From planting grass to Prime Minister Posted: Saturday, January 4, 2025
From planting grass to Prime Minister IN a political career spanning 45 years, Prime Minister Dr Keith Christopher Rowley has held a range of ministerial portfolios and, to date, retains the distinction of being the only People's National Movement (PNM) candidate to have contested a seat in a general election in both Tobago and Trinidad.
Rowley defends state of emergency While he was in Tobago on family and other personal matters, Rowley said matters of national security are something he addresses regularly, no matter where he is.
PM on fears of police abuse of power during SoE: 'Don't shield rogue colleagues'
Analyst on PM's plan to resign: Rowley putting PNM under pressure
Mixed views on PM's resignation plan
Kamla on PM's decision to resign: 'Clear admission of Rowley's failure'
Kamla: Rowley's legacy one of failure, division, and despair
Augustine criticises Rowley's legacy; says Tobago was neglected THA Chief Secretary Farley Augustine said the best interest of Tobago was not always within sight of Dr Keith Rowley's leadership.
3 UNC MPs weigh in on PM's plan to quit politics
De Nobriga, Sagramsingh-Sooklal wish PM well
Griffith thanks Rowley for his service
Tobago Chamber head on Rowley's announcement: 'Think about your legacy'
Hotel and tourism association assures visitors: Tobago remains open despite SoE PRESIDENT of the Tobago Hotel and Tourism Association (THTA) Alpha Lorde is assuring all stakeholders and visitors to the island that Tobago remains a safe and serene tourism destination despite the country in the midst of a state of emergency (SoE).
PM Rowley on attorney's murder: Gov't will support state officials
Cops find shotgun during SoE exercise in Chatham WITH ongoing exercises nationwide coinciding with the state of emergency (SoE), South Western Division police have removed an illegal firearm from the streets.
Roget wins defamation case against Moonilal OILFIELDS Workers' Trade Union (OWTU) president Ancel Roget says he is prepared to take legal action against anyone who makes defamatory statements about him.
SDMS condemns 'offensive' videos THE Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS) has condemned what it called a series of offensive videos and called on the police to take immediate action against the person who purportedly made fun of Hindus.
Saharan dust this weekend, says Met Office in 5-day outlook
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