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Posted: Tuesday, June 20, 2023

JTUM leader and president general of the Oilfields Workers' Trade Union (OWTU) Ancel Roget, speaking during Labour Day activi­ties at Charlie King Junction, Fyzabad, yesterday, said nobody in the country should be working for less than $30 an hour.

JTUM calls for $30 minimum wage and reduction in fuel cost

PEP questions relevance of trade unions
In a statement today PEP said collective bargaining agreements have "neutered mighty organisations" and allowed the chief personnel officer to force four per cent as the only offer to workers, despite the fact that the cost of living increased beyond "30 and some say 50 per cent since the last increase."

Unions must rise above wage struggles
Prof Brinsley Samaroo:

TTMA leads delegation to Suriname's energy summit

Ex-CTU head: Government must act swiftly to save Trinidad and Tobago from trafficking-in-persons downgrade
A downgrade would have seen TT being banned from getting some financial assistance from the US and being ineligible to access some loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

If TT does not improve, it will be downgraded, as a waiver can only be given once. TT was last downgraded in 2021, when it went from Tier 2 to Tier 2 Watch List.

Tropical Storm Bret forms – possible hurricane threat to Caribbean islands, no threat to TT

Bret may become a threat
'A hurricane by Thursday' TTMS:

Minister dismisses 'garrulous' Griffith complaint over town hall meeting
A local government candidate's upcoming town hall meeting on crime was criticised on Monday by NTA head Gary Griffith over the presence of the police, but Housing Minister Camille Robinson-Regis rejected the remarks as "garrulous utterances" from someone unfit to lead.

Massy worker injured in blaze dies
A Massy Energy Engineered Solutions Ltd (MEES) worker, assigned to NiQuan Energy Trinidad's Pointe-a-Pierre plant, who was injured in an incident at the facility on Thursday, has died. He died while undergoing treatment at a hospital in Miami.

Woodland residents defy ministry warning, continue to 'fix' riverbank
South Oropouche Riverine Flood Action Group head Edward Moodie told Newsday his group had been visited by MoWT's Drainage Division on Monday morning but were continuing their ongoing efforts. Newsday had reported the residents using sandbags to repair the embankment of the New Cut Channel River, on Sunday.

Penal man killed in home invasion
Gabre Mahabir, 27, was shot multiple times while his wife and young daughter were being held at gunpoint in a room, police said.

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