A quick glimpse at any of the news medium and you can see why these so called professionals that control it have failed any credibility test that one can envision. Now mind you, do not misunderstand me, as ever so often a sound journalist jumps out at you and display their fearlessness at getting at the truth with sound, balanced, independent reporting. For this refreshing interlude, we must all be happy, but generally not much exist in the vast media world in which one can cheer about, as even the once objective BBC has lost its sting.
Witness the recent article by Matt Frei, the BBC Washington head guru correspondent. He laid out this litany of political problems that are confronting the world in areas such as Zimbabwe, Iran, Burma, Iraq, and Sudan and the failure of the international community to do anything substantial about. The premise of his argument was that main bodies like the UN Security Council are reluctant to take actions on matters such as sanctions in Sudan, and Zimbabwe because of the role played by some within the organization – particularly referring to the Chinese with oil and other minerals needs being more of a priority. He chastises America for her role in not putting more pressure on Burma to alleviate the sufferings of many innocent and distressed Burmese citizens during the political crackdown and the recent physical disasters. Russia it feels is reluctant to do much to end the oil and gas crisis especially with Iran tough, alleged pro nuclear stance, as he claims Russia benefits from the escalating oil prices across the globe.[1]
He also hit out on the US limited forceful position on the use of more decisive actions on Sudan especially in the face of what is obviously genocide, and believes that the emphasis now is to put the pressure on regional bodies such as the AU, Asean, and the EU to do a more forceful job. Each regional body is weak primarily because of internal divisions themselves, it should be observed.
Is something missing from the picture however? I say yes, everyone is being hit literally with baseball bats over the head except of course Britain. Without exception Britain’s dirty hands were in the political pot of each of these troubled spots, but the journalist fails to make demands on her as well. Not to be overlooked is the silence on the British government to efforts aimed at granting asylum and jobs for fleeing Zimbabwe citizens from the dictator Mugabe.[1] http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080711/wl_uk_afp/britainzimbabwerefugeeemploymentanglican
Who is America closest ally, or holds a prominent seat on the Security Council and EU? You guessed it, Britain. So if nuclear powered Israel is getting ready to do the US biddings and blow Iran back to the Ice Age for thinking about acquiring nuclear weapons and so prevent some regional balance of power. While you are at it, please do not forget to blame something, or someone for the destabilized world when oil is 200 dollars a barrel- BBC and Britannia.
[2] http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7472544.stm