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Bitterness, despair
Posted: Sunday, June 18, 2023

Bitterness, despair
IF "change" should occur at the local govern­ment polls on August 14, the people also demand changes in municipal services as extreme dissatisfaction was expressed by all but two people from Valencia to Sangre Grande to Cumuto last week.

Youth disenchanted with quality of governance, politics in T&T
While the respondents varied from construction workers to UWI students, from bank workers to unemployed single mothers, their responses were similar–they all said there was a sense of hopelessness within their generation about the current state and future of the country.

Analyst: Former UNC senator's crossing to PNM no blow to UNC
Ragoonath branded the switching of allegiance of Obika and three former councillors who won their seats on a UNC ticket in the last election but have since crossed over to the PNM, as "political opportunism."

Farley: It was me on the audio tape
... but says he is being extorted by individual

UNC MP to top cop: Investigate Farley's extortion claims

Warner to sue Farley over damning allegations
Keon Warner, son of Tobago businessman Allan Warner, has admitted that Warner Construction and Sanitation Ltd (WCSL) made a verbal request for $60 million from Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Farley Augustine for outstanding payments from construction projects.

8 weeks paid time off
Paternity leave in T&T still not a legal right but...

Central Bank report: Inflation slowed to 6%

'Wolves in sheep's clothing among you'
Sabotage at Paramin Water Supply Project, says minister...

84 active trade unions in T&T
Stakeholders claim movement alive and well:

US Traffic In Persons Report: Trinidad and Tobago narrowly escapes downgrade to Tier 3

'More needs to be done'
Refugees, human trafficking must be taken seriously...

Legal Secretary dies at her workplace
Trisha Ragoonath, 39 of Penal, was found at Roopnarine and Company Law Chambers at Lord Street, San Fernando around 11.20 p.m.

Mother of slain 15-year-old schoolboy: He shielded his father
Minutes after he promised his mother that he and his father would be coming home shortly, 15-year-old Nicholas Turi Jordan was gunned down with Aneil Toolsie, 35, in Arima, on Thursday night.

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