I knew this was coming and could have warned Dr. Emily Gaynor Dick – Ford our Planning and Environment Minister. “Hindu with a capital ‘H’,” screamed the headline in reaction to her capital untimely and most unfortunate big ‘C’ for Christian comments earlier while debating provisions of the Equal Opportunity Act. One knew right away that the fall out or repercussions that would result. No longer were we discussing the merits of a wonderful spiritual institution and its commitment to high morally sound education, but a debate as to discrimination by every man woman, child and now Mr. Sat aka big ‘H’. I need not elaborate about the position of Sat Maharaj of Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha Inc, when it comes to racial discrimination and unwholesome partisan discourse explicit with divisive rhetorics. His track record is brilliantly laid out. So now instead of him having to focus on a possible legal defense or protection mechanisms he needs to devise to cater for his role in the HCU scandal , he has a new outlet to fall back on – the government .- how convenient.
Sometimes I believe that some of the people in our government have simply lost their minds, are square pegs in round holds, or in need of different political advisors. It matters very little who is pushing the agenda or debate- gender, ethnicity, education, or position same Faux pas repetition. Today we have the PM’s wife Senator Manning, ecstatically claiming that 80% or more of our teachers are very happy with the Ministry of Education and their jobs unlike Jamaicans, because fewer are running away from the profession. At the same time Education Minister Ms Le Gendre the same person that opened the discrimination Pandora’s Box, is seeking tougher legislation to deal with teacher absenteeism in the nation schools. Sorry kids and your education, you need to take a back seat we have to find an innovative way to deal with gangs. Any one in need of advice? I'll give it any way, keep your eyes on the ball ,and beware of the politics of distraction.
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