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Trouble in Defence Force camp
Posted: Monday, June 5, 2023

Trouble in Defence Force camp
... Galil rifle goes missing at Teteron, soldier 'shoot' up Presidential vehicle

Army rifle missing
...$75,000 reward for return of Galil
Gopeesingh: PM to blame for failing education system
Speaking at a UNC media conference on Sunday, Gopeesingh said, "But Prime Minister, you have been in charge for the last eight years. You have had four ministers of education, you have spent almost $56 billion – roughly $7 billion per year – and you really can't account for any improvements in the education sector?"

Cops: No sign of sexual exploitation at heliport
Guy-Allen said CoP Erla Christopher had asked her to inquire about any alleged misconduct at the Heliport. None was reported, she said, assuring that Heliport detainees had felt comfortable enough to speak freely. The woman remains under the care of the CTU, said Chaitaram.

UNC defector approved as PNM's Arima candidate
... Fish promises to net LG district for party

Caroni East MP: Ministry must give more help to Zika-affected children
During a Zika outbreak in TT in 2016, 294 pregnant women contracted the virus. Pregnant women are not currently tested for Zika unless they are symptomatic.

Zika can cause an array of serious birth defects including microcephaly and other brain abnormalities.

Volunteers clean river to fight Woodland flooding
THE New Cut Channel River has been a source of income and recreation for thousands over the years. With the start of the rainy season, garbage, hanging branches and sturdy roots from the black and red mangrove trees which have hampered the free flow of the river for miles. As a result, stakeholders anticipate major flooding disasters in the low-lying Woodland and surrounding areas in the coming months.

Lack of responsibility for Trinidad and Tobago children
This Zika issue is only one case where the TT government has demonstrated a lack of responsibility towards our nation's children. We have cases where children are being abused in children's homes, as seen in the Judith Jones report – the government did not take immediate steps to protect the children and remove them from abusive situations. Instead, the homes continue to receive government funding, with the claim that things are being put in place to bring them up to standard.

The economic impact of cataract surgery
With the month of June being Cataract Awareness Month, Bhola is highlighting the positive impacts of cataract surgeries, which reverse blindness. Unlike other eye diseases like glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, cataract is unique in that it is 99 per cent treatable; it is a 10 to 15 minute surgical procedure that can reverse blindness and restore sight, says Bhola.

Razor on hold
THE Commissioner of Prisons has been restrained by an order of the High Court from taking any action to enforce a "clean-shaven" policy for employees in the service.

Justice Margaret Mohammed granted the injunction last Friday pending the hearing and determination of the constitutional claim.

This policy is not limited to the Prison Service, but will also apply to all arms of the protective services, including the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, the Coast Guard, the Defence Force and Fire Service.

Attorney sues top cop over FUL application
Her claim contends that the commissioner is guilty of unreasonable delay since almost two years have elapsed since she applied.

Businessman ambushed, killed outside supermarket
Rakesh Gunness, 42, was shot several times shortly after he closed his business place, Quick E Supermarket, at Moruga Road, Petit Café.

The business place is at the front of his family's home. Gunness, who lived with his fiancé, was reversing out of the yard around 7 pm to go home. However, he was ambushed by two gunmen who were waiting in some nearby trees for him. They fired several shots at his car, striking him several times.

Drivers upset over Mayaro bad road
THE window of opportunity to repair the collapsed Manzanilla/Mayaro Road closed with the arrival of the rainy season on May 26.

And motorists are now forced to dodge gaping potholes along the temporary bypass road, which has begun to deteriorate with the recent rainfall.

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