States of America) which will be more money.
"Right now we trying to raise the quotation (which) says $400,000 ... anywhere else overseas is US currency," he said.
Prison guard applicants by the thousands
After six years in Iraq prison: Terrorist's jail term ends tomorrow, fights to return to T&T After six years in a prison in Iraq, Sabirah Khalidah Waheed's sentence will come to an end on Wednesday, clearing the way for her to be the first Trinidadian to be deported from the conflict zone.
Waheed, 33, is a convicted terrorist. She was jailed for her affiliation with the terrorist group, ISIS.
Body in Windy Hill grave believed to be missing accountant Police believe they have found Reagan Reece, the accountant who went missing on June 6.
Woman's body found on shoreline, head buried The decomposing body of a woman who is yet to be identified was discovered on a beach in Chatham on Friday.
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