The costly fight against flooding Posted: Sunday, November 17, 2024
The costly fight against flooding $636.8 M spent between 2018 and 2022, $126 M allocated this fiscal year
'Ministers must hold strain, too' Maharaj said whether justifiable by private-sector comparisons or not, those who have offered themselves for public service at a time when the economy was in "troubled waters must walk the talk".
Rambally: Government must reject SRC pay hike
Annisette: Give working class wage offer like SRC recommendation Head of the National Trade Union Centre Michael Annisette says he has no issues with the Prime Minister, Opposition Leader, President and other top public officials getting pay increases but there should be similar increases for the working class.
The forex spent on cars 'Car loans keep banks in business'
Thriving forex 'black' market in downtown Port-of-Spain While commercial banks in downtown Port-of-Spain are selling members of the public and some business owners US$200 on a good day, at stores a stone's throw away, one can purchase up to US$3,000 for either at a price of between $7.50 and $9 for US$1.
Young: No investment decision yet from Shell on Dragon gas "As currently announced, there are marine survey vessels currently surveying the Dragon field and the potential sea bed pathways for the subsea pipeline from the Dragon field to the Hibiscus platform. Engineering works and procurement exercises are also ongoing as expected," he said.
PSC 2023 survey shows continued lack of confidence and public distrust in TTPS
Poll shows public fearful and lack trust in TTPS
Tunapuna week to focus on culture, community
Energy Ministry probing nitrogen release; Massy Gas says it was a routine operation The Ministry of Energy has launched a probe into the circumstances surrounding what appeared to be a gas leak which was captured and posted to social media on Friday.
What happened here? Motorists travelling along the Southern Main Road, near Savonetta, on Friday night, were alarmed by the sight of what appeared to be a dense fog moving across the road and affecting visibility.
5 Earthquakes over the weekend in Antigua Five earthquakes, including one measuring 5.0 magnitude, struck northeast of Antigua in less than 24-hours, the University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre reports
A hard year for cops Seven officers killed, three wounded for 2024 so far
Ste Madeleine man gunned down outside party Mitchell had complained about persistent harassment, discrimination and the alienation he faced as an openly gay man in T&T. He described being jeered by the public and targeted by law enforcement, and said he had once considered seeking asylum abroad.
The vanishing of Oreon Gomez THE LAST time Oreon Gomez's family saw him was on the morning of August 26 last year.
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